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HomeLifestylePure Therapy for Chilly Sores is Protected and Low cost

Pure Therapy for Chilly Sores is Protected and Low cost

A cold sore, also known as a fever blister, is caused by a simplex virus one short HSV-1. Fever blisters are filled with small fluid. They are most common in and around the lip area. This may cause feelings of embarrassment in some people but there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Usually, cold sores cure on their own but sometimes it takes some time to heal. Read on to know everything about cold sores, including natural treatments for cold sores.

Causes of Cold Sores

A recent study showed that roughly 70% people in the US has been infected with this issue. ( credit- Mayo clinic). In some cases, the signs may not be clearly visible.

This virus is spread from one person to another through the exchange of infected bodily fluids. Unfortunately, the curing this condition is not easy because after treating the cold sore, the virus does not go completely but instead it stays dormant in the body and can emerge again at any time.

Symptoms of cold sores


Some of the main symptoms of cold sores are:
Raised blisters
Oozing puss
Mood changes
Sore throat
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

In some cases, the signs may not be clearly visible.

Tips to prevent cold sore outbreaks

  • Avoid direct contact with the people who are suffering from the cold sore problem.
  • Also, avoid touching the infected area and if you happen to touch cold sores, then immediately wash your hands so that virus does not spread cold sore to your face if touch your face.
  • Kissing a person with the herpes virus or even sharing a drinking glass can lead to this highly infectious disease. Strictly avoid oral and genital contacts.
  •  If you have suffered cold sore in the past, then avoid overexposure to harsh winds and intense sunlight. These adverse environmental conditions may activate the dormant simplex virus present in your body.
  • To prevent cold sores outbreak, apply sunscreen moisturizer with SPF 15 or above when your skin is exposed to harsh sunlight.
  • The virus responsible for cold sores thrives more in an acidic environment. If you have a cold sore, avoid acidic foods because acidic foods will make them worse. Some of the acidic foods to avoid include tomatoes, citrus fruits, or anything that contains vinegar.


Natural Treatment for Cold Sores

Proper diet

In case of a cold sore outbreak, eat foods rich in protein especially lysine a type of protein that prevents outbreaks of cold sores and also helps the body in healing. Foods that contain this type of protein include cheese, eggs, yogurt, and milk.

Include the above foods into your diet. On top of that, you can also eat foods that will boost your immune system, for example, broccoli, garlic, cauliflower cabbage, and sprouts.

Use lemon balm

This is the best cold sore cure. All you have to do is to apply lemon balm directly to the affected area.

However,  when you dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub the affected area two or three times a day, it may sting a lot and may worsen your blisters. Therefore, avoid it. ( credit-

Kanuka Honey

Surprisingly, Kanuka honey from New Zealand can help you to treat cold sores naturally.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has healing properties that speeds up healing of skin ailments and relieves swelling too. Therefore, apply aloe vera extract directly to the affected skin or use a gel for relief.

NATURE REPUBLIC – Real Squeeze Aloe Vera Emulsion 130ml


Ice Pack

Ice pack helps to soothes the skin and reduce swelling, redness on skin, as well as soreness due to cold sores. Gently, rub on the affected area with ice or use cold pack to heal.


Did you know that salt can be used as a natural treatment for cold sores?

Yes, salt can also be used in the treatment of cold sores. Although it might be a bit painful it is the easiest and one of the most effective cold sore treatments. It will reduce the spread of cold sores naturally.

Hence, simply moisten your finger and dip it in table salt then gently rub it over the affected area for about 30 seconds. Let the salt enter into the sore.

Essential oils

As per studies, essential oils may treat cold sores. These essential oils are peppermint oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon oil, basil essential oils, ginger essential oils, sandalwood essential oils, clove essential oils among others. However, these may help but these don’t have solid evidence, more research is required.

Petroleum Jelly

Interestingly, applying petroleum jelly may provide a protective layer on the wound as it soothes the skin and helps to keep the infection in control.

Use antiviral medication 

In extreme cases whereby all the natural treatment for cold sores are fruitless, your doctor may prescribe antiviral oral medications. That will help speed up the healing process of cold sores.

On top of that also, topical remedies can be used in minimizing the pain and speed up the healing process. It is, however, important to get advice from your medical practitioner before using any of the oral or topical medications as some may react with your body or skin.




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