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HomeLifestyleShvayathu Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Remedies of dropsy)  

Shvayathu Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Remedies of dropsy)  

The 17th chapter of Chikitsasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as Svayathu Chikitsitam Adhyayah. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘treatment of dropsy’.

The topics covered in this chapter include –

  • Sarvanga Sopha Cikitsa
  • Sarvanga Sopha Cikitsa – dietetic inclusions
  • Sarvanga Sopha Cikitsa – Panchakola Siddha Peya
  • Sarvanga Sopha Cikitsa – Taila – Lepa
  • Sarvanga Sopha Cikitsa – Snana
  • Ekanga Sopha Cikitsa
  • Vataja Sopha Cikitsa
  • Pittaja Sopha Cikitsa
  • Kaphaja Sopha Cikitsa

Pledge by the author(s)

अथातो श्वयथुचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘treatment of dropsy’.Thus say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa

सर्वत्र सर्वाङ्गसरे दोषजे श्वयथौ पुरा ।
सामे विशोषितो भुक्त्वा लघु कोष्णाम्भसा पिबेत्
नागरातिविषादारुविडङ्गेन्द्रयवोषणम् ।
अथवा विजयाशुण्ठीदेवदारुपुनर्नवम्
नवायसं वा दोषाढ्यः शुद्ध्यै मूत्रहरीतकीः ।
वराक्वाथेन कटुकाकुम्भायस्त्र्यूषणानि च
अथवा गुग्गुलुं तद्वज्जतु वा शैलसम्भवम् ।
In all cases of swelling of the entire body caused by the doshas, especially when associated with Ama, after fasting, the patient should partake light foods. With lukewarm water heshould consume (powder of) nāgara – Zingiber officinale, ativiṣā – Aconitum heterophyllum, dāru – Cedrus deodara, viḍaṅga – Embelia ribes, indrayava – seeds of Holarrhena antidysenterica, and ūṣaṇam – Piper longum; or vijayā – Pterocarpus marsupeum, śuṇṭhī – Zingiber officinale, devadāru – Cedrus deodara and punarnavam –Boerhavia diffusa; if there is great increases of Doshas Navayasa Churna or Murtraharitaki (chapter 8 of Cikitsasthana) should be usedfor purifaction (purgation). Then drink Vara Quatha (decoction of Triphala) added with (powder of) kaṭukā – Picrorhiza kurroa, kumbhāya: – Operculina turpethum, tryūṣaṇāni ca – and Piper nigrum, Piper longum and Zingiber officinale; or gugguluṃ – Commiphora mukul, or Asphaltum, in the same way.

मन्दाग्निः शीलयेदामगुरुभिन्नविबन्धविट्
तक्रं सौवर्चलव्योषक्षौद्रयुक्तं गुडाभयाम् ।
तक्रानुपानामथवा तद्वद्वा गुडनागरम्
He who has poor digestive fire, feces having symptoms of Ama, being heavy, broken and constipating should consume buttermilk mixed with black salt, Piper nigrum, Piper longum and Zingiber officinale and honey or consume jaggery and Terminalia chebula or jaggery and Zingiber officinale followed by buttermilk as the vehicle.

आर्द्रकं वा समगुडं प्रकुञ्चार्धविवर्धितम् ।
परं पञ्चपलं मासं यूषक्षीररसाशनः
गुल्मोदरार्शःश्वयथुप्रमेहाञ्छ्वासप्रतिश्यालसकाविपाकान् ।
सकामलाशोषमनोविकारान् कासं कफं चैव जयेत्प्रयोगः
ārdrakaṃ – Zingiber officinale added with equal quantity of jaggery, increased by half Prakunca (Pala – 48 grams) daily till the total quantity becomes five Pala (240 grams), should be consumed for one month. The person partaking soup, milk and Rasa (meat soup) as food. When consumed it cures abdominal tumors, enlargement of abdomen, hemorrhoids, edema, diabetes, dyspnea, running nose, a kind of indigestion, and indigestion, jaundice, consumption, disorders of the mind, cough and increase of Kapha.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Shunti Ghrita

