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HomeOutdoorAllOutdoor Assessment – Strider Bikes 14x and 12″ Steadiness Bikes

AllOutdoor Assessment – Strider Bikes 14x and 12″ Steadiness Bikes

I can pick almost anyone out of a crowd, and upon close-ish examination, I’m also almost guaranteed to find a battle scar. I’m not dumb enough to assume that everyone has seen military combat, but there are wars that we universally fight. One of these wars is learning to ride a bike. Most of the scars on my knees and elbows can be attributed to a bicycle. Now that I have children of my own, it’s time for me to send them to this all-too-familiar war. To help them along, I’ve obtained two balance bikes from Strider Bikes; the 14x and 12″ models.

Bicycle Coverage on AllOutdoor

Strider Bikes 12”: Specifications

  • Wheel diameter: 12″ 
  • Pedals: No 
  • Seat height: 11″ to 19″
  • Weight: 6.7 lbs
  • Color: Red
  • Current price (Amazon, 2024): $129.99

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

Radiating Red

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

My daughter’s eyes were the size of dinner plates when I lifted her Strider from its box, and understood why. She’s at the age where colors are extremely exciting, and the red frame of this bike is striking. It’s exactly the color I would want on a bike when I was a kid. . KIDS QUOTE

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

Assembly was easy, and there are very few parts. I don’t mind a challenge, but the simplicity created an opportunity to have my daughter put some skin in the game. She put it together mostly by herself and was very proud.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

When I started writing this, I had the great idea to include quotes from my kids about the bikes. Clearly, I forgot how difficult it is to get more than two words from a small child that have nothing to do with dinosaurs or sharks. My daughter had this to say:

Bike! Yeah. Outside? Screeeeeech!!!

Strider Bikes 14x: Specifications

  • Wheel diameter: 14″ 
  • Pedals: Optional 
  • Seat height: 15″ to 22″
  • Weight: 12.5 lbs
  • Color: Totally Tangerine
  • Current price (Amazon, 2024): $209.99

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

Peeling Out and Peeling Tangerines

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

My son was equally as excited to see his bike. He loved the boldness of the color, and I appreciated the differences that made this a “big boy bike.” Aside from the obvious size upgrade, details like the spokes set it apart from the baby’s bike.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

Assembly was almost identical, and was a breeze. My son also built his own bike, and thought it a triumph worthy of an ice cream sandwich. Another thing I love about the 14x is that it can grow with him. There’s plenty of adjustment, and there’s also a pedal installation kit. Once he has balance down, adding pedals doesn’t mean buying a new bike.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

When I asked my son for a quote, he said:

It’s good!

Burning Rubber

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

We had enough indoor excitement and it was time to see what these babies (the bikes, I mean) could do. We live near a wide, public trail for walking and cycling, so we donned our protective gear and mounted our steeds. My son was the first one out the door. The concept of walking with his bike was a weird one for him, but by the time we reached the actual trail, he was gliding along. Mostly.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

The baby took to it a bit quicker, largely thanks to the lack of assumptions. My son kept asking about the pedals, and I think that threw him at first. My daughter hasn’t seen as many bikes, and so she hopped on and rode away. At a desert tortoise-like pace, but ride away, she did.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

We road around for close to an hour, then turned around and headed home. On the way, Baby Girl wasn’t paying attention, and took a tumble. It was officially her first of many skinned knees.

Making Strides

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

To the world, balance bikes are not a new concept. To me, they were. As much as I appreciate my father’s method of teaching, not all of that skin needed shedding. This allows my kids to learn their balance not only at their own pace, but under their own control. I’m not there, holding on, acting as a crutch. I think these are a great tool to empower my children.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

The construction is solid. I did a lot of pulling and torqueing, specifically on the wheels, and wasn’t able to identify any weak points. At least none that I hadn’t created myself.

AllOutdoor Review: Strider Bikes 14x and 12" Balance Bikes

If you want to send your kids down the hill with some pedals and a sense of adventure, that’s still a great way to teach. However, if you’re looking for something different, try this. If you want to see all the available models and colors, head to the Strider website. Make sure you read the Our Story section. If social media is your thing, say hello to Strider on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Look both ways before you cross, and have a safe summer.

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