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HomeLifestyleSushruta Samhita Chapter 38 Dravya Sangrahaniya Adhyaya

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 38 Dravya Sangrahaniya Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 38 “Dravya Sangrahaniya Adhyaya” – Collection (group) of drugs.

Dravya Sangrahaniya Adhyaya – Collection of drugs

अथातो द्रव्यसङ्ग्रहणीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

Now, we will expound the chapter by name Dravya Sangrahaniya- groups of drugs; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Read – Acharya Sushruta: Work, Samhita, Legacy, Amazing Facts

Gana Sankhya – Number of drugs groups

समासेन सप्तत्रिंशद्द्रव्यगणा भवन्ति ||३||
In brief, groups of drugs are thirty-seven in number, these are as follows

1.  Vidarigandhadi gana

तद्यथा- विदारिगन्धा विदारी विश्वदेवा सहदेवा श्वदंष्ट्रा पृथक्पर्णी शतावरी सारिवा कृष्णसारिवा जीवकर्षभकौ महासहा क्षुद्रसहा बृहत्यौ पुनर्नवैरण्डो हंसपादी वृश्चिकाल्यृषभी चेति ||४||
विदारीगन्धादिरयं गणः पित्तानिलापहः |
शोषगुल्माङ्गमर्दोर्ध्वश्वासकासविनाशनः ||५||
Vidarigandhadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Vidarikanda,
  • Vidari,
  • Vishvadeva,
  • Prishniparni,
  • Shatavari,
  • Sariva,
  • Krishna Sariva,
  • Jivaka,
  • Rishabhaka,
  • Mahasaha,
  • Kshudrasaha,
  • the two Brihati (Brihati and Kantakari),
  • Punarnava,
  • Erandam,
  • Hamsapadi,
  • Vrischikali and
  • Rishabhi (Kapikacchu).

Benefits – This Vidarigandhadigana mitigates Pitta and Vata, cures consumption, abdominal tumour, body aches, heavy upward breathing and cough.
Read – Ashtavarga Group Of Herbs Benefits, Research

2.  Aragvadhadi Gana

आरग्वधमदनगोपघोण्टाकण्टकीकुटजपाठापाटलामूर्वेन्द्रयवसप्तपर्णनिम्बकुरुण्टकदासीकुरुण्टक- गुडूचीचित्रकशार्ङ्ग(र्ङ्गे)ष्टाकरञ्जद्वयपटोलकिराततिक्तकानि सुषवी चेति ||६||
आरग्वधादिरित्येष गणः श्लेष्मविषापहः |
मेहकुष्ठज्वरवमीकण्डूघ्नो व्रणशोधनः ||७||

Aragvadhadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Aragvadha,
  • Madana,
  • Gopaghonta (Karkati),
  • Kantaki (Vikankata),
  • Kutaja,
  • Patha,
  • Patala,
  • Murva,
  • Indrayava,
  • Saptaparna,
  • Nimba,
  • Kurantaka,
  • Dasikurantaka,
  • Nilapushpa,
  • Karnataka,
  • Guduchi,
  • Citraka,
  • Sharngesta,
  • Two Karanja,
  • Patola,
  • Kiratatikta, and
  • Sushavi.

Benefits This Aragvadhadi Gana mitigates Slesma (Kapha) and poison, cures diabetes, leprosy (and some other skin diseases) fevers, vomiting, itching and cleanses the wound. 
Read – Shodhanadi gana samgraha Adhyaya – Ashtanga Hrudayam Sutrasthana 15

3.  Salasaradi Gana

सालसाराजकर्णखदिरकदरकालस्कन्धक्रमुकभूर्जमेषशृङ्गतिनिशचन्दनकुचन्दनशिंशपा- शिरीषासनधवार्जुनतालशाकनक्तमालपूतीकाश्वकर्णागुरूणि कालीयकं चेति ||८||
सालसारादिरित्येष गणः कुष्ठविनाशनः |
मेहपाण्ड्वामयहरः कफमेदोविशोषणः ||९||

Salasaradi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Salasara (pith of sala tree),
  • Ajakarna,
  • Khadira,
  • Kadara,
  • Kalaskandha,
  • Kramuka,
  • Bhurja,
  • Meshashringi,
  • Tinisha,
  • Chandana,
  • Kuchandana,
  • Shimshipa,
  • Shirisha,
  • Asana,
  • Dhava,
  • Arjuna,
  • Tala,
  • Shaka,
  • Naktamala,
  • Putika,
  • Ashvakarna,
  • Aguru and
  • Kaliyaka-

Benefits – This Salasaradi Gana cures leprosy (and some other skin diseases), diabetes, Anaemia and dries up Kapha and Medas (fat).