घृतमार्द्रकनागरस्य कल्कस्वरसाभ्यां पयसा च साधयित्वा ।
श्वयथुक्षवथूदराग्निसादैरभिभूतोऽपि पिबन् भवत्यरोगः
Medicated ghee prepared with juice of ārdraka – Zingiber officinale, paste of ārdraka – Zingiber officinale and milk consumed (daily) makes the person free of the disease (oedema) even if accompanied with oedema, sneezing, abdominal enlargement and weak digestive fire.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Trikatu Adi Ksheera

निरामो बद्धशमलः पिबेच्छ्वयथुपीडितः ।
त्रिकटुत्रिवृतादन्तीचित्रकैः साधितं पयः
मूत्रं गोर्वा महिष्या वा सक्षीरं क्षीरभोजनः ।
सप्ताहं मासं अथवा स्यादुष्ट्रक्षीरवर्तनः१०
The patient of oedema who does not have Ama, and obstruction of feces (constipation) should drink milk boiled with trikaṭu – Piper nigrum, Piper longum and Zingiber officinalis, trivṛtā – Operculina turpethum, dantī – Baliospermum montanum, citraka – and Plumbago zeylanica; or urine either of cow or buffalo added with milk or milk only as food; or drink camel milk only as diet for a period of seven days or a month.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Yavanakadi Ghrita

यवानकं यवक्षारं यवानीं पञ्चकोलकम्।
मरिचं दाडिमं पाठां धानकामम्लवेतसम्११
बालबिल्वं चकर्षांशं साधयेत्सलिलाढके।
तेनपक्वोघृतप्रस्थः शोफार्शोगुल्ममेहहा१२
yavānakaṃ – Carum copticum, yavakṣāraṃ – alkali of Hordeum vulgare, yavānīṃ – Carum copticum, pañcakolakam – Pancakola (powder of long pepper – Piper longum, root of long pepper – Piper longum,chavya- Piper retrofractum, chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica and ginger – Zingiber officinale), marica – Piper nigrum, dāḍimaṃ – Punica granatum, pāṭhāṃ – Cissampelos pareira, dhānakāṃ – Coriandrum sativum, amlavetasam – Garcinia pedunculata, and bālabilvaṃ – tender fruit of Aegle marmelos, karṣa aṃśaṃ – each one Karsa (12 grams) are boiled in one Adhaka (3 litres 72 ml) of water and decoction prepared; one Prastha (768 grams) of ghee is mixed and medicated ghee prepared. This cures oedema, hemorrhoids, abdominal tumor and diabetes.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Chitraka Yoga

दध्नश्चित्रकगर्भाद्वा घृतं तत्तक्रसंयुतम् ।
पक्वं सचित्रकं तद्वद्गुणै:
Medicated ghee prepared from milk mixed with (powder of) curds, citraka – Plumbago zeylanica or takra saṃyutam – (butter milk) obtained from those curds, with paste of Plumbago zeylanica and ghee has properties same as above.

युञ्ज्याच्च कालवित्१३
धान्वन्तरं महातिक्तं कल्याणमभयाघृतम्।
Either Dhanvantara Ghrta (chapter 12 of Cikitsa sthana) Mahatiktaka Ghrta (chapter 19 of Cikitsa Sthana) Kalyanaka Ghrta (chapter of Ciikisasthana) and Abhaya Ghrta may be administered determining the stage of the disease

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Dashamooladi Avaleha

दशमूलकषायस्य कंसे पथ्याशतं पचेत्१४
दत्त्वा गुडतुलां तस्मिन् लेहे दद्याद्विचूर्णितम् ।
त्रिजातकं त्रिकटुकं किञ्चिच्च यवशूकजम्१५
प्रस्थार्धं च हिमे क्षौद्रात्तन्निहन्त्युपयोजितम्१६अब्
वैवर्ण्यमूत्रानिलशुक्रदोषश्वासारुचिप्लीहगरोदरं च१६एf
pathyā – Terminalia chebula, one hundred in number, is boiled in one Kamsa of decoction of Dasamula –

