Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomeLifestyleDoes Biotin Trigger Breakouts? Derms Reply To The Widespread Concern

Does Biotin Trigger Breakouts? Derms Reply To The Widespread Concern

“There is a theory that biotin supplementation may interfere with vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) absorption since they utilize the same pathway. Pantothenic acid is thought to be important for the normal function of the epidermis, or top layer of the skin, so potentially having less of this might cause acne,” Lin explains. 

However, biotin-induced breakouts won’t happen to everyone. “Based on the possible mechanism of action, it is possible to occur in anyone, but those who are more prone to acne may be more susceptible,” board-certified dermatologist Marisa Garshick, M.D., FAAD, explains. 

Essentially: “Anyone with acne needs to be extremely cautious with biotin in high doses,” Gronich notes. And if you do love biotin for the beauty benefits (many do!), you just might want to make sure you get enough pantothenic acid in the mix. Next up: how to shop wisely. 



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