4.  Varunadi Gana

वरुणार्तगलशिग्रुमधुशिग्रुतर्कारीमेषशृङ्गीपूतीकनक्तमालमोरटाग्निमन्थसैरेयकद्वयबिम्बीवसुकवसिरचित्रक- शतावरीबिल्वाजशृङ्गीदर्भा बृहतीद्वयं चेति ||१०||
वरुणादिर्गणो ह्येष कफमेदोनिवारणः |
विनिहन्ति शिरःशूलगुल्माभ्यन्तरविद्रधीन् ||११||
Varunadi Gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Varuna
  • Artagala,
  • Shigru,
  • Madhushigru,
  • Tarkari,
  • Meshashringi,
  • Putika,
  • Naktamala,
  • Morata,
  • Agnimantha,
  • The two Saireyaka,
  • Bimbi,
  • Vasuka,
  • Vasira,
  • Chitraka,
  • Shatavari,
  • Bilva,
  • Ajashringi,
  • Darbha and the
  • Two Brihati.

This Varunadi Gana mitigates Kapha and Meda (fat), cures headaches, abdominal tumours and internal abscesses.

5. Viratarvadi Gana

वीरतरुसहचरद्वयदर्भवृक्षादनीगुन्द्रानलकुशकाशाश्मभेदकाग्निमन्थमोरटावसुकवसिरभल्लूककुरण्टिकेन्दीवरकपोतवङ्काः श्वदंष्ट्रा चेति ||१२||  वीरतर्वादिरित्येष गणो वातविकारनुत् |
अश्मरीशर्करामूत्रकृच्छ्राघातरुजापहः ||१३||
Viratarvadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Virataru,
  • The two Sachachara,
  • Darbha,
  • Vrikshadani,
  • Gundra,
  • Nala,
  • Kusha,
  • Kasha, 
  • Ashma Bhedaka,
  • Agnimantha,
  • Morata,
  • Vasuka (apamarga)
  • Bhalluka (Syonaka),
  • Kurantika,
  • Indivara,
  • Kapotavanka (Suvarchala) and 
  • Shvadamstra.

Benefits – This Viratavadi gana cures diseases by aggravation of Vata, urinary calculus and Gravel, Dysuria and  pain of retention of urine. 

6.  Lodhradi Gana

लोध्रसावरलोध्रपलाशकुटन्नटाशोकफञ्जीकट्फलैलवालुकशल्लकीजिङ्गिनीकदम्बसालाः कदली चेति ||१४||
एष रोध्रादिरित्युक्तो मेदःकफहरो गणः |
योनिदोषहरः स्तम्भी वर्ण्यो विषविनाशनः ||१५||

Lodhradi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Lodhra,
  • Savaralodhra,
  • Palasha,
  • Kutannata,
  • Ashoka,
  • Phanji,
  • Katphala,
  • Elavaluka,
  • Shallaki,
  • Jingini,
  • Kadamba,
  • Sala and
  • Kadali

Benefits – This Lodhradi  gana,  mitigates  fat and  Kapha, cures disorders of vagina, withholds  elimination,  bestows color and destroys  poison.