  1. Bilva – Aegle Marmelos
  2. Agnimantha – Premna mucronata
  3. Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
  4. Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
  5. Gambhari – Gmelina arborea
  6. Shalaparni – Desomodium gangeticum
  7. Prishniparni – Urariapicta
  8. Brihati – Solanum indicum
  9. Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum

  10.Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris

added with One Tula (4.8 Kg) of jaggery and that confection is added with fine powder of trijātakaṃ – Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum and Patra – Cinnamomum tamala, Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale, and little quantity of yavaśūkajam – alkali of Hordeum vulgare (andconfection is prepared). After it cools, half Prastha (384 grams) of honey is added. This confection used daily, cures advanced (chronic) oedema, fever, diabetes, abdominal tumor, emaciation, rheumatism, gastric acidity,

bleeding disease, abnormal color of the body, disorders of urine, flatus and semen, dysponea, loss of taste / appetite, diseases of the spleen, homicidal poisoning and enlargement of the abdomen.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Dietetic inclusions

पुराणयवशाल्यन्नं दशमूलाम्बुसाधितम्१७अब्
अल्पमल्पपटुस्नेहं भोजनं श्वयथोर्हितम् ।
क्षारव्योषान्वितैर्मौद्गैः कौलत्थैः सकणै रसैः१८
तथा जाङ्गलजैः कूर्मगोधाशल्यकजैरपि ।
अनम्लं मथितं पाने मद्यान्यौषधवन्ति च१९
Rice mess prepared from old Hordeum vulgare or old rice (Oryza sativa) boiled in the decoction of Dasamula –

Bilva – Aegle Marmelos
Agnimantha – Premna mucronata
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
Gambhari – Gmelina arborea
Shalaparni – Desomodium gangeticum
Prishniparni – Uraria picta
Brihati – Solanum indicum
Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum
Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris

added with very little quantity of salt and fats, partaken in small quantity is the ideal meal for patients of oedema. Either the soup of maudga – Vigna radiata, kaulattha – or Dolichos biflorus added with alkali of Hordeum vulgare, vyoṣa – Piper nigrum, Piper longum and, Zingiber officinale) and sakaṇa – Piper longum, soup of meat of animals of desert-like lands or of the tortoise, iguana lizard śalyakajai: api – or Porcupine, butter milk that is not sour, well churned, or wine mixed with (appropriate) herbs are best for drinking (after meals).

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Dietetic inclusions

अजाजीशठीजिवन्तीकारवीपौष्कराग्निकैः ।
बिल्वमध्ययवक्षारवृक्षाम्लैर्बदरोन्मितैः २०
कृता पेयाज्यतैलाभ्यां युक्तिभृष्टा परं हिता ।
शोफातीसारहृद्रोगगुल्मार्शोऽल्पाग्निमेहिनाम् २१
Peya is prepared with ajājī – Cuminum cyminum, śaṭhī – Hedychium spicatum, jivantī – Leptadenia reticulata, kāravī – Nigella sativa, pauṣkara – Inula racemosa, agnikaiḥ – Plumbago zeylanica, Marrow of bilva fruit – Aegle marmelos, yavakṣāra – alkali prepared of barley, vṛkṣāmlai: – Garcinia indica, and badara – Zizyphus jujuba, fried judiciously with ghee and oil is highly beneficial for patients of oedema, diarrhea, heart diseases, abdominal tumor, hemorrhoids, poor digestion and diabetes.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Panchakolasiddha Peya

गुणैस्तद्वच्च पाठायाः पञ्चकोलेन साधिता ।
Peya prepared with pāṭhā – Cissampelos pareira, pañcakolena – and herbs of
Pancakola (Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum, Pippalimoola – Long pepper root, Chavya – Piper cubeba, Chitraka – Leadwort – Plumbago zeylanica and Nagara – ginger rhizome – Zingiber officinale) will also be similar in properties.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Taila: Lepa

