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Sushruta Samhita Chapter 37 Mishraka Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 37 “Mishraka Adhyaya” – Miscellaneous chapter dealing  with  properties of drug groups.

Mishraka Adhyaya – Miscellaneous subjects

(Drugs of specific actions)

अथातो मिश्रकमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

We will now expound the Mishraka Adhyaya (miscellaneous chapter dealing  with  properties of drug groups); as revealed by the venerable  Dhanvantari.

Notes: Vrana shopha means inflammatory swelling or swelling associated with ulcers and wounds. There are eight kinds of treatments for vrana shopha. In this chapter, the drugs which are best suited in the eight kinds of vrana shopha treatment are enumerated.
Read – Sushruta Samhita Chapter 22 Vrana Srava Vijnaniya Adhyaya

The eight kinds of vrana shopha treatments are –

1.  Vimlapana lepana – Softening paste

मातुलुङ्ग्यग्निमन्थौ च भद्रदारु महौषधम् |
अहिंस्रा चैव रास्ना च प्रलेपो वातशोफजित् ||३||
दूर्वा च नलमूलं च मधुकं चन्दनं तथा |
शीतलाश्च गणाः सर्वे प्रलेपः पित्तशोफहृत् ||४||
आगन्तुजे रक्तजे च ह्येष एव विधिः स्मृतः |
विधिर्विषघ्नो विषजे पित्तघ्नोऽपि हितस्तथा ||५||
अजगन्धाऽश्वगन्धा च काला सरलया सह |
एकैषिकाजशृङ्गी च प्रलेपः श्लेष्मशोफहृत् ||६||
एते वर्गास्त्रयो लोध्रं पथ्या पिण्डीतकानि च |
अनन्ता चेति लेपोऽयं सान्निपातिकशोफहृत् ||७||

Vata Shopha – Paste of Matulunga, Agnimantha, Bhadradaru, Mahausadha, Ahimsa and Rasna should be applied for curing swelling of vata origin.
Pitta Shopha – Paste of Durva, root of Nala, Madhuka, Candana, and drugs of Sitala gana (drug group of cold properties) should be applied for curing swelling of pitta origin.
Agantuja and Raktaja Shopha – The same paste (explained for pitta shopha) is beneficial for swellings caused by trauma and vitiation of blood.
Vishaja Shopha – Paste of anti-poisonous drugs should be applied to cure swelling caused due to the effect of poisons. Alternatively, the paste mentioned in the context of pittaja shopha (pastes mitigating pitta) should be used.
Kaphaja Shopha – Paste of Ajagandha, Ashwagandha, Kala (ahimsa), Sarala (Rakta trivrt), Ekaisika (sveta trivrt) and Ajasrangi should be applied to destroy the swelling of kapha origin.
Sannipataja Shopha – Paste of  the drugs mentioned in the above said groups in the context of vata, pitta and kapha shopha should be taken together with with Lodhra, Pathya, Pinditaka and Ananta (duralabha) should be applied to cure swelling of sannipata shopha i.e., swelling caused by simultaneous aggravation of all the three doshas.
Read – Shotha: Causes, Types, Treatment, Medicines

Nature of the paste meant to be applied in swelling caused by different doshas / causes

स्निग्धाम्ललवणो वाते कोष्णः, शीतः पयोयुतः |
पित्ते, चोष्णः कफे क्षारमूत्राढ्यस्तत्प्रशान्तये ||८||

Paste to be applied on the swelling of vata origin should be unctuous, sour, salty and warm.
Paste to be applied on the swelling of Pitta origin, should be cold and mixed with milk.
Paste to be applied on the swelling of Kapha origin, should be hot and added with more Alkalies or urines. 
Read – Lepa Kalpana: Ayurvedic Dosage Forms For External Application

2.  Pachana – ripening

शणमूलकशिग्रूणां फलानि तिलसर्षपाः |
सक्तवः किण्वमतसी द्रव्याण्युष्णानि पाचनम् ||९||

Fruits of Sana, Raddish, Drumstick, sesame and mustard, flour of corn, yeast, Atasi and drugs which are hot in potency, are Pacana (cause ripening of the swelling) in nature.

