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HomeLifestyleJune Horoscope 2023 | Wit & Delight

June Horoscope 2023 | Wit & Delight

As we begin the month, we are under the beams of the Sun in Gemini, bringing opportunities for fun and social interactions. Due to a rare alignment happening between Jupiter and the Lunar North Node of Destiny, June could turn out to be one of the luckiest months of 2023. With optimism and the right attitude, we can magnetize our heart’s desires under the June 3 Sagittarius full moon. 

June is also one of the best months of 2023 for romance with both of the cosmic lovers—Venus and Mars—traveling in the skies of passionate Leo, starting June 5. If you have your eyes on someone, this would be the month to woo them, as love will get tricky later this summer—you’ve been warned! 

If you’re someone who has been working hard without a chance to breathe, Saturn enters retrograde on June 17. This is a shift that could diminish incoming responsibilities. From now until November, Saturn will ask us to review the progress we have made so far in our careers and, if necessary, course correct our actions. Avoid pessimistic thinking now, with the awareness that you can only begin again—and do so on June 19, under the waxing moon in Cancer. 

If you missed summer fever, you will be glad to find out it officially returns on June 21. Today, the Sun enters Cancer, an emotional water sign that feels deeply. The world of dreams and fantasy will be calling us now, making the end of June ideal for a vacation or at least a short getaway. 

Find out what these shifts mean for your zodiac sign in your June horoscope below! Be sure to read your Sun sign as well as your rising sign.

Want even more? Find all of our monthly horoscope content saved here.

Aries June 2023 Horoscope

A sweet month is in store, Aries! You love Gemini season, a time in which you often find yourself wanting to go out and connect with like-minded people. If you’re single, dating will likely be on your mind. If this is the case, try scheduling your outings for the beginning of the month—because once the June 21 summer solstice arrives, homey vibes will take over you. 

However, the best news of the month for you is a new sense of abundance that could come in the form of unexpected money between June 1 and June 21. Should this come to fruition, consider designating some of it for purchasing something beautiful for your home, or try investing in meditation apps or courses. With two planets (Saturn and Neptune) initiating their retrogrades in your sector of spirituality, the latter could be an incredible investment. 

Taurus June 2023 Horoscope

Lucky you, Taurus. The rare and sweet kiss between Jupiter and the Lunar North Node of Destiny on June 1 happens in your sign! This could manifest as money, world travel, or a teacher or mentor coming to fulfill an important duty around this time. Embrace this opportunity fully! More sweet news arrives on June 5, when aesthetic goddess, Venus, begins gracing your home and family life. Besides bringing you closer to the people you live with, Venus could have you find the perfect piece of art or the remodeling materials you need for a home upgrade. 

On June 21, Ceres—the asteroid of nourishment—enters your health and wellness sector, making you extra aware of any imbalances in your routines. For the next couple of months, Ceres will assist you in making any adjustments by bringing better self-care habits into your life. 

Gemini June 2023 Horoscope

The beginning of the month could be intense due to some drama occurring around the June 3 full moon. Luckily, if you truly decide not to partake in it, you will receive protection from Jupiter. The gas giant is camped out in your sector of spirituality, magnifying your connection with the other side. Vesta—the asteroid of sacred devotion—will pull you to the mystical arts even more once it enters your sign on June 22. 

June 17 brings a decisive moment for you as teacher Saturn goes retrograde in your career sector. From now until November, you will be asked to review all the progress you have made in your career and whether that success has affected other areas of your life. If you’re due for a raise, ask for one on June 21! 

Cancer June 2023 Horoscope

What’s your biggest dream, Cancer? And what or who would it take to make it happen? This month’s rare Jupiter-North Node conjunction could bring you exactly that—all you have to do is open your arms and trust! Your intuition is super spot-on now, and you will likely be focusing on truly developing it for most of the month. This will be especially true during the June 17 new moon. 

Your birthday season arrives on June 21, when the Sun begins illuminating your sign. This very special day is super powerful, so be sure to set some lofty intentions for the year ahead. The next day, Juno—the asteroid of commitment—enters your sign. If you’re single now, this may no longer be the case by the time the summer ends. If you’re already committed, a closer connection with your darling will be the result.

Leo June 2023 Horoscope

In June, you will feel on top of the world, Leo! The realm of career is where you will be receiving the most blessings, likely in the form of mentors or opportunities for substantial growth. You will be networking left and right, and it could be in one of those moments that you find yourself in the right place at the right time. 

Another special moment arrives on June 5, when Venus enters your sign, shooting your charm through the roof. Whether single or attached, you will be feeling loved by those around you—and most likely very social too. When Cancer season arrives on June 21, you will feel the need to rest and recuperate your energy in preparation for your birthday season. This might be the time to invest in a daybed or blackout curtains for your bedroom. 

