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HomeTourismItaly Summer time Journey Costs Out of Management – Worldtourism Wire

Italy Summer time Journey Costs Out of Management – Worldtourism Wire


If the trend was already clear in recent months, with the approach of the summer season, the mix of inflation, increased fuel costs, and economic uncertainties is sending travel prices out of control.

The alarm has been sounded by consumer associations through the generalist press. A group of 4 people will have to give up on average one or 2 days of vacation a week in high season, underlining the initial analysis by Federconsumatori published in the pages of Il Sole 24 Ore economy daily.

“According to our elaboration on 3 types of one-week holidays by the sea and in the mountains (in a 4-star hotel) and on a cruise, we are talking about 800 euros more than last year,” explained Giovanna Capuzzo, Vice President of Federconsumatori.

This summer, in fact, with inflation in Italy in April reaching +8.3% on an annual basis and a speculative dynamic of all costs, prices have skyrocketed.

More Expensive Cruises and Downhill Ferries

From airline tickets (over 30% more expensive than in 2022 on the domestic market and up to +45% on the international market, according to Lastminute) to increases for cruises (+46%) and trains (+10), transportation costs have severely risen as well, according to association data.

In detail, Federconsumatori has elaborated in its report – for Il Sole – 3 proposals for a typical 7-day holiday in Italy. “Compared to 2022, those who choose to take a cruise, spend 21% more, with the ticket itself marking an increase of 46%.

“The increase is 17% for holidays in a seaside resort, with the hotel item alone registering +28% year on year. The increases for those who focus on the mountains are more contained: 9%, with excursions marking one of the most expensive items of expenditure (+15%).”

On the other hand, the prices of the ferries are falling. “They have decreased a lot,” says Capuzzo, “Last year, routes such as Civitavecchia-Cagliari or Genoa-Olbia had reached peaks of a thousand euros. In 2023, it will also drop by half. As far as trains are concerned, the increases are just over 10%.” Finally, if in the hotel sector the general increase is estimated at around 8% (Istat data, April 2023), in the short-term rental sector, the increases reach even +25/30% compared to last year.

The Leap in Vacation Packages

For another consumer association, Codacons, the price increases will also be important for all food products. The report, taken from the newspaper Il Giornale, signals a strong increase for ice creams (+22% per year), soft drinks (+17.1%), and beer (+15.5%).

For holiday packages, on the other hand, there is a leap of 26.8% compared to 2022. “The price of a hotel stay grows by 15.5%, holiday villages and campsites increase by +7.4%, while for dinner at restaurant spends 5.9% more,” reports the association.

Furthermore, according to Codacons, the cost of bicycles increased by +4.8%, while spending on motor homes, caravans, and trailers grew by 15.6%. “The marine sector which includes boats, outboard engines, and equipment for boats has undergone a 12.6% increase.”

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Read more: Italy Summer Travel Prices Out of Control

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