7.  Arkadi gana

अर्कालर्ककरञ्जद्वयनागदन्तीमयूरकभार्गीरास्नेन्द्रपुष्पीक्षुद्रश्वेतामहाश्वेतावृश्चिकाल्यलवणास्तापसवृक्षश्चेति ||१६||
अर्कादिको गणो ह्येष कफमेदोविषापहः |
कृमिकुष्ठप्रशमनो विशेषाद्व्रणशोधनः ||१७||

Arkadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Arka,
  • Alarka,
  • Two Karanja,
  • Nagadanti,
  • Mayuraka,
  • Bharngi,
  • Rasna,
  • Indrapushpi (krishnapushpa karanja),
  • Kshudrashveta,
  • Mahashveta,
  • Vrischikali,
  • Alavana (jyothirmayi ) and
  • Tapas Vriksha

Benedits – This Arkadi gana, Mitigates Kapha, Medas and poison, alleviates worms, leprosy (and some other skin diseases) and heals wounds especially.
Read – Vishaghna Gana Anti toxic Herbs: Review, Benefits, Formulations

8.  Surasadi Gana

सुरसाश्वेतसुरसाफणिज्झकार्जकभूस्तृणसुगन्धकसुमुखकालमालकुठेरककासमर्दक्षवकखरपुष्पाविडङ्गकट्फल- सुरसीनिर्गुण्डीकुलाहलोन्दुरुकर्णिकाफञ्जीप्राचीबलकाकमाच्यो  विषमुष्टिकश्चेति ||१८||
सुरसादिर्गणो ह्येष कफहृत् कृमिसूदनः |
प्रतिश्यायारुचिश्वासकासघ्नो व्रणशोधनः ||१९||

Surasadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Surasa,
  • Shvetasurasa,
  • Phanijjaka,
  • Arjaka,
  • Bhustrina,
  • Sugandhaka,
  • Sumukha,
  • Kalamala,
  • Kutheraka,
  • Kasamarda,
  • Kshavaka,
  • Khara Pushpa,
  • Vidanga,
  • Katphala,
  • Surasi,
  • Nirgundi,
  • Kulahala,
  • Undurukarnika,
  • Phanji,
  • Prachibala,
  • Kakamachi and
  • Vishamustika

Benefits – This Surasadi Gana mitigates kapha, kills worms, cures nasal catarrh, loss of taste, dyspnoea and cough and cleanses the wounds.

9.  Mushkakadi Gana

मुष्ककपलाशधवचित्रकमदनवृक्षकशिंशपावज्रवृक्षास्त्रिफला चेति ||२०||
मुष्ककादिर्गणो ह्येष मेदोघ्नः शुक्रदोषहृत् |
मेहार्शःपाण्डुरोगाश्मशर्करानाशनः परः ||२१||

Muskakadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Mushkaka,
  • Palasha,
  • Chitraka,
  • Madana,
  • Vrikshaka,
  • Shimshipa,
  • Vajrachakra (snuhi) and
  • Triphala (trees of Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki).

Benefits – This Mushkakadi gana Mitigates fat and disorders  of semen, cures diabetes, haemorrhoids, anaemia, urinary calculus and gravel.

10. Pippaliyadi Gana

पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलचव्यचित्रकशृङ्गवेरमरिचहस्तिपिप्पलीहरेणुकैलाजमोदेन्द्रयवपाठाजीरकसर्षप- महानिम्बफलहिङ्गुभार्गीमधुरसातिविषावचाविडङ्गानि कटुरोहिणी चेति ||२२||
पिप्पल्यादिः कफहरः प्रतिश्यायानिलारुचीः |
निहन्याद्दीपनो गुल्मशूलघ्नश्चामपाचनः ||२३||
Pippalyadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Pippali,
  • Pippalimula,
  • Chavya,
  • Chitrakka,
  • Shringavera,
  • Maricha,
  • Hasti pippali,
  • Harenuka,
  • Ela,
  • Ajamoda,
  • Indrayava,
  • Patha,
  • Jiraka,
  • Sarshapa,
  • Mahanimbaphala,
  • Hingu,
  • Bharngi,
  • Madhurasa,
  • Ativisha,
  • Vacha,
  • Vidanga and
  • Katurohini

Benefits – This Pippalyadi Gana mitigates Kapha, cures nasal catarrh, disorders of vata origin, loss of taste, Kindles hunger, cures abdominal tumours, pain of the abdomen and cooks Ama (undigested food material).

