Friday, September 27, 2024
HomeTourismConcur Journey Integrates Knowledge By means of Routehappy API

Concur Journey Integrates Knowledge By means of Routehappy API

SAP Concur has integrated Routehappy airline data into
Concur Travel via a multi-year agreement signed with ATPCO, the company

ATPCO’s Routehappy API is providing all its content types to
Concur Travel, including data on amenities, data on benefits and restriction by
fare and detailed information on products and services included with fares,
according to Concur. That includes ATPCO’s “Premium Universal Product
Attributes” integrated into Concur’s seat map display, showing amenities, restrictions
and benefits associated with each fare. Concur Travel is one of the first
channels to integrate that data into the seat map display, according to Concur.

The Routehappy integration is part of Concur
Travel’s newly overhauled booking experience,
first launched late last



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