3.  Darana – bursting

चिरबिल्वोऽग्निको दन्ती चित्रको हयमारकः |
कपोतकङ्कगृध्राणां पुरीषाणि च दारणम् |
क्षारद्रव्याणि वा यानि क्षारो वा दारणं परम् ||१०||

Cirabilva, Agnika, danti, citraka, haya maraka, excreta of pigeon, heron or vulture cause bursting (of swelling). Likewise, the plants (or trees) which yield Alkalies or even Ksaras (alkalies)are best for bursting.

4.  Peedana – squeezing

 द्रव्याणां पिच्छिलानां तु त्वङ्मूलानि प्रपीडनम् |
यवगोधूममाषाणां चूर्णानि च समासतः ||११||

Barks, roots (etc. of drugs) which are slimy, flour of barley, wheat and black gram, in brief, cause squeezing.

5.  Shodhana – cleansing

शाङ्खिन्यङ्कोठसुमनःकरवीरसुवर्चलाः |
शोधनानि कषायाणि वर्गश्चारग्वधादिकः ||१२||

Decoction of Sankhini, Ankota, Sumana, Karavira, Suvarcala and drugs of Aragwadhadi cause  cleansing (of the wound).

अजगन्धाऽजशृङ्गी च गवाक्षी लाङ्गलाह्वया |
पूतीकश्चित्रकः पाठा विडङ्गैलाहरेणवः ||१३||
कटुत्रिकं यवक्षारो लवणानि मनःशिला |
कासीसं त्रिवृता दन्ती हरितालं सुराष्ट्रजा ||१४||
संशोधनीनां वर्तीनां द्रव्याण्येतानि निर्दिशेत् |
एतैरेवौषधैः कुर्यात्कल्कानपि च शोधनान् ||१५||

Ajagandha, Ajashringi, Gavakshi, Langala, Putika, chitraka, Patha, Vidanga, Ela, Harenu, Katrika, Yavakshara, Lavanani (all kinds  of salts), Manashila, Kasisa, Trivrit, Danti, Haritala, Surastraja (mrt) – are the drugs best for preparing wicks for cleansing. Even the cleansing pastes (pastes used for cleansing) can also be prepared using these drugs).

अर्कोत्तमां स्नुहीक्षीरं पिष्ट्वा क्षारोत्तमानि च |
जातीमूलं हरिद्रे द्वे कासीसं कटुरोहिणीम् ||१६||
पूर्वोद्दिष्टानि चान्यानि कुर्यात् संशोधनं घृतम् ||
मयूरको राजवृक्षो निम्बः कोशातकी तिलाः ||१७||
बृहती कण्टकारी च हरितालं मनःशिला |
शोधनानि च योज्यानि तैले द्रव्याणि शोधने ||१८||
कासीसे सैन्धवे किण्वे वचायां रजनीद्वये |
शोधनाङ्गेषु चान्येषु चूर्णं कुर्वीत शोधनम् ||१९||
सालसारादिसारेषु पटोलत्रिफलासु च |
रसक्रिया विधातव्या शोधनी शोधनेषु च ||२०||

  • Medicated ghee useful for cleaning may be prepared from paste of Arka, Uttama (Triphala), milky sap of Snuhi, best Alkaline (alkali prepared from Muskoka and such other trees), root of Jati, the two Haridra, Kasisa, Katurohini and paste of the drugs mentioned earlier (ajagandha etc).
  • Medicated oil useful for cleansing may be prepared from Mayuraka, Rajavrksa, Neem, Kosataki, Tila, Brhati, Kantakari, Haritala, Manassila, and drugs mentioned in shodhana varti (or drugs meant for purificatory therapies).
  • Powder useful for cleansing may be prepared from Kasisa, Saindhava, Kinva, Vaca, Barley, the two Rajani and drugs mentioned in other purificatory therapies (enema, nasal medications etc).
  • Rasakriya (thick decoction) for cleansing may be done with pith of drugs of Salasar group, patola, triphala, and drugs mentioned in purificatory therapies.

