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HomeTourismQueer Historical past Month in Edmonton | October 2024

Queer Historical past Month in Edmonton | October 2024

Story released on October 3, 2024

A conversation with Dr. Barbara Romanowski – by David Stafford

In 1984 the Edmonton gay community changed forever when the HIV virus found its first victim. Here from the Director of the Alberta STD Program at that time on how life changed, the impacts it had on the medical community and the challenges faced by her and others in educating the public and gay community on HIV/AIDS.

Story released on October 7, 2024 (8th Lesbian Awareness Day)

Let’s Hear It For The Girls: A Lesbian Architecture Romance – by Aldynne Belmont

Did you know some of Edmonton’s most beautiful and iconic buildings were designed by lesbians? Aldynne Belmont takes a look at the life and times of Wallbridge and Imrie.

Story released on October 10, 2024 (11th Coming Out Day)

Coming Out Stories

A collection of short Coming Out stories submitted to us. Read how the coming out experience impacted some in our community. Then consider adding yours to our growing collection.

Story released on October 14, 2024

The Facts in the Case of D. Vriend – by Aldynne Belmont

A landmark case for the history of anti-discrimination in Edmonton and the province at large, the case of ‘Delwin Vriend vs. Alberta’ is as fascinating as it is important. The story of how one man took on the government and won protections for queer people everywhere!

Story released on October 17, 2024

Raid on Pisces Bathhouse — Darkest Before the Dawn – by Aldynne Belmont

One of the single biggest turning points in Edmonton queer history is often forgotten by the rising LGTQ generations. See how a brutal police sting operation allowed Edmonton’s queer community to come together in solidarity.

Story released on October 21, 2024

Forty Years of Fabulous: The Story of Twiggy and Edmonton’s Drag Evolution – by Brendan Roy

In this captivating documentary interview, we sit down with Twiggy, an iconic Edmonton drag queen who has been performing for over 40 years. Twiggy shares her journey from the early days of drag to the vibrant queer scene in Edmonton today. Explore the origins of her artistry, the evolution of drag culture, and the changes within the local LGBTQ+ community through her eyes. This is more than a personal story—it’s a celebration of resilience, creativity, and the enduring spirit of drag.

Story released on October 14, 2024

Sex and Sin in the City of Champions: Chez Pierre and the Battle of 105th Street – by Kyler Chittock

This story focuses on the history of Chez Pierre, a downtown Edmonton cabaret on 105th St. and Western Canada’s longest running strip joint. The club has been a covert safe space for drag queens and exotic dancers since the early 1970s, but was embroiled in some little-known legal battles at a time when the vice unit of the Edmonton police was especially strict in its interpretations of laws governing so-called morality, including obscenity and immoral theatrical performance. The club also battled religious ire, including that of First Presbyterian Church across the street.

Story released on October 28, 2024

From Scholar to Senator: The Incredible Story of Dr. Kristopher Wells – by Kyler Chittock

We look at the life and career of Senator Kris Wells, a mainstay in Edmonton’s LGBTQ community. A previous Canada Research Chair and a founding member of the Edmonton Queer History Project at MacEwan University, Dr. Wells has been a fantastic leader and advocate for our community.

Story released on October 31, 2024

A damn proud gay Canadian Soldier – by Murray Billett

A proud humble young soldier, John McDougall, was arrested for being gay. Thirty-one years later he retires, as a highly decorated, highly respected change agent for our diverse communities across Canada and around the world.



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