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HomeLifestylePure Antihistamine Meals: Your Secret Weapon to Fight Allergy symptoms

Pure Antihistamine Meals: Your Secret Weapon to Fight Allergy symptoms

Photo Courtesy of Pexels – Arthur Brognoli

Seasonal allergies or year round allergies are both equally annoying with the suffering they cause.
You may be taking antihistamines, having immunotherapy injections with allergens given as shots to build defensive antibiotics to using nasal steroids, but there is something else you may to try as well. Believe it or not, there are some powerful natural antihistamine foods due to their nutrients that can help with allergy relief.

Potent Antihistamine Foods That Work Wonders

Honey has been a homeopathic remedy for many health problems throughout history due to its phytochemical, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. With its rich source of flavonoids and polyphenols, it can be beneficial for such conditions as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal diseases to allergies and healing of wounds. Therefore, it is worth looking into as a natural relief for your seasonal and year-round allergies.

The best honey to look for is the purest raw form that you can buy such as one labeled organic, especially if you have year-round allergic rhinitis. After all, raw honey has higher levels of advantageous antioxidants and micronutrients than regular honey that has been heated and filtered. In fact, my allergist told me to find honey with a honeycomb inside and eat a teaspoon every day.

Depending on what you read, there are some that believe honey is not all that effective to treat allergies due to limited studies. While that may be true that more studies are needed, one fascinating piece of research suggested that it does work to help allergic rhinitis, but it takes at least a month of eating honey daily to benefit.

If you have seasonal allergies, locally grown honey may be a helpful natural remedy to deal with the sneezing, headaches, congestion, running noses and eyes, postnasal drips, and that fatigue. The reason is locally grown honey has the same pollens you are inhaling to help gradually develop a tolerance and build up your immunity against the allergens.

Nuts and seeds are high in magnesium. These foods could help your allergies or asthma because of how this mineral relaxes your airways. Interestingly enough, another study found that low magnesium levels raises histamine levels in the blood that can make your allergies worse.

The top nuts with the highest amounts of magnesium are almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts. The best high magnesium seeds are pumpkin seeds that can provide 40% of your daily magnesium requirement to chia and flax seeds.

Citrus such as oranges, mandarins, lemons, tangelos, tangerines have a lot of vitamin C, which can act as a natural antihistamine to help dry up some of that congestion and other allergic symptoms to decrease the body’s histamine production.

Pineapple for Natural Allergy Relief

Pineapple is a rich source of bromelain and vitamin C as another weapon to fight against allergies. So what’s the big deal about bromelain? This enzyme is a warrior once it gets into your system for how it deals with proteins that are responsible for suffering. Once you combine bromelain with vitamin C in this superfood, you get double the benefits for natural allergy relief.

This post is not meant to replace your doctor. As an allergy sufferer, I just wanted to share some additional ways that you could help yourself with this post on natural antihistamine foods through nutrition with these seasonal and year-round allergy relief foods. You also may want to read my earlier post on how to allergy proof your home. Don’t be surprised, if you also may find yourself feeling better and using less antihistamines and nasal sprays!



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