11.  Eladi Gana

एलातगरकुष्ठमांसीध्यामकत्वक्पत्रनागपुष्पप्रियङ्गुहरेणुकाव्याघ्रनखशुक्तिचण्डास्थौणेयकश्रीवेष्टक- चोचचोरकवालुकगुग्गुलुसर्जरसतुरुष्ककुन्दुरुकागुरुस्पृक्कोशीरभद्रदारुकुङ्कुमानि पुन्नागकेशरं चेति ||२४||
एलादिको वातकफौ निहन्याद्विषमेव च |
वर्णप्रसादनः कण्डूपिडकाकोठनाशनः ||२५||

Eladi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Ela,
  • Tagara,
  • Kustha,
  • Mamsi,
  • Dhyamaka,
  • Tvak,
  • Patra,
  • Nagapushpa,
  • Priyangu,
  • Harenuka, Vyaghranakha,
  • Valuka,
  • Shukti,
  • Sthauneyaka,
  • Shrivestaka,
  • Chocha,
  • Choraka,
  • Aguru,
  • Sphirkka,
  • Ushira,
  • Bhadradaru,
  • Kumkuma,
  • Punnaga and
  • Kesara (nagakesara).

Benefits – This Eladi gana mitigates Vata, Kapha and poison, bestows good colour cures itching, eruptions and rashes.
Read – Eladi Churna Ingredients, Benefits, Side Effects And Dose

12 & 13 –  Vacadi and Haridradi gana

वचामुस्तातिविषाभयाभद्रदारूणि नागकेशरं चेति ||२६||
हरिद्रादारुहरिद्राकलशीकुटजबीजानि मधुकं चेति ||२७||
एतौ वचाहरिद्रादी गणौ स्तन्यविशोधनौ |
आमातिसारशमनौ विशेषाद्दोषपाचनौ ||२८||
Vachadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned

drugs –

Haridradi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Haridra,
  • Daruharidra,
  • Kalasi,
  • Kutajabija and
  • Madhuka

Benefits – These two Vacadi and Haridradi gana, purify breast milk, relieve amatisara – nascent diarrhoea and ripen / mitigate the doshas especially. 

14. Shyamadi Gana

श्यामामहाश्यामात्रिवृद्दन्तीशङ्खिनीतिल्वककम्पिल्लकरम्यकक्रमुकपुत्रश्रेणीगवाक्षी- राजवृक्षकरञ्जद्वयगुडूचीसप्तलाच्छगलान्त्रीसुधाः सुवर्णक्षीरी चेति ||२९||
उक्तः श्यामादिरित्येष गणो गुल्मविषापहः |
आनाहोदरविड्भेदी तथोदावर्तनाशनः ||३०||

Syamadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Shyama,
  • Mahashyama (Vriddha Daruka),
  • Trivrit,
  • Danti,
  • Shankhini,
  • Tilvaka,
  • Kampillaka,
  • Ramyaka,
  • Kramuka,
  • Putrashreni (dravanti),
  • Gavakshi,
  • Rajavriksha,
  • Two Karanja,
  • Guduchi,
  • Saptala,
  • Chagalantri,
  • Sudha and 
  • Svaranakshiri.

Benefits – This Syamadi gana cures abdominal tumours, poison, and flatulence, enlargement of the abdomen, diarrhoea and upward movement (reverse peristalsis).

15.   Brihatyadi Gana

बृहतीकण्टकारिकाकुटजफलपाठा मधुकं चेति ||३१||
पाचनीयो बृहत्यादिर्गणः पित्तानिलापहः |
कफारोचकहृद्रोगमूत्रकृच्छ्ररुजापहः ||३२||
Brihatyadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Brihati,
  • Kantakarika, 
  • Kutajaphala,
  • Patha and
  • Madhuka

Benefits – This  Brhatyadi Ghana  is digestive, mitigates pitta, Vata and Kapha, cures anorexia, heat diseases and dysuria.
Read – Loss of appetite: Anorexia: Ayurvedic Understanding And Treatment

16. Patoladi Gana

पटोलचन्दनकुचन्दनमूर्वागुडूचीपाठाः कटुरोहिणी चेति ||३३||
पटोलादिर्गणः पित्तकफारोचकनाशनः |
ज्वरोपशमनो व्रण्यश्छर्दिकण्डूविषापहः ||३४||
Patoladi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned

drugs –

  • Patola,
  • Chandana,
  • Kuchandana,
  • Murva,
  • Guduchi,
  • Patha and
  • Katurohini.