Virgo June 2023 Horoscope

This will be a very social month for you, Virgo. Under the Gemini Sun, you’re focusing on your career. Even after Gemini season ends, asteroid Vesta keeps you devoted to it, from June 22 until September 13. As you receive opportunities to expand and succeed in your industry, you’re bound to meet with people who will broaden your world—metaphorically or literally. Under this month’s lucky stars, you could even be invited to travel to another country, and you should accept! 

If a relationship has been difficult since March, the retrograde of Saturn will bring a much-needed reset between the two of you. While the days surrounding June 17 could be intense, the vibe between you and your partner, roommate, or friend will begin to soften and will continue to do so until November.  

Libra June 2023 Horoscope

Romance and popularity are on the menu for you, Libra! If you’ve been dating someone, a proposal or deeper sense of commitment could arrive at the beginning of June. In the same spirit of celebration, you may also be traveling and socializing a lot this month with friends and colleagues. You will be working hard and also playing hard! 

Have fun, but as much as possible, try pacing yourself too. Otherwise, when asteroid Ceres enters your sign on June 21, a big hangover could arrive if you haven’t been taking care of yourself. If you feel in need of a reset, the end of the month would be an ideal time to adjust your habits in order to begin the summer on a healthy note! 


Scorpio June 2023 Horoscope

Can you feel your luck returning, Scorpio? Big career success is in your cards this month as Venus enters Leo. If you have a product or side hustle to launch, act between June 5 and June 11. Manifesting dreams requires other people’s support, and the perfect mentor, coach, or business partner could arrive under the June 3 full moon. 

On June 11, your ruling planet, Pluto, returns to Capricorn. You could become aware of some “unfinished business” around this time. But don’t worry, you have until October 10 to finalize it or put it to rest. The June 21 summer solstice arrival will give you the travel bug, and you should follow your bliss. However, avoid making any impulsive decisions around June 26, which is when your original ruling planet, Mars, clashes with unpredictable Uranus. 

Sagittarius June 2023 Horoscope

A destined event could be in your cards around June 1, Sagittarius! Since the full moon occurs in your sign around the same time (on June 3), you might have to make an important decision at the beginning of the month. The good news is that the universe will be sending you signs on how to move forward. If a relationship has been rocky, the lines of communication will reopen once Mercury enters Gemini on June 11. 

Pay attention to the themes that come up for you around June 17, when Saturn goes retrograde in your home sector. Since March 7, the teacher planet has been requesting that you build a strong foundation for yourself. The pressure will slowly begin to mellow, and you have until November to course correct any actions taken in the past few months. However, for better results, try to start making these changes around June 19. 

Capricorn June 2023 Horoscope

You have a very dual month ahead of you, Capricorn. The June 1 Jupiter-North Node conjunction brings a golden opportunity to embrace fun, creativity, and romance—and perhaps someone who will bring more of all these things into your life. If you’ve had your eye on someone, ask them out near the June 3 full moon, as they will most likely say yes! 

In June, do give yourself time to rest and recuperate your energy, especially during the middle of the month. Between June 11 and June 17, Pluto returns to your sign and Saturn goes retrograde. Both of these events take you back to March. Something that happened then returns for examination, putting you in a pensive mood. As deep introspection takes over you, let your partner or roommates know you need some space to figure things out. Only time alone will create the magic you need now. 

Aquarius June 2023 Horoscope

The rare Jupiter-North Node kiss occurs in your home sector, Aquarius. At the beginning of the month, a new lease, home, or roommate could become available, bringing that sense of security you need now. June will also be a work hard, play hard kind of month for you! The Gemini Sun inspires you to connect, socialize, and date if you’re single. You will be feeling particularly light between June 12 and June 21, right after intense Pluto leaves your sign. 

Once the June 21 summer solstice arrives, you will get into work mode as the universe injects speed into some exciting projects you’ve been cooking up. Juno—the asteroid of commitment—enters your work and wellness sector now, deepening your desire to reach a truly balanced lifestyle not only this month but throughout the entire summer. 

Pisces June 2023 Horoscope

At the beginning of the month, you seem to be diligently working on either fixing something in your home or remodeling a room. Don’t give up, Pisces‚ because the ideal person to help you with this project could arrive in the first few days of June. Around the June 3 full moon, a career project could come to an end. However, know that this empty space could soon be filled. After all, your ruling planet, Jupiter, will bring you luck all month, so this is a time to trust your timing as well as your process.   

This month, two planets go retrograde in your sign—Saturn on June 17 and Neptune on June 30. During the last part of the month, you will notice yourself becoming very introspective as your mind finds itself traveling to the past. A vacation or short getaway could be exactly what your spirit craves now. 




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