श्रीवेष्टकनखस्पृक्कादेवदारुप्रियङ्गुभिः ।
चतुर्जातकतालीशमुस्तागन्धपलाशकैः ।
कुर्यादभ्यञ्जनं तैलं लेपं स्नानाय तूदकम्२४
śaileya – Parmelia perlata, kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, sthauṇeya – Clerodendrum viscosum / Taxus baccata, reṇuka – Vitex agnus-castus, aguru – Aquilaria agallocha, padmakaiḥ – and Prunus puddum, śrīveṣṭaka – Pinus roxburghii, nakha – Capparis sepiaria, spṛkkā – Anisomeles malabarica, devadāru – Cedrus deodara, priyaṅgubhiḥ – Callicarpa macrophylla, māṃsī – Nardostachys jatamansi, māgadhikā – Piper longum, vanya – Dioscorea bulbifera, dhānya – Coriandrum sativum, dhyāmaka – Cymbopogon martini, vālakaiḥ – and Coleus vettiveroides, caturjātaka – Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum, Patra – Cinnamomum tamala & Nagakeshara – Mesua ferrea, tālīśa – Abies webbiana, mustā – Cyperus rotundus, gandhapalāśakaiḥ – and Curcuma zedoaria should be made use of for preparing oil for Abhyanga and lepa udakam – and water  snānāya tu – for bathing.

Sarvanga Shopha Chikitsa: Snana

स्नानं वा निम्बवर्षाभूनक्तमालार्कवारिणा ।
Bathing may be done in the water processed with nimba – Azadirachta indica, varṣābhū – Boerhavia diffusa, naktamāla – Pongamia pinnata arka – and Calotropis gigantea.

Ekanga Shopha Chikitsa

एकाङ्गशोफे वर्षाभूकरवीरककिंशुकैः२५
विशालात्रिफलालोध्रनलिकादेवदारुभिः ।
स्थूलकाकादनीशालनाकुलीवृषपर्णिभिः ।
वृद्ध्यर्द्धिहस्तिकर्णैश्च सुखोष्णैर्लेपनं हितम्२७
In case of oedema of any one part of the body it is beneficial to apply the paste of varṣābhū – Boerhavia diffusa, karavīraka – Nerium indicum kiṃśukaiḥ – and Butea monosperma, viśālā – or of Alstonia scholaris, triphalā – Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Emblica officinalis, lodhra – Symplocos racemosa, nalikā – Hibiscus cannabinus devadārubhiḥ – and Cedrus deodara hiṃsrā – or of Capparis sepiaria, kośātakī – Luffa acutangula, mādrī – Gliricidia sepium, tālaparṇī – Foeniculum vulgare and jayantibhiḥ – Sesbania sesban or of sthūla – Cucumis melo, kākādanī – Capparis sepiaria, śāla – Shorea robusta, nākulī – Aristalochia indica, vṛṣaparṇibhiḥ – and Adhatoda vasica or of vṛddhi – Hebenaria edgeworthii, ṛddhi – Hebenaria intermedia, hastikarṇai: ca – Leea macrophylla prepared in water and applied warm.

Vataja Shopha Chikitsa

अथानिलोत्थे श्वयथौ मासार्धं त्रिवृतं पिबेत्।
तैलमेरण्डजं वातविड्विबन्धे तदेवतु२८
प्राग्भक्तं पयसा युक्तं रसैर्वा कारयेत्तथा।
स्वेदाभ्यङ्गान् समीरघ्नान् लेपमेकाङ्गे पुनः २९
मातुलुङ्गाग्निमन्थेन शुण्ठीहिंस्रामराह्वयैः।
In sopha arising fro Vata the patient should drink (the decoction of) trivṛtaṃ – Operculina turpethum, or oil of tailaṃ eraṇḍajaṃ – Ricinus communis for half a month daily. Similarly, so when there is obstruction to flatus and feces, before meals, mixed with milk or meat soup. Then sudation and oil massage should be done. Next, application of warm paste of herbs mitigating Vata in ekanga sopha (swelling in individual parts) again such as mātuluṅga – Citrus medica, agnimantha – Clerodendrum phlomidis, Zingiber officinale, hiṃsrā – Capparis sepiaria, and marāhva – Marsdenia tenacissima should be done.

