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HomeLifestyleSmooth & Spicy Amish Sugar Cookies with Raisins: (More healthy Choice!)

Smooth & Spicy Amish Sugar Cookies with Raisins: (More healthy Choice!)

This recipe for Amish sugar cookies is not what you may expect when you think of this simple drop cookie. For the most part, they are vanilla-based and use butter or a butter/oil combination along with cream of tartar in many recipes for a crisper cookie. However, this melt-in-your-mouth cookie recipe, given to me years ago from a friend visiting Amish country produces delicious spicy soft cookies.

The only change to the original recipe was substituting butter to avoid its saturated fat with
heart-healthy canola oil. The first time I made these wonderful cookies I used butter, which does add that special flavor that it is known for. But honestly, the canola oil version tastes just as good, only slightly different.

Why You Must Make These Tender Spice Cookies

They are economical cookies with inexpensive ingredients that are probably in your pantry now.

You get a lot of scrumptious spice cookies from this recipe. A half of this recipe makes two cookie sheets full of large cookies. Use a teaspoon for each because they do grow more than you probably expect.

How can I forget how very easy these awesome drop sugar cookies are to make? Line up your ingredients first lets you breeze through this recipe even faster. You can whip up a batch and have them to serve in about fifteen minutes from start to finish.

These freeze well. What I do is to put a place of these Amish sugar cookies in the freezer to harden up before storing in a freezer bag.

Besides using canola oil, this is a healthy salt-free cookie for those watching their sodium intake.

The next time that you feel like baking cookies and don’t want to spend all day in the kitchen, then give my Amish sugar cookies a try. Please also share this recipe with your family and friends and do come back to my blog for more.

How to Make Soft & Spicy Amish Sugar Cookies

2 large eggs
1 ½ cups sugar
1 cup of raisins
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 ½ cups of sifted flour
½ cups of canola oil
4 tablespoons of sour milk
1 teaspoon of ground cloves
1 teaspoon of baking soda, leveled and dissolved in the milk

  1. Preheat your oven to 350-degrees.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix all the ingredients together.
  3. Drop by teaspoons onto well-greased cookie sheets. Give them room because they will grow.
  4. Bake at 350-degrees for about eight to nine minutes, depending on how your oven is regulated. They should look slightly brown around the edges.
  5. Cool them in the pan for about five minutes to give them time for firm up before attempting to remove them to a cooling rack.
  6. ENJOY!

More of My Family’s Favorite Sugar Cookie Recipes:

Soft Sugar Cookies with Chocolate Frosting

Crunchy Sugar Cookies

Crisp Brown Sugar Cookies

A Plate of Amish Sugar Cookies

This melt-in-your-mouth cookie recipe, given to me years ago from a friend visiting Amish country produces soft and spicy sugar cookies.


Dessert, Snack




amish sugar cookies, easy cookies, soft sugar cookies, spice cookies

Author: Mary Balandiat

  • 2
    large eggs
  • 1 ½
  • 1
    of raisins
  • 1
    of cinnamon
  • 2 ½
    of sifted flour
  • ½
    of canola oil
  • 4
    of sour milk
  • 1
    of ground cloves
  • 1
    of baking soda
    leveled and dissolved in the milk

  1. Preheat your oven to 350-degrees.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, mix all the ingredients together.

  3. Drop by teaspoons onto well-greased cookie sheets. Give them room because they will grow.

  4. Bake at 350-degrees for about eight to nine minutes, depending on how your oven is regulated. They should look slightly brown around the edges.

  5. Cool them in the pan for about five minutes to give them time for firm up before attempting to remove them to a cooling rack.

  6. ENJOY!



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