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HomeTourismMake Web site Guests E-book with You

Make Web site Guests E-book with You

Passion, enthusiasm, and a lot of hard work goes in to guiding a great tour! More than that, as a tour operator your mission and vision guide your decisions. Who you are (opens in a new tab)is an important part of selling your company to travelers. You want your visitors to see your website and fall in love with your tours! Moreover, you want them to think it would be a mistake to book a tour with anyone else.

Many of people use their “About Us” page to talk about themselves, the team, and most importantly, what makes them stand out from the competition. But unfortunately, the About Us page is commonly one of the least visited pages on a tour site, so you want your tour company to shine throughout the entire website(opens in a new tab).

Here are examples of how Tourism Tiger does this on the websites we built for our clients:

Show off your credentials

On Eat Mexico(opens in a new tab)’s site, we made sure to highlight the founder’s expertise in Mexican cuisine by featuring her cookbook. Not only can customers buy the cookbook, but upon visiting the site, they immediately realize that this tour company is run by not just anyone, but a true connoisseur of Mexican food. Lesley and her company immediately stand out from the countless other food tours in Mexico City.

(opens in a new tab)

Make your mission a focal point

If you are running a tour company with a purpose, make sure it’s highlighted on your website. Like-minded individuals on your homepage will be happy to see it. On the site we built for Asheville electric bike tour company The Flying Bike(opens in a new tab), we made sure to put the mission that is important to founder Alice and Torin Kexel on the homepage, so people visiting the site immediately understand what they are all about, putting Torin and Alice’s true personality and purpose front and center on the site.

About page for The Flying Bike with a description of the company's mission(opens in a new tab)

Similarly, the site for Loop Tours(opens in a new tab) highlights the company’s mission to “support positive urban development” and promote both sustainability and happiness through their bike tours.

Screenshot of Loop Tours' Mission

Reassuring stats about your team

On the site we built for Los Angeles helicopter tour company Hangar 21(opens in a new tab), we knew it was important to put potential flyers at ease. To do this, we gave them some quick facts about the company that can easily be seen immediately upon entering the website and scrolling down. Travelers will be comfortable knowing the pilots are all certified by the Federal Aviation Administration, have decades of experience, and the company has flown thousands of customers before.

Hangar21 About page with icons above facts about the company such as their years of flying experience, FAA certifications, and amount of previous customers(opens in a new tab)

Going even further than this were the stats we put on the website we built for Sky’s The Limit Ballooning(opens in a new tab) in California. Many travelers, though they want to fly in a hot air balloon, are terrified of an accident. So, on the website, it clearly states early on that there have been tens of thousands of passengers that have flown with Sky’s The Limit without incident. This declaration will make Sky’s The Limit stand out compared to competitors who are likely not covering as many bases on their website.

About page for Sky's The Limit Ballooning with six unique selling points about the company(opens in a new tab)

As a tour operator, the goal of your website should be to make visitors think that booking with anyone else would be a mistake. These three tips will help you do that by showing off who you are and why you’re special throughout your site.

At Tourism Tiger, we offer our digital branding package(opens in a new tab) and blog writing service(opens in a new tab) as an avenue to stand out from the rest! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us(opens in a new tab)!

[This post was updated in March 2023]



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