Pittaja Shopha Chikitsa

पैत्ते तिक्तं पिबेत्सर्पिर्न्यग्रोधाद्येनवाशृतम्३०
क्षीरं तृड्दाहमोहेषु लेपाभ्यङ्गाश्चशीतलाः।
In Sopha (oedema) arising from Pitta, the patient should consume either Tiktaka Ghrta (vide chapter 19 of Cikitsa sthana) or that prepared from herbs of Nyagrodhadi Gana (chapter 15 of Sutrasthana). When there is thirst, feeling of burning sensation and delusion, milk should be administered. Coolant pastes and oil massage should be done.

Pittaja Shopha Chikitsa: Patolamooladi Kwatha

दारु दार्वी हिमं दन्ती विशाला निचुलं कणा ।
तैः क्वाथः सघृतः पीतो हन्त्यन्तस्तापतृड्भ्रमान्३२
ससन्निपातवीसर्पशोफदाहविषज्वरान् ।
Decoction of roots of paṭola – Trichosanthes dioica, trāyantī – Gentiana kurroa, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra, kaṭuka – Picrorhiza kurroa, abhayā – Terminalia chebula, dāru – Cedrus deodara, dārvī – Berberis aristata, himaṃ – Cinnamomum camphora, dantī – Baliospermum montanum, viśālā – Alstonia scholaris, niculaṃ – Barringtonia acutangula, kaṇā – Piper longum added with ghee and consumed cures heat exhaustion (burning sensation) inside the body, thirst, dizziness, Sannipata, herpes, oedema, burning sensation, poison and fevers.

Kaphaja Shopha Chikitsa: Aragwadhadi tailam

आरग्वधादिना सिद्धं तैलं श्लेष्मोद्भवे पिबेत्३३
In oedema arising from kapha, the patient should drink the oil prepared with decoction of herbs Aragvadhadi Gana (vide chapter 15 of Sutrasthana)

Kaphaja Shopha Chikitsa

स्रोतोविबन्धे मन्देऽग्नावरुचौ स्तिमिताशयः ।
क्षारचूर्णासवारिष्टमूत्रतक्राणि शीलयेत्३४
When there is obstruction of channels, poor digestion, loss of taste, and absence of movement of the abdomen, powderd Alkalies, mixed with either – fermented infusion and decoction respectively cow urine buttermilk should be used.

कृष्णापुराणपिण्याकशिग्रुत्वक्सिकतातसीः ।
प्रलेपोन्मर्दने युञ्ज्यात्सुखोष्णा मूत्रकल्किताः३५
kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrum, old sesame oil cake, śigrutvak – bark of Moringa oleifera, sand and atasīḥ – Linum usitatissimum made into a paste with cow urine should be used warm for external application and massage.

Kaphaja Shopha Chikitsa

स्नानं मूत्राम्भसी सिद्धे कुष्ठतर्कारिचित्रकैः ।
कुलत्थनागराभ्यां वा चण्डाऽगुरु विलेपने३६
Water boiled with kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, tarkāri – Clerodendrum phlomidis, andcitraka – Plumbago zeylanica, or kulattha – with Dolichos biflorus, and nāgara – Zingiber officinale added with cow urine is ideal for bathing paste of caṇḍā – Angelica glauca, and aguru – Aquilaria agallocha is ideal for anointing.

Kaphaja Shopha Chikitsa

कालाजशृङ्गीसरलबस्तगन्धाहयाह्वयाः ।
एकैषीका च लेपः स्याच्छ्वयथावेकगात्रगे॥ ३७ ॥Application of paste of kāla – Rubia cordifolia, ajaśṛṅgī – Gymnema sylvestre, sarala – Pinus longifolia, bastagandhā hi – Cleome gynandra, hayāhvayāḥ – Withania somnifera, and ekaiṣīka – Nardostachys jatamansi is beneficial in oedema localized to one part of the body.

