Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeVehiclesHyundai patents characteristic that would make anybody a race automobile driver

Hyundai patents characteristic that would make anybody a race automobile driver

Hyundai Motor Company has filed a patent for race circuit driver assistance system, which can provide steering, brake and acceleration instructions via a display to a driver.

The system may feature in Hyundai, Kia and Genesis models according to the patent. The company identified a Hyundai N vehicle in its patent filing.

Based on an image in the filing, Hyundai might name the feature N Speedway.

The set-up allows vehicles to communicate with a server to relay vehicle data including driver profile information, data from the vehicles sensors and cameras, as well as tuning information.

The vehicle will collect driving data including the vehicle speed, steering angle, and pedal input during a circuit lap.

Once collected, it will be relayed to a server and then analysed to determine assisted driving instructions which can display speed changes, acceleration and braking as well as apex points throughout a circuit.

According to the patent, the system can be used by multiple vehicles at a time.

The feature has the ability to display track times, a leader board ranking, as well as other vehicle information to other drivers.

The information can be collected to create a large database of driver records to further advance the accuracy of information relayed to the driver.

Hyundai has yet to confirm if this system will go into production.



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