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HomeOutdoorGrouse Searching with the CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 Ga SxS

Grouse Searching with the CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 Ga SxS

There’s something inherently nostalgic about chasing grouse with a side-by-side shotgun and classic lead loads. Taking the CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 gauge into the northern woods of Minnesota for an early season grouse hunt felt like stepping back in time – albeit with some modern conveniences like interchangeable chokes. While CZ markets this as a scaled-down shotgun for smaller shooters, three days in the thick stuff revealed it’s really a purpose-built brush gun masquerading as an “intermediate” option.

CZ Coverage on AllOutdoor

Specifications: Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 Ga SxS

Let’s talk about what makes this gun special for the grouse woods. At its heart, the Bobwhite G2 Intermediate is a classic side-by-side with some thoughtful modern touches. The 26-inch barrels might raise eyebrows among traditionalists, but spend a day pushing through thick cover and you’ll appreciate every inch saved. What really sets this gun apart is something you rarely see these days – a 20-gauge double gun with short barrels and modern choke tubes.

  • Chamber: 20 gauge (3-inch)
  • Barrel Length: 26 inches
  • Chokes: 5 Interchangeable
  • Overall Length: 42 inches
  • Weight: 6 pounds
  • Stock: Traditional walnut
  • Configuration: Side-by-side with dual triggers
  • Safety: Manual tang

The $699 price tag puts this CZ in an interesting spot. You’re not just buying another shotgun – you’re getting a purpose-built tool for serious brush hunting. Sure, there are cheaper doubles out there, and plenty of pricier ones too. But finding this specific combination of features, especially with interchangeable chokes, gets surprisingly difficult when you start shopping around.

“2019 saw the introduction of our first ‘intermediate’ model at the request of Pheasants Forever – the CZ Quail over/under. This year we add another mid-sized shotgun in our side-by-side line with the Bobwhite G2 Intermediate. With the barrel length of 26″, it simply reduces the length of pull to 14″, just enough to give teenagers and those of moderate stature a better fit.”

The Hunt: CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 Ga SxS

Early autumn in Minnesota’s north woods brings its own set of challenges. The weather ran true to form – overcast and drizzly with temperatures ranging between 50 and 60 degrees. My hunting grounds consisted of old logging trails cutting through thick slashings, eventually leading to pine stands around small lakes – classic grouse country that demands a gun you can maneuver quickly.

Bobwhite G2 Intermediate

Working solo over three days, I really came to appreciate the Bobwhite’s nimble handling. Those 26-inch barrels made all the difference when threading through thorny undergrowth and dense cover. Anyone who’s shouldered a longer gun in thick brush knows exactly what I’m talking about – every inch matters when you’re pushing through slash.

Bobwhite G2 Intermediate

My bird came at the end of an old deer trail cutting through some particularly nasty cover. The grouse was working away at about 30 yards, just visible enough in the thick stuff to present a shot. I was carrying some old Remington 6 shot lead loads – not the latest and greatest, but somehow perfect for the classic double gun experience. The dual triggers might seem old-school to some, but when you’re making split-second decisions in the woods, that simple barrel selection makes a lot of sense.

Bobwhite G2 Intermediate

Bird numbers played out as you’d expect for the early season – spotted two, got one decent shot opportunity, and put one in the game bag. The thick early-season foliage typically forces close encounters, though this particular shot proved an exception.

Bobwhite G2 Intermediate

A word to the wise about hunting these areas: Your gun choice matters, but so does your preparation. Wear clothes that can handle thorns, use plenty of tick spray, and check yourself regularly. The nastiest part of grouse hunting shouldn’t be the ticks you find later.

Final Thoughts: Grouse Hunting with the CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 Ga SxS

After three days in the brush, the CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate showed its true colors. Forget the “intermediate” marketing – this is a purpose-built brush gun that just happens to have a slightly shorter stock. The combination of 26-inch barrels, modern choke tubes, and classic double gun handling creates something special for serious grouse hunters, regardless of their size. If your hunting takes you into the thick stuff after crafty birds, this CZ deserves a hard look – just don’t forget your brush pants and tick spray.

Bobwhite G2 Intermediate

In closing, I want to say thank you to CZ for allowing AllOutdoor and myself the opportunity to try out their CZ Bobwhite G2 Intermediate 20 Gauge SxS. That is greatly appreciated. Also, we would like to know what all of you guys and gals think? Would this be your go-to upland gun? Do you know a smaller person who could benefit from the intermediate design? Let us know in the comments below!

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