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HomeLifestyleRyder is SIX! - Peanut Butter Fingers

Ryder is SIX! – Peanut Butter Fingers

Our middle man is SIX and my mama heart is having a hard time believing the mohawked little brown-eyed baby I held in my arms for the first time in 2018 will be off to kindergarten this fall. In one breath, I know Ryder very ready but in another breath, I want to keep him young, innocent, playful and cuddly forever. So many of the characteristics that emerged when Ryder was a baby and a toddler have stuck around through his big kid years and that makes me so happy because he is still the super sensitive little love machine he’s been his whole life.

The night before his sixth birthday, I had Ryder wrapped in a full body cuddle (we’re talking arms, legs, everything intertwined) and jokingly said, “Okay, now I think I’ll go to sleep just like this so I can wake up with you when you turn six.” His reply? “Yay! Finally!” I’m telling you this is the child who would crawl back into my belly if he could and I love the way he still reaches out to hold my hand and loves to be scooped up and cuddled. Ryan and I say Ryder’s love language is a combination of physical touch and quality time and he’s just the biggest joy to be around.

ryder 5 years oldryder 5 years old

He makes our family so much better and is a constant reminder to all of us that home time and time together is the very best time. While Ryder loves adventures and activities, he loves being home with our family of five, Pepper and Lucky the very most. Watching him love on Pepper is the sweetest thing and she clearly knows she can always go to Ryder for endless kisses and cuddles.

Ryder and PepperRyder and Pepper

Ryder is still our wonderful little introvert and prefers our family and close friends to large groups and lots of attention. He’s most comfortable around people he knows and loves but this year has been huge for Ryder socially as he’s requesting play dates alone with friends which was something that didn’t really interest him much before. His best friend is a sweet little boy he met at preschool named Quinn whose personality is very similar to Ryder’s.

ryder 5 years oldryder 5 years old

Ryder thrived in TK preschool this year and adored his classmates and teachers. He loves art projects, puzzling, imagination games, exploring outside, swimming, catching and releasing various creatures, helping me in the kitchen, soccer, martial arts, basketball, building and creating. Ryder will also drop absolutely everything the minute anyone asks if he wants to play a round of Uno or Memory and is shockingly good at both games, coming up with strategies that often smoke any of the grown ups who challenge him.

He is still able to sit down and focus on projects or activities very well and seems to enjoy some quieter activities sprinkled in among the three-kid chaos. He’ll happily color, make a melty bead creation, do a puzzle, build a magnetic tile tower or play a game anytime. But don’t let his sweet and sensitive spirit fool you! Ryder is also a very adventurous kid and very likely to say “yes” to trying new and challenging things.

ryder 5 years oldryder 5 years old

“Sensitive” is forever a word I associate with Ryder and I mean this in the best possible way. He has a sixth sense regarding the emotions of others and is the first one to notice when someone is upset or angry. He hugs me the longest before I leave and isn’t at all shy about expressing love in front of others. Ryder is very in tune to how those around him are feeling and continues to feel things deeply. While this can make things challenging at times (he struggles a bit to communicate his own emotions), I fully believe this is also one of Ryder’s biggest assets. He’s empathetic, loving, nurturing and so incredibly thoughtful.

We are working with Ryder on using his own words to describe how he is feeling because he’s also quick to shut down when he knows he’s made a mistake or done something embarrassing. I never want our deeply feeling kid to feel like he cannot express himself, especially among trusted family, and it’s a constant work in progress to help Ryder name his emotions, validate how he’s feeling, keep our boundaries, reassure him we love him even when he makes the wrong choice, etc. Ryder has done wonders to educate me on the different ways to parent and discipline children because a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always work with different kids with different personalities.

Sibling Dynamics

Ryder’s brothers continue to be his sun, moon and stars. There’s no one on the planet Ryder would rather play with than his brothers and the relationship he shares with Chase and Rhett is one of my favorite things to witness.

He looks to his brothers for different things, as their ages mean they play in different ways together. With Chase, Ryder still primarily looks to his big brother to lead their play but with each year that passes, he’s more assertive with his wants, needs and preferences, so playtime isn’t the Chase show at all anymore. The love for Ryder is reciprocated from Chase 100 percent and our two older boys are attached at the hip 99 percent of the time.

chase ryderchase ryder

They genuinely enjoy each other and make each other laugh in ways no one else can. Their interests are nearly identical and they would live outside if they could, catching and releasing creatures, exploring and making up various outdoor imagination games. Sharing a room also means Chase and Ryder will frequently giggle and talk into the night and we often hear music blasting from their room before 7 a.m. as they begin their days with brother dance parties and imaginary play.

Ryder and Rhett have a slightly different dynamic and their relationship was the spiciest in our family for a few years as their younger and closer ages meant they were more likely to have meltdowns and fights over things like favorite toys, accidentally knocking down towers, etc. This has evened out a lot and their relationship is now dominated by play, imagination and creativity.

With Chase in elementary school and Rhett and Ryder in the same preschool, our younger two boys have had a lot of one-on-one time together over the past couple of years and they play so much better now than they did just two years ago. I am sharing this to give anyone with little ones who are a few years younger than our boys a little bit of hope. If sibling battles are a big thing in your house and very intense at times, it gets easier as children grow and develop into big kids who aren’t as likely to completely explode when their brother accidentally runs into the creation they made with their magnetic tiles. Now Ryder and Rhett run all over the house together and love making forts, playing with race cars, puzzling, doing melty beads, working on art projects and building a million and one creations with magnetic tiles together.

ryder 5 years oldryder 5 years old

Random Things to Remember

  • Favorite Foods: Popsicles, strawberries, blueberries, hot dogs, watermelon, bell peppers, pizza, carrots, macaroni and cheese, grapes, waffles, cherry vanilla ice cream
  • Favorite Color: Red
  • Favorite Books: Arcade World series, Press Start! series, Owl Diaries series
  • Favorite Podcasts: Molly of Denali
  • Favorite Songs: “Might Get Loud” “Shotgun”
  • Favorite TV Shows: Octonauts, Paw Patrol, Puppy Dog Pals
  • Favorite Animal: Penguin
  • Wake Up Time/Bed Time: Ryder typically wakes up around 6:30-7 a.m. and goes to bed around 7:30 p.m.


  • Playing with his brothers
  • Catching and releasing creatures
  • Making melty bead creations
  • Puzzles
  • Building with Picasso Tiles
  • Riding his Nighthawk and Plasma Car
  • Swimming
  • Soccer
  • Riding his bike
  • Craft projects
  • Building projects of any kind (especially helping us build furniture!)
  • Books
  • Cuddle time
  • Kayaking in the lake
  • Movie nights
  • Imagination games
  • Hot Wheels/any transportation toy
  • Making forts and obstacle courses

6 Year Old Favorites

Past Ryder Updates



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