यथादोषं यथासन्नं शुद्धिं रक्तावसेचनम् ।
कुर्वीत मिश्रदोषे तु दोषोद्रेकबलात्क्रियाम्३८
Sodhana (purifactory therapy) appropriate to the Dosha and of the nearest route, and blood-letting should be done. In case of combination of Doshas, treatment suitable to the predominant Dosha should be done (first).

Kaphaja Shopha Chikitsa: Ajajyadi Churnam

अजाजिपाठाघनपञ्चकोलव्याघ्रीरजन्यः सुखतोयपीताः ।
शोफं त्रिदोषं चिरजं प्रवृद्धं निघ्नन्ति भूनिम्बमहौषधे च॥ ३९ ॥
ajāji – Cuminum cyminum, pāṭhā – Cissampelos pareira, ghana – Cyperus rotundus, pañcakola – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum, Pippalimoola – Long pepper root, Chavya – Piper cubeba, Chitraka – Leadwort – Plumbago zeylanica & Nagara – ginger rhizome – Zingiber officinale, vyāghrī – Solanum surattense, rajanyaḥ – the two Rajani (turmeric – Curcuma longa and Daruharidra – Berberis aristata), bhūnimba – Andrographis paniculata, and mahauṣadhe – Zingiber officinale made into powder and consumed with warm water cures oedema arising from all the three Doshas, long standingand greatly advanced.

Kaphaja Shopha Chikitsa

अमृताद्वितयं शिवातिका सुरकाष्ठं सपुरं सगोजलम् ।
श्वयथूदरकुष्ठपाण्डुताकृमिमेहोर्ध्वकफानिलापहम्॥ ४० ॥The (paste of) amṛtā dvitayaṃ – two Amrta – Aconitum ferox, Aconitum heterophyllum, śivātikā – Boerhavia diffusa, surakāṣṭhaṃ – Cedrus deodara, and pura – Commiphora mukul mixed with cow urine cures oedema, enlargement of the abdomen, skin disease, anemia, intestinal worms and diabetes, increase of Kapha and Vata in the upper parts of the body.

Kshataja Shotha Chikitsa

इति निजमधिकृत्य पथ्यमुक्तं क्षतजनिते क्षतजं विशोधनीयम् ।
स्रुतिहिमघृतलेपसेकरेकैर्विषजनिते विषजिच्च शोफ इष्टम्॥ ४१ ॥
So far, was described the treatment for Nija sotha (organic oedema) for that arising from blood (traumatic oedema) the blood should be purified by letting it out, use of cold application, of ghee, and paste of herbs, pouring decoction of herbs and purgative therapy. For that (oedema) arising from poison, all anti poisonous treatments are desirable.    

Diet to avoid

ग्राम्याब्जानूपं पिशितमबलं शुष्कशाकं तिलान्नं॥ ४२अ ॥गौडं पिष्टान्नं दधि सलवणं विज्जलं मद्यमम्लम्॥ ४२ब् ॥धाना वल्लूरं समशनमथो गुर्वसात्म्यं विदाहि॥ ४२च् ॥स्वप्नं चारात्रौ श्वयथुगदवान् वर्जयेन्मैथुनं च॥ ४२द् ॥
The patient of oedema should avoid meat of domestic animals, aquatic and marshy lands and which are debilitated, dry vegetables, mess prepared from Sesamum indicum, jaggery and flour, curds wine mixed with salt, devoid of water and sour alcohol, fried grains, dried meat food containing both healthy and unhealthy substances which are difficult to digest, food which is not accustomed which produce burning sensation during digestion, Keeping awake at night, and sexual intercourse.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने श्वयथुचिकित्सितं नाम सप्तदशोऽध्याय:॥ १७ ॥
Thus ends the chapter Svayathu Cikitsita the seventeenth in Cikitsita sthana of Astanga Hrdaya Samhita- composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.



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