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HomeLifestyleSmashed Potatoes (Baked or Grilled!)

Smashed Potatoes (Baked or Grilled!)

Smashed red potatoes are a crispy and delicious way to cook red potatoes. Broil them or grill them and enjoy them with your favorite seasoning and parmesan cheese.

Smashed red potatoes on a plate.

The Crispiest Smashed Red Potatoes

We are all about potatoes here on FFF! From crock pot baked potatoes to microwave baked potatoes to red potatoes in foil, we love them all! Potatoes are our favorite because they are affordable, they have a long shelf life, and they can be transformed into delicious dishes just like this smashed red potato recipe.

If you’ve got red potatoes and you don’t know what to do with them, you’re in luck. These potatoes are creamy on the inside, crispy on the outside, and perfectly seasoned with everything bagel seasoning. You just can’t get enough.

In this post, we’ll teach you how to make smashed potatoes 2 different ways – on the grill or in the oven.

Raw red potatoes in a bowl ready to boil!

How to Make Smashed Red Potatoes

Prep Potatoes

You can technically make these smashed potatoes with ANY type of potato, however, we like to use red potatoes.

Red potatoes are generally the perfect size and their skin isn’t too coarse, making them very smashable.

#1 tip

When shopping for your red potatoes, look for potatoes that are close in size. The more similar they are in size, the more even they will cook.

Wash and pat your potatoes dry. Then, slice your small red potatoes in half.

Boil Potatoes

After the potatoes are cut and ready to go, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Why salted? Salting the water gives the potatoes flavor while they cook. Trust us, you can tell the difference between a potato in salted water and non-salted water.

When the water comes to a rolling boil (carefully) add the potatoes to the boiling water and boil them for 20-25 minutes.

How can you tell when the potatoes are ready? To test the potatoes all you have to do is carefully poke a potato with a fork and if the fork goes easily into the potato they are ready!

What you do NOT want is for the potato to fall apart when you poke them with the fork! That means they are overcooked!

The key to perfect red smashed potatoes

Make sure not to overcook the potatoes. If you do overcook the taters, they may not hold shape very well and turn into mashed potatoes rather than smashed potatoes!

Boiling red potatoes in a large pot of water.

Smash Potatoes

Once the potatoes have softened, strain the water from the potatoes and pat them dry.

From there, place them on an oiled baking sheet and get ready to SMASH.

How do you smash potatoes? Instead of smashing the potatoes with a fork use the bottom of a cup or a measuring cup. A larger, flat, and hard surface helps to smash the potato rather than mash them.

Here’s a tip–> If you are smashing potato halves, smash the potatoes with the inside (skinless) part of the potato pointed up!

Smashing a boiled red potato with the bottom of a cup!

Oil/Season Potatoes

Once you’ve smashed your potatoes, generously drizzle them with olive oil. This is going to get them nice and crispy.

Then, season them with your preferred seasonings. We love using Everything Bagel Seasoning, but you can use 1/2 – 1 tablespoon of any seasoning. Here are some ideas:


The glory of these potatoes is that you can broil them in the winter and grill them in the summer. Both are equally delicious.

Broiling Instructions

Broil potatoes on high for 2-3 minutes until nice and crispy. Season with parmesan cheese and cook until melted.

Grilling Instructions

Grill the potatoes on a piece of tin foil, skin side-up for 80-10 minutes. Flip and sprinkle on the cheese. Grill for an additional 3-5 minutes.

Smashed red potatoes on a plate with flank steak.

No matter how you decide to cook the potatoes, sprinkling the potatoes with cheese with a minute of cook time left will complete the smashed red potato recipe! Remove them from the oven or grill and enjoy!



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