Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLifestyleStraightforward Fennel Scones: A Licorice-Flavored Deal with with Sugar Topping

Straightforward Fennel Scones: A Licorice-Flavored Deal with with Sugar Topping

Anyone that loves the licorice like flavor of fennel would love this easy recipe for my fennel seed scones. Unlike a more savory version, this one is for a sweet fennel scone with a simple sugar coating without fruit or nuts that could possibly distract the taste buds away from that delectable licorice flavor. These fennel seed scones make a sensational treat for breakfast or snack time. If you’re also a scone lover, this recipe should be on your calender for next time you want to bake a batch.

I make many varieties of homemade scones often as you probably know by now if you’re a regular reader. The reason is because they are quick to make, have less sugar than other sweeter baked options such as cakes, pies and cookies for health and better managing weight. Therefore, I constantly keep inventing new scone recipes such as this wonderful new one for fennel seed scones.

I hope that you’ll want to give this easy scone recipe a try because it is a keeper. Please if you do bake them, share the recipe with your family and friends and do come back to my blog for more.

Handy Tips for Great Scones

Do not over mix the dough. You only want to combine the dry with wet ingredients together to moisten the dough. It’s important to remember the more that you play with the dough, the tougher the texture will be.

If the dough becomes slightly sticky due to the humidity as you roll it into small balls, then you have two options. You can keep your flour canister open and grab a little flour to coat your hands as you roll. Another option is to turn the measuring cup you used to measure the oil in the palm of your hands to lube them up.

You can eliminate the salt if you’re watching your sodium from this recipe without any problems for how these scones turn out.

The amount of sugar for the coating can be increased if you prefer or reduced or even completely eliminated if you want to reduce their calorie intake or hate sugary fingers when handling them to eat.

How to Make Fennel Scones

2 cups of sifted flour
1/3 cup of canola oil
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of milk + 2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon of fennel seeds
1 large egg
1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of baking powder, leveled
1/4 cup minus a tablespoon of sugar to roll the scones in

  1. Preheat your oven to 375-degrees
  2. In a large mixing bowl: add the sifted flour, 1/4 cup of sugar, fennel seed, baking powder, salt before pouring in the milk, oil and egg. Stir the ingredients only to moisten and combine them. You can use a fork or wooden spoon.
  3. Roll into small balls.
  4. To prepare the sugar coating: Use slightly less than about 1/4 more of sugar and roll the shaped scones in the sugar to coat all sides before placing on a well-greased baking pan.
  5. Bake at 375-degrees for 10-12 minutes, depending on how your oven is regulated. The bottoms will be slightly brown to indicate doneness.
  6. Cool in the pan for about a minute before removing.
  7. ENJOY!

More Scone Delights You Need to Try

Here is just a sampling of a few of my tasty scone recipes. Go to my search box because there is a great deal more to find.

Cheddar-Rosemary Scones

Oatmeal Scones

Low-Calorie Scones

Cottage Cheese Scones

Sour Cream Scones

Lemon-Cherry Scones

Fennel seed scones

Unlike a more savory version, this one is for a sweet fennel scone with a simple sugar topping without fruit or nuts that could possibly distract the taste buds away from that delectable licorice flavor.


Breakfast, Dessert, snacks




easy scone recipe, easy sweet fennel scone recipe, fennel scones, licorice flavor, sweet scones

Author: Mary Balandiat

  • 2
    of sifted flour
  • 1/3
    of canola oil
  • 1/4
    of sugar
  • 1/4
    of milk + 2 tablespoons
  • 1
    of fennel seeds
  • 1
    large egg
  • 1/4
    of salt
  • 2
    of baking powder
  • 1/4
    minus a tablespoon of sugar to roll the scones in

  1. Preheat your oven to 375-degrees

  2. In a large mixing bowl: add the sifted flour, 1/4 cup of sugar, fennel seed, baking powder, salt before pouring in the milk, oil and egg. Stir the ingredients only to moisten and combine them. You can use a fork or wooden spoon.

  3. Roll into small balls.

  4. To prepare the sugar coating: Use slight less than about 1/4 more of sugar and roll the shaped scones in the sugar to coat all sides before placing on a well-greased baking pan.

  5. Bake at 375-degrees for 10-12 minutes, depending on how your oven is regulated. The bottoms will be slightly brown to indicate doneness.

  6. Cool in the pan for about a minute before removing.

  7. ENJOY!



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