Sunday, October 6, 2024
HomeLifestyleOne-On-One Time + Tuesday - Peanut Butter Fingers

One-On-One Time + Tuesday – Peanut Butter Fingers

Hi! Hi! How are ya? How is your week going so far? It’s another funky week for the Fagan fam from a scheduling perspective (days off from school, travel for me on Friday) which is kind of the theme for us in the first few months of 2024. We planned some family travel but also had some trips and events and obligations pop up that are taking us away from home. But last weekend? Last weekend I took stock of how I was feeling and what would be the best decision for me and my swirling internal emotions and put all plans I had on hold for some downtime at home. And it was GREAT.

A few years ago, Ryan began planning a boys’ ski weekend with my brother-in-law and Chase. Last year Ryder joined for the first time and this year my dad went, too. They’re all still out having a ball on the slopes in Park City, but they’ll be returning tonight. I’m so ready to see them and have missed them so much! I had a roaring case of FOMO at one point but also knew my decision to stay back with Rhett was the right one for our littlest man. The plan all along has been to morph their boys’ ski weekend into a family ski weekend when Rhett was old enough and we’re thinking that will kick off next year. We’re ready!

But the past few days home with Rhett have been so, so sweet. As I’m sure any parent with multiples will tell you, as kids get older, one-on-one time can get harder to come by with your children so I fully leaned into several days at home alone with my littlest guy. I joked to Ryan that Rhett has been living his best life. Unlimited access to the best toys without any competition or sibling battles? Mom’s full attention 24/7? A third child’s dream. Of course it’s all said as a joke and with an undercurrent of understanding there’s no one Rhett loves more than our full family unit but our time together has been filled with the sweetest moments.

We’ve taken Pepper on long walks filled with 3-year-old observations, lots of singing and a bunch of Tonies stories. We’ve curled up under our fluffiest blankets and read all the stories Rhett loves most (aka a LOT of Daniel Tiger books). We’ve made lattes (aka cold foamy milk for Rhett) and colored and even joined our friends on a big adventure to the zoo in Asheboro on Monday.

It’s been time I’ll cherish with Rhett. And the hugs I’m planning to give Chase and Ryder when I see them this evening will be some of my biggest ever. I’ve missed my big kids and Ryan so darn much.


Well that was an awful long introduction into what I planned to be a simple day-in-the life blog post today! I suppose I should just dive in and stick to my original plan: Tuesday!

My day yesterday began with coffee and work time before Rhett was awake. Once Rhett was up we ate breakfast together and filled our morning with puzzles, playtime and laundry before it was time for preschool drop off.

Rhett’s been out of school since Wednesday because his teachers were busy moving back into their original classroom after the fire at the preschool last fall. It was a big day returning to school and Rhett’s “real” classroom yesterday!

With Rhett settled at school, it was time for a quick 30-minute leg workout.

It was a fast one and the highlight was listening to my latest audiobook. I ended up finishing Iron Flame during my workout and oh my gosh that ending!!!!

After my workout, I took a quick shower, got dressed, ate an early lunch and headed back to Rhett’s preschool.

(Button-down top: Target but old / Tank: Target / Pants: Amazon / Sneakers: Reebok

A local children’s theatre came to perform yesterday and parents were invited to attend the show with their kids. Following the performance, we were invited back into the preschool’s original classrooms for the first time since the fire. Everything looked absolutely wonderful and it was so clear the teachers and children were thrilled to be back in their old space!

(Please note the Valentine’s Day necklace Rhett has worn nearly every single day since he made it at school on Valentine’s Day. Reason #5,682 why I just love kids.) 

Once preschool was done for the day, Rhett and I swung by Publix for some food for the week and popped into the pet store for crickets for Lucky. The beautiful weather was calling to us when we arrived back home, so we ate a snack and then leashed Pepper up for a long walk around our neighborhood.

Rhett has honestly shocked me over the past few days by loving stroller/push car walks again! He’s not into them at all when his big brothers are around because they’re always zooming by on their bikes or scooters which looks a lot more fun to him and makes him way less interested in chilling in a stroller.

Our walks over the past few days have taken me back to the baby days with all three boys when I’d go for long stroller walks with one of the boys and Sadie prancing away on her leash. I know Rhett will go right back to boycotting stroller walks when his big brothers arrive later today but it’s been a fun little walk down memory lane (quite literally) while it lasted.

Before making our way back home, we took some time to stop at a little playground in our neighborhood so by the time we arrived back at our house, it was bath time! After bath time, I got Rhett into his pajamas and then we ate dinner together (a chopped Asian salad with rotisserie chicken for me) and did Rhett’s normal bed time routine.

Of all three boys, Rhett dropped his nap the earliest (he stopped napping a week or so before his third birthday) and this means early bedtimes are my jam for him, especially when Chase and Ryder are not home to make him realize he’s going to bed super early. He was in bed by 6:15 p.m. last night which freed up several hours for me to hop back on the computer and work before doing a few household chores and climbing into bed.

As for today, the only thing I am thinking about is how I’ll get to hug Ryan, Chase and Ryder in a few short hours! I’m pretty sure this is the longest amount of time I’ve been away from Chase and Ryder so I am more than ready to have our whole family reunited again! I’ve missed the wonderful chaos!

I hope you all have a fantastic day!



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