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HomeLifestyleSubstances, Methodology of preparation, Advantages

Substances, Methodology of preparation, Advantages

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Deepana Lekhana Basti

Reference – The reference of this praised decoction enema is from Charaka Siddhi Sthana Chapter3, verses 38-42

Name analysis & mode of action

The name of this enema indicates two main actions and clinical utilities –

  • Deepana – kindling digestive fire / activity – this enema kindles the digestive fire and brings it to a state of balance. So it is obviously used in conditions wherein there are sluggish digestive functions due to agnimandya – weakness of digestive fire in the stomach.
  • Lekhana – scraping effect – the enemas having this action is highly beneficial in diseases caused due to increased fat in the body or due to errors of fat metabolism. The vasti due to its strong scraping action would remove the excess fats accumulated in the body and also the micro-fats which cause obstruction in the blood vessels and other channels in the body.

Biphasic action of Deepana Lekhana Basti – Agnimandya is the root cause of many systemic diseases according to Ayurveda, and also according to modern medicine. Fat and fat related health issues and errors in fat metabolism are also caused by agnimandya. So, this enema which has biphasic action not only kindles the agni and corrects metabolism at the gut and tissue level, it also would relieve the body of the burden of excessive fat, cure fat related disorders and is a sure shot remedy for obesity and overweight conditions.

Other name

This enema is also called Eranda Basti / Eranda Vasti. This is due to ‘Erandamula – root of Ricinus communis’ being the chief ingredient of the enema preparation.

Type of Vasti – It is a type of Niruha or Asthapana Vasti, given in the form of decoction.

Deepana Lekhana Vasti / Eranda Vasti  


a. For preparation of decoction

Erandamula – roots of Ricinus communis – 3 pala – 144 grams

1 pala – 48 grams each of the pastes of the below mentioned herbs –

  • Palasha – Butea monosperma
  • Salaparni – Desmodium gangeticum
  • Prsniparni – Uraria picta
  • Brihati – Solanum indicum
  • Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum
  • Gokshura – Tribullus terestris
  • Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata
  • Ashvagandha – Withania somnifera
  • Atibala – Abutilon indicum
  • Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia
  • Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa
  • Aragvadha – Cassia fistula
  • Devadaru – Cedrus deodara
  • Madana kalka – paste of eight seeds of Randia dumetorum

b. For preparation of paste

1 aksha / tola – 12 grams – each of –

  • Satahva – Anethum graveolens / dill seeds
  • Hapusha – Juniperus communis
  • Priyangu – Callicarpa macrophylla
  • Pippali – Piper longum
  • Madhuka – Glyzyrrhiza glabra
  • Bala – Sida cordifolia
  • Rasanjana – aqueous extract of Berberis aristata
  • Vatsaka Beeja – seeds of Holarrhena antidysenterica
  • Musta – Cyperus rotundus

c. Anya dravya – other materials

Appropriate quantity of

  • Saindhava – rock salt
  • Madhu – honey
  • Taila – oil
  • Gomutra – urine of cow

Method of preparation

The above said ingredients mentioned in ‘for preparation of decoction’ i.e. (a) – are added with 2 kamsa – 512 tolas (6144 grams) of water and boiled until one eighth of the liquid remains and is filtered. The decoction is thus prepared.

To this decoction the paste of Shatahva etc mentioned in ‘for preparation of paste’ i.e. (b) – are added along with rock salt etc ingredients mentioned in ‘other materials’ i.e. (c) – in appropriate quantity.

The resultant mixture is ‘eranda basti’ enema liquid which is ready to be administered.

This enema should be administered warmly.

Note –

Though not specified, there is a standard format of mixing the enema ingredients.

Rock salt, honey, oil, paste of Shatahva etc herbs (mentioned in ‘b’) and erandamuladi decoction (mentioned in ‘b’) are mixed in that chronological order and not all together. Finally the urine ofthe cow is added and mixed with the enema liquid so as to form a homogenous mixture. This is administered as vasti.


Main benefits

This vasti, going by name and its purpose of preparation serves as –

  • Dipaniya – stimulates the digestive fire / power of digestion and
  • Lekhaniya – scrapes out the morbid matter from the body, mainly excessive fat which has accumulated in the body

Note – lekhaniya action is also applicable for other waste accumulations other than fat, including kapha etc.

Other benefits

This vasti effectively cures –

  • Jangha shula – pain in the calf muscles
  • Uru shula – pain in the thighs
  • Pada shula – pain in the feet
  • Trika shula – pain in the sacral / lumbosacral region
  • Prishta shula – back pain
  • Kaphavrita Maruta – occlusion of vata by kapha
  • Maruta nigraha – immobility of vata or obstruction of vata
  • Vinmutra vata grahanam sa-shulam – obstruction to the voiding of feces, urine and flatus associated with pain in abdomen
  • Adhmana – distension of abdomen / tympanites
  • Ashmari – stones in the urinary tract
  • Sharkara – gravel in the urine
  • Anaha – flatulence, constipation
  • Arshas – piles / hemorrhoids
  • Grahani Dosha – contamination of small intestine by doshas / intestinal disorders / sprue syndrome

Chief areas of action

Agni – Eranda Basti mainly acts on agni and balances it. It also balances the tissue fires.

Doshic action – It stimulates pitta, scrapes morbid kapha and calms the aggravated vata.

Action on dosha subtypes – It balances apana vata, samana vata, pachaka pitta and kledaka kapha.

Action on dhatus – scrapes and expels excessive fat from the body. Therefore it can be used for reducing weight in overweight and obese individuals, especially when these diseases are caused by imbalanced agni.

Action on srotas – relieves obstructions in pureeshavaha and mutravaha srotas, cleanses medovaha srotas,

Action on avarana – removes the obstruction caused to vata and its functions by morbid kapha and fat tissue.

As a remedy in diseases –

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders – mainly disorders of small intestine or duodenum which is the seat of agni i.e. grahani dosha and hemorrhoids – also caused due to mandagni are cured. It also relieves distension of abdomen, flatulence and constipation.
  2. Urinary system – very useful in curing stubborn cases of urinary stones and gravel and also relieves urinary obstruction.
  3. Musculoskeletal system – relieves stubborn and long-standing pain in calf and thigh muscles and bone pains and also pain in bones and joints of the feet, lumbo-sacral spine and thoracic spine.



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