श्रीवेष्टके सर्जरसे सरले देवदारुणि |
सारेष्वपि च कुर्वीत मतिमान् व्रणधूपनम् ||२१||

The wise physician should fumigate the wound by using Srivestaka, Sarjarasa, Sarala, Devadaru and Piths (of trees like sala, Sara etc) for cleansing the wound. 
Read – Wound Cleansing, Healing by Sushruta (Shodhana And Ropana) Types, Details

6.  Ropana- healing

कषायाणामनुष्णानां वृक्षाणां त्वक्षु साधितः |
शृतः शीतकषायो वा रोपणार्थं प्रशस्यते ||२२||
सोमामृताश्वगन्धासु काकोल्यादौ गणे तथा |
क्षीरिप्ररोहेष्वपि च वर्तयो रोपणाः स्मृताः ||२३||
समङ्गा सोमसरला सोमवल्कः सचन्दनः |
काकोल्यादिश्च कल्कः स्यात् प्रशस्तो व्रणरोपणे ||२४||
पृथक्पर्ण्यात्मगुप्ता च हरिद्रे मालती सिता |
काकोल्यादिश्च योज्यः स्याद्भिषजा रोपणे घृते ||२५||
कालानुसार्यागुरुणी हरिद्रे देवदारु च |
प्रियङ्गवश्च रोध्रं च तैले योज्यानि रोपणे ||२६||

  •  Decoction, hot infusion or cold infusion prepared from barks of trees which are not hot (cold) in potency, is best for healing.
  • Wicks of paste of soma, Amrta, Ashwagandha, or of Drugs of Kakolyadi Gana or of trees yielding milky sap are good for healing.
  • Paste of samanga,  soma, sarala, somavalka, candana and drugs of  Kakolyadigana  is best  for healing wounds.
  • Medicated ghee prepared with Prishniparni, Atmagupta, the two haridra, Malati, Sita, (sugar) and drugs of Kakolyadi Gana may be used for healing by the physician.
  • Medicated oil prepared with Kalanusari, Aguru, the two  haridra, devadaru, Priyangu and Rodhra may be made use of for healing.

कङ्गुका त्रिफला रोध्रं कासीसं श्रवणाह्वया |
धवाश्वकर्णयोस्त्वक् च रोपणं चूर्णमिष्यते ||२७||
प्रियङ्गुका सर्जरसः पुष्पकासीसमेव च |
त्वक्चूर्णं धवजं चैव रोपणार्थं प्रशस्यते ||२८||
त्वक्षु न्यग्रोधवर्गस्य त्रिफलायास्तथैव च |
रसक्रियां रोपणार्थे विदधीत यथाक्रमम् ||२९||

  • Powder of Kanguka, Triphala, Rodhra, Kasisa, Sravana, barks of Dhava, and Asvakarna is useful for healing, Similarly the powder of priyanguka, Sarjarasa, Puspakasisa, bark of dhava is ideal for wound healing.
  • Rasakriya (thick decoction) prepared from barks of drugs of Nyagrodhadi Varga (Gana) and Triphala can also be used for wound healing.
    Read – Triphaladi Churnam Uses, Dose, Ingredients, Side Effects

7.  Ustadana – promoting growth of muscles

अपामार्गोऽश्वगन्धा च तालपत्री सुवर्चला |
उत्सादने प्रशस्यन्ते काकोल्यादिश्च यो गणः ||३०||

Pastes of Apamarga, Ashwagandha, Talapatri (Musali), Suvarcla and drugs of Kakolyadi Gana applied on the wound are ideal for promoting growth of muscles (healthy granulation tissue).

8.  Avasadana – removing extra growth

कासीसं सैन्धवं किण्वं कुरुविन्दो मनःशिला |
कुक्कुटाण्डकपालानि सुमनोमुकुलानि च ||३१||
फले शैरीषकारञ्जे धातुचूर्णानि यानि च |
व्रणेषूत्सन्नमांसेषु प्रशस्तान्यवसादने ||३२||

Kasisa, Saindhava, Kinva (yeast), Kuruvinda (ruby), Manassila, Shell of hens, egg, Buds of Sumana, fruits of Sirisa and Karanja, powder of Dhatus (metallic ores such as Haritala, Kasisa etc) made as paste and applied to the wound, removes extra  growth of muscles.

समस्तं वर्गमर्धं वा यथालाभमथापि वा |
प्रयुञ्जीत भिषक् प्राज्ञो यथोद्दिष्टेषु कर्मसु ||३३||
The intelligent physician may make use of all drugs of these groups (mentioned so far), half of them or as many as available, for the described purpose.

इति श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने  मिश्रकाध्यायो नाम सप्तत्रिंशत्तमोऽध्याय ॥३७॥
Thus ends the Thirty seventh chapters by name Mishrakadhyaya in Sutra Sthana or Sushruta Samhita.



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