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HomeLifestyleHow To Wash Your Face With Eyelash Extensions

How To Wash Your Face With Eyelash Extensions

Want a beauty hack that will make you feel INSTANTLY more glamorous? Eyelash extensions are one of the best thing you can do to elevate your makeup game. It gives you instantly thick, dark lashes, which means no need for mascara or lash curlers.

So, even on days where you’re going minimal with your makeup, you’ll still look incredible with your effortlessly perfect lashes.

Even with all the benefits of eyelash extensions, it does throw a wrench in your skincare game. You have to be super careful not to pull off your lashes or break down the adhesive. So, to help you get your routine back-on-track after eyelash extensions, here’s how to wash your face with faux lashes:

How To Wash Face With Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are the perfect way to make your morning makeup application faster, but they can make trouble for your skincare routine. However, you need to maintain a solid skincare routine to reach any of your beauty goals. What we’re saying is . . . you still have to wash your face.

Can You Wash Your Face With Eyelash Extensions?

Yes–you can wash your face with eyelash extensions. You just have to be careful. There are certain additional steps you need to take to ensure you don’t ruin your beautiful lashes. Here’s what you need to do:

How To Wash Your Face With Eyelash Extensions

Step 1: Use a gentle, oil-free and alcohol-free makeup remover.  

First of all, you need to pick an oil-free cleanser or makeup remover, because the oil can disintegrate the eyelash adhesive over time. We like Elemis cleansing balm and Dr. Gross cleansing gel. But, you won’t be using this cleanser on your eyelashes, just the rest of your face. 

Step 2: Wash your face in sections to avoid getting extensions wet. 

Cleanse your face in sections, rubbing in small circles, and do everything you can to avoid getting your extensions wet. Obviously, your lash extensions are going to get wet in the shower, but outside of that you should avoid getting water on them at all.

Step 3: Rinse gently with lukewarm water and don’t splash your face. 

Rinse your face with lukewarm water in sections as well. Do not splash water on your face or use a sopping wet towel, because you don’t want any water particles falling on your lashes or the adhesive. 

Step 4: Pat dry your face with a soft, clean towel. 

Pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel. You don’t want to wipe because you could easily catch your lash extensions and pull them right off. Like with every other step, be super careful. We LOVE Clean Skin Club towels and highly recommend them. They’re so gentle, absorbent, and biodegradable.

Step 5: Clean your lashes with an eyeshadow brush and eyelash extension cleanser.

Okay, so what about your eyelashes? First of all, talk to your lash tech first and get their recommendations on cleaning your lash extensions. Most will say you should cleanse them every day with a high-quality eyelash extension cleanser and an eyeshadow brush

Be super gentle and follow all the directions on the bottle. This will prevent build-up and keep your eyelashes CLEAN and FRESH.

11 Tips for Washing Your Face With Eyelash Extensions

Avoid water altogether for the first 48 hours. 

You don’t want to get your eyelash extensions wet at all in the first 48 hours. No showering or anything in that time. This will allow the adhesive to completely set, so you can carry on with your normal hygiene practices after those two days. 

Be extra careful around the eyes. 

No matter what you’re doing . . . washing your face, putting on makeup, taking a shower . . . be super careful around your eyes. Any tugging, pulling, or wiping could remove sections of your lash extensions. 

Don’t use cotton pads or wipes. 

Avoid cotton pads or wipes when washing your face. They could easily snag your lash extensions and pull them off. We recommend Clean Skin Club towels.

Pat dry . . . no wiping! 

Like we said, pat dry your face. Don’t wipe. It’ll increase your risk of pulling off a lash. 

Don’t use heat or steam. 

Too much heat or steam when cleaning your face and extensions can dissolve the adhesive. Yes, this means you’ll have to bring down your shower temperature, too. But, honestly there’s lots of benefits to cold showers, so you should consider them, anyway. Cold showers are great for your hair and are the perfect cold plunge alternative.

Skip waterproof makeup and mascara. 

Listen to us: DON’T USE MASCARA. With lash extensions, it’s totally unnecessary to put on mascara. Those babies are already full and luscious in the perfect shade for you. Keep your makeup routine and cleansing routine easy by tossing the mascara altogether.

For the rest of your makeup, avoid anything waterproof. Waterproof eyeshadow, for example, is going to be problematic when it’s time to take it off. The extra elbow grease and harsher products will not be kind to your lash extensions. 

Ask your lash tech about eyelash extension cleaner. 

Talk to your lash tech about what kind of eyelash extensions cleaner you should be using. 

Here’s an eyelash extensions primer and cleanser and an eyelash extensions shampoo that may be a good place to start. 

Sleep on your back. 

Another thing that’ll mess up your eyelash extensions is sleeping on your face. Try sleeping on your back to keep your lashes looking perfect between appointments. Plus, lying on your back can help you prevent wrinkles, so it’s all around good for your beauty game.  

Don’t use any oil-based products. 

As mentioned, oil can dissolve the lash extension glue. Avoid them altogether when you have extensions. 

Shield your lashes when using hair products, too. 

Don’t forget that your haircare products like dry shampoo or hairspray can also be problematic for your lashes. So, shield them when you’re applying your hair products. 

Schedule regular lash appointments. 

Eyelashes actually require a lot of maintenance. We schedule touch-ups every two weeks. Make sure you’re scheduling your regular appointments to maintain your perfect lash look.

If all this sounds like too much work . . . consider magnetic lashes

Keep oil-based products and water off your eyelash extensions when washing your face.

We all love a perfect lash look. Eyelash extensions are definitely the best way to get gorgeous lashes without the daily hassle of lash growth serums, curlers, and mascara. 

However, you need to take special precautions to maintain your faux lashes. Follow these tips to keep your lash extensions looking amazing for as long as possible. 

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ The 90s blush and lipliner look loved by Cindy Crawford.

++ The difference between SPF and moisturizer with SPF.




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