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HomeLifestyleMadhava Nidana Chapter 61 Asrigdara Nidanam

Madhava Nidana Chapter 61 Asrigdara Nidanam

This article explains Madava nidana 61st chapter “Asrigdara Nidanam”. Causes, pathology and symptoms of Asrigdara are explained in this chapter. Asrigdara means heavy menstrual bleeding.

Asrigdara Nidana, Bheda

Causative factors and types of Menorrhagia

Causative factors –

  • excessive indulgence (by the woman) in incompatible foods (foods mutually opposite / antagonistic in nature), alcoholic beverages and over-eating,
  • eating (in excess) uncooked foods / having indigestion
  • frequent abortions
  • indulgence in excessive sexual intercourse
  • excessive riding on animals
  • walking long distances
  • excessive grief
  • emaciation – excessive loss of tissues due to excessive starvation / fasting and similar other causes
  • carrying heavy loads
  • trauma
  • excessive sleeping during day time

Types of Pradara / Asrigdara – The above-mentioned etiological factors lead to manifestation of four kinds of pradara (excessive menstruation). The four types of pradara are – kaphaja, pittaja, vataja and sannipataja (caused by all doshas together. (1)
Read – Heavy Periods, Menstrual Bleeding: Ayurvedic Treatment

Asrigdara Samanya Lakshana

General symptoms of Asrigdara
General symptoms of Asrigdara are – aches all over the body and abdominal pain during menstrual periods.

Complications of excessive menstrual bleeding
Excessive bleeding during menstruation leads to many complications like debility, giddiness, fainting, intoxication, excessive thirst, burning sensation, delirium, pallor, stupor and some diseases of vata origin. (2)

Symptoms of types of Asrigdara
Kaphaja Asrigdara – In this type of pradara caused by increased kapha, the menstrual discharge will be ill-processed (ama), is sticky (mixed with mucus), is pale (yellowish-white) coloured, resembles ground sesamum (or some bad grain) or meat or mallow plant washed water.
Pittaja Asrigdara – In this type of pradara caused by increased pitta, the menstrual discharge will be yellow, blue, black or red in colour, hot (warm), will have pitta type of pains and comes out with great force (in gushes).
Vataja Asrigdara – In this type of pradara caused by increased vata, the menstrual blood will be dry (viscid), of crimson colour, frothy, scanty, will have vata type of pains, and resembles meat (mutton) washed water.
Tridoshaja / Sannipataja Asrigdara – In this type of pradara caused by all the three doshas together, the flow / discharges will appear like honey, ghee, orpiment or bone marrow in colour, and will emit cadaveric smell.
Read – Low Menstrual Bleeding: Causes, Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment

Asrigdara Asadhyata

Prognosis of Asrigdara
The expert physicians consider tridoshaja type of asrigdara as incurable and hence shall not be treated.
Similarly, the asrigdara in which there is continuous menstrual bleeding for long time, and the woman develops thirst, burning sensation, fever, severe loss of blood and debility should also be considered as incurable. (3-5)
Read – Home Remedy For Heavy Periods – Menstrual Bleeding

Vishuddha Artava Lakshana

Signs / symptoms of normal or clean (un-contaminated) menstrual blood
Menstrual blood (Menstruation) is considered to be normal if it occurs regularly every month, for a period of five days, the fluid not being sticky (not having mucus), and not associated with burning sensation and pain and the flow being neither too much in quantity or too less.
The menstrual fluid (blood) which resembles the blood of a rabbit or a solution of lac and the cloth soaked in such fluid when washed in water does not retain any blood stains (can be washed off easily) is considered to be healthy. (6-7)

Thus ends the chapter on Asrigdara Nidanam in Madhava Nidana text written by Acharya Madhavakara.



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