Saturday, September 28, 2024
HomeTourismAmgine Integrates with Buyer Service Platform Entrance

Amgine Integrates with Buyer Service Platform Entrance

Corporate travel AI automation platform Amgine has completed its integration with customer service platform Front, the companies announced.

With the integration, Front and Amgine are able to streamline the processing of emailed travel requests, according to the companies. Amgine can monitor incoming email requests and automate responding actions through Front’s API, such as an automated global distribution system search with results returned to the agent or traveler directly or assigning emails directly to an agent.

That replace a manual process in which agents select emails to service from a shared inbox and then search the GDSs to respond, the companies said. The automated process helps agents speed up response times and avoid missing messages or duplication replies. 

Additionally, the companies announced the Amgine has achieved GDPR compliance, which will enable them to expand their partnership to service TMCs in the United Kingdom. Front says it counts more than 100 global travel management companies as customers, including Altour, Reed & Mackay, Options Travel, Cain Travel, Executive Travel and Good Travel Management.



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