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HomeLifestyleBrihat panchamoola: Properties, advantages, makes use of

Brihat panchamoola: Properties, advantages, makes use of

Article By Dr. Shilpa Ramdas BAMS, MD}

Brihat means “big”
Pancha moola means “five roots”
As the name indicates, it is a combination of 5 roots from different medicinal plants: Bilwa, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Patala, and Gambhari in equal proportion. These are used in various Ayurvedic formulations like Dashamularishta, Chyavanaprasa etc.

This grouping was described in Susruta Samhita for the first time. Later, Vagbhata also discussed this group in his treatise, Ashtanga Hridaya.
In Charaka Samhita it is mentioned in the Bheshaja chatushka of Sutra sthana, Sothahara Dasaimani group. Brihat pancha moola (Roots of 5 trees) and Laghu panchamoola (Root of 5 shrubs) collectively known as Dashamoola. Dashamoola are known for their ability to pacify vata dosha. It is useful in disorders related to vata, kapha dosha imbalance.

Classical Reference
जयेत्कषायतिक्तोष्णं पञ्चमूलं कफनिलौ| |१६८|
AH Su ६. अन्नस्वरूपविज्ञानीयाध्यायः

Roots of Bilva, Kashmari, Tarkari (Agnimantha), Patala, Syonaka are included under Brihat panchamula. It pocesses astringent and bitter taste, hot in potency, hence pacify vata and kapha dosha.

Properties of Each Herb / Plant
Bilwa – Aegle marmelos
         Family – Rutaceae
         Useful part – Root, leaves, Fruit
         Taste – Kashaya, Tikta
         Guna – Laghu, Ruksha
         Virya – Ushna
         Vipaka – Katu
         Shothahara, kapha vata samaka

 Kashmarya – Gmelina arborea
Family – Verbenaceae
         Useful part – Root, flowers, Fruit
         Rasa – Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura
         Guna – Guru
         Virya – Ushna
         Vipaka – Katu
         Tridosha samaka
 Tarkari – Premna intigrifolia
         Family – Verbenaceae
         Useful part – Root
         Rasa – Tikta, Katu
         Guna – Laghu, Ruksha
         Virya – Ushna
         Vipaka – Katu
         Karma – Shothahara, vedanasthapana, kapha vata samaka

 Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
Family – Bignoniaceae
         Useful part – Root
         Rasa – Tikta, Kashaya
         Guna – Laghu, Ruksha
         Virya – Ushna
         Vipaka – Katu
         Shothahara, kapha vata samaka

 Duntuka / Syonaka – Oroxylum indicum
         Family – Bignoniaceae
         Useful part – Root
         Rasa – Tikta, Madhuram, Kashaya
         Guna – Laghu, Ruksha
         Virya – Ushna
         Vipaka – Katu
         Shothahara, kapha vata samaka

 Properties of Panchamoola
पञ्चमूलं महत् तिक्तं कषायं कफवातनुत् ।
मधुरं श्वास कासघ्नमुष्णं लघ्वग्निदीपनम् ॥
It has sweet, bitter and astringent taste, Pacify vata, kapha dosha. Hot in potency hence promotes digestive fire, indicated in upper respiratory conditions like cough, breathing difficulties etc.

Therapeutic Uses
Dashamoola (combination of Hrasva panchamoola and Brihat panchamoola) are used for the preparation of various Ayurvedic medicines. It is also a key ingredient in many Basti medicines.
Dashamoola Kshira, a medicine which is a combination of milk and dashamoola decoction, is used for Dhara to relieve pain and inflammation in Vata and Pitta-related disorders.
Internally, Dashamoola is administered in the form of Kashayas, Lehyas, Arishtas. It is also used for preparing various medicinal forms, such as medicated ghee, lehyas (herbal jams), and arishtas (fermented liquid medicines).

Dashamoola is well known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and it helps reduce edema (swelling). It is indicated for various painful inflammatory conditions associated with neuromuscular diseases, such as sciatica (Gridrasi), arthritis (Sandhigata Vata / Ama Vata), and migraine. It is also beneficial for treating respiratory disorders like cough (Kasa) and asthma (Swasa). In these conditions, Dashamoola helps reduce swelling and inflammation in the respiratory passages, pacifies Kapha dosha, and facilitates the normal movement of Vata dosha.

Dashamoola Katutrayam Kashayam and Dashamoolarishtam are a few of the medicines we commonly used for respiratory disorders.

Important Medicinal formulations
 Dasamoolahareethaki lehyam
 Rasna dashamoola ghrita
 Brahma Rasayana
 Elakanadi kashayam
 Kumkumadi tailam
 Dashamoola ghrita
 Bharngi guda
 Chitaka Haritaki



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