Thursday, October 3, 2024
HomeLifestyleIssues I am Loving Friday #480

Issues I am Loving Friday #480

Summer break is officially over in our house as Chase began SECOND grade on Monday. Something about watching my kids walk into school on the first day back, with a too-big backpack covering their entire back, always gets me.

Thankfully Chase was thrilled to be returning to school, especially since he has one of his best friends in his class and his classroom has a pet turtle this year.

As for our two little dudes, we still have two weeks left until Ryder and Rhett begin preschool so we’re existing in this awkward limbo zone of sorta summer sorta not over here.

But what else happened this week? Well, I actually got myself a physical. I figured it was time to be an adult and get myself checked out since I didn’t have a primary care doctor and haven’t seen a doctor outside of an ob/gyn in many years. I mostly just wanted to request bloodwork to check my cholesterol, etc. and it felt good to check that box.

We also met up with friends for an after-school swim and I went out to dinner with some girlfriends on Wednesday night which was a nice way to break up the week!

As for the weekend ahead, we have two birthday parties on the agenda and both center around water fun so I’m sure we’ll be filling our days with sunshine and swimming before the weather changes and hot days are gone. Enjoy your weekend and this week’s roundup of weekly favorites, my friends!

Things I’m Loving Friday

What a handy little thing! I’ve had this meat chopping tool on my radar for a while after seeing a bunch of food bloggers share it but never added it to my cart because it seemed like just another thing. Well, it is apparently just another thing that’s very, very handy because I’ve been using it constantly and now fully understand the hype. It perfectly mashes ground beef, chicken or turkey and I’ve used it to mash sweet potatoes and butternut squash as well. It’s been a welcomed addition to my arsenal of handy little kitchen tools!

When we went on our first family camping trip earlier this summer, the clear Burton snack bag I’ve been using for the boys’ snacks for years was destroyed by squirrels when we stepped away from our campsite. That thing was crazy durable and perfect for storing lots of snacks and I was determined to replace it with the same thing. Well, after scouring the internet, I came up empty handed but stumbled upon something similar from the same brand. Apparently the bag I previously loved was discontinued years ago but I decided to give this updated version a shot.

I’m happy to say I LOVE it and honestly like it even more than the older version. It’s made with the same clear durable material (we had no issues with rips or tears for years until the squirrel got to our old bag) but it also has a separate compartment on the bottom of the bag which I like for separating bars or pouches from other snack options. It holds a ton which is crucial for me since I like to have a lot of snacks on hand at all times for our kids. I actually ordered a second one for Ryan to use for his toiletries when we travel after I noticed him using a gallon-size plastic bag during our Florida travels.

There are some pieces of jewelry I own that make me feel happy just looking at them. I had a feeling this colorful beaded necklace would fit the bill and ordered it from Amazon thinking it could look cute layered with the paperclip chain necklace I’ve been wearing non-stop this summer. Chase and Ryder made me laugh when they noticed my new necklace and asked if the pearls on it were real. Clearly it looks very authentic. Haha! I love the way it adds a pop of color to neutral outfits and it feels like such a happy addition to my jewelry collection.

I ordered this devotional for Chase for this birthday and it’s easily one of the best children’s devotionals we’ve read as a family. It does a wonderful job integrating interesting facts about plants, animals and nature while including scripture, prayer and interesting conversational prompts. Ryder and Chase both enjoy listening to this devotional and always ask me to keep reading it even though it’s formatted as a one-devotional-a-day kind of book. We love it! And if you’re looking for another children’s devotional recommendation that doesn’t focus as much on nature, Love Does for Kids is still our all-time favorite.

My rating: A-

I adore this author. Annabel Monaghan’s Nora Goes Off Script was one of the best books I’ve read this year so I had high hopes for Same Time Next Summer. I’m happy to say it delivered. While Nora Goes Off Script remains my favorite for its witty dialog and creative and surprising storyline, Same Times Next Summer was another gem of a book. Though a little predictable and not as compelling as Nora Goes Off Script, Same Time Next Summer held its own and did a wonderful job capturing the magic and intensity of the feelings that come along with falling in love for the first time.

Sam is a 30-year-old woman who is engaged to a doctor and lives her life by the book. After having her heart broken by her first love more than a decade ago, she finds comfort in routines and predictability and is looking forward to married life. Sam and her fiancé return to the beach town Sam visited every summer with her family to look at a wedding venue only to find Wyatt, Sam’s first boyfriend (and her everything), visiting at the same time. Sam is forced to face her past and reexamine her future as unanswered questions surface and the connection that was so palpable between teenage Sam and Wyatt is still there and as undeniable as ever.

Turkey Vegetable Meatloaf (Made this for dinner for the 1,000th time on Tuesday night!)

turkey vegetable meatloaf

Easy Marinated Pork Chops (Such a simple marinade that works well on pork and chicken.)

Easy Marinated Pork Chops

Question of the Day

What is one thing making you smile today?



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