Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeOutdoorMom of three, Working Beginner Tara Savage Tackles UTMB Mont-Blanc CCC

Mom of three, Working Beginner Tara Savage Tackles UTMB Mont-Blanc CCC

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An American ultrarunner living in Bangkok? That’s Tara Savage, who’s lived in Thailand’s biggest city for 17 years. To say she’s eclectic would be like saying the surface of the sun is “warm.”

“It wouldn’t be unusual” to find the schoolteacher and mother of three racing through a pitch black Thai jungle at midnight — or refreshing her lipstick at mile 57 of a 100-mile ultramarathon, HOKA TV says in the description for this roiling short.

In it, Savage takes on the UTMB Mont-Blanc CCC. The epic event attracts the world’s best ultrarunners each year. Relative to the vast majority of the field, Savage is brand new to the sport.

How will she stack up? Stick around and find out — but don’t get too hung up on little things like intervals and podiums.

There’s a joy that flows from mountains, and it crackles through some people like an electrical current. Savage is one of them.

Runtime: 7 minutes



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