Benefits – This Patoladi gana mitigates Pitta and  Kapha, cures anorexia, relieves fevers, good for  ulcers, vomiting, itching and poison.

17. Kakolyadi Gana

काकोलीक्षीरकाकोलीजीवकर्षभकमुद्गपर्णीमाषपर्णीमेदामहामेदाच्छिन्नरुहा कर्कटशृङ्गीतुगाक्षीरीपद्मकप्रपौण्डरीकर्धिवृद्धिमृद्वीकाजीवन्त्यो मधुकं चेति ||३५||
काकोल्यादिरयं पित्तशोणितानिलनाशनः |
जीवनो बृंहणो वृष्यः स्तन्यश्लेष्मकरस्तथा ||३६||
Kakolyadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Kakoli,
  • Kshirakakoli,
  • Jivaka,
  • Rishabhaka,
  • Mudgaparni,
  • Mashaparni, 
  • Meda,
  • Mahameda,
  • Chinnaruha,
  • Karkatashringi,
  • Tugakshiri,
  • Padmaka,
  • Prapaundarika,
  • Rudhi,
  • Vriddhi,
  • Mridvika,
  • Jivanti and
  • Madhuka

Benefits – This Kakolyadi Gana, mitigates Pitta, Rakta and Vata, is restorative stoutening, aphrodisiac, increases breast milk and kapha. 
Read – Jeevaneeya Gana Herbs of Charaka: Review, Medicines, Benefits

18. Ushakadi Gana

ऊषकसैन्धवशिलाजतुकासीसद्वयहिङ्गूनि तुत्थकं चेति ||३७||
ऊषकादिः कफं हन्ति गणो मेदोविशोषणः |
अश्मरीशर्करामूत्रकृच्छ्रगुल्मप्रणाशनः ||३८||

Usakadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Ushaka,
  • Saindhava,
  • Shilajatu,
  • Two kinds of Kasisa,
  • Hingu and
  • Tutthaka.

Benefits – This Ushakadi gana mitigates kapha, dries up fat, cures urinary calculus and gravel, dysuria and abdominal tumours.

19. Sarivadi Gana

सारिवामधुकचन्दनकुचन्दनपद्मककाश्मरीफलमधूकपुष्पाण्युशीरं चेति ||३९||
सारिवादिः पिपासाघ्नो रक्तपित्तहरो गणः |
पित्तज्वरप्रशमनो विशेषाद्दाहनाशनः ||४०||

Sarivadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Sariva,
  • Madhuka,
  • Chandana,
  • Kuchandana,
  • Padmaka,
  • Kashmariphala,
  • Madhukapushpa and
  • Ushira

Benefits – This Sarivadi Gana cures severe thirst, bleeding diseases, mitigates fever of pitta and burning   sensation especially. 

20. Anjanadhi gana

अञ्जनरसाञ्जननागपुष्पप्रियङ्गुनीलोत्पलनलदनलिनकेशराणि मधुकं चेति ||४१||
अञ्जनादिर्गणो ह्येष रक्तपित्तनिबर्हणः |
विषोपशमनो दाहं निहन्त्याभ्यन्तरं भृशम् ||४२||

Anjanadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Anjana (Sauviranjana),
  • Rasanjana (Darvirasanjana),
  • Nagapushpa (Nagakesaea),
  • Priyangu,
  • Nilotpala,
  • Nalada,
  • Nalina,
  • Kesara (Padmakesara) and
  • Madhuka

Benefits – This Anjanadi gana cures bleeding diseases and severe burning sensation inside the abdomen.
Read – Anjana – Collyrium Types, Method, Uses, Side Effects, Contra Indications

21. Parushakadi Gana

परूषकद्राक्षाकट्फलदाडिमराजादनकतकफलशाकफलानि त्रिफला चेति ||४३||
परूषकादिरित्येष गणोऽनिलविनाशनः |
मूत्रदोषहरो हृद्यः पिपासाघ्नो रुचिप्रदः ||४४||

Parushakadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Parushaka,
  • Draksha,
  • Katphala,
  • Dadima,
  • Rajadana,
  • Katakaphala,
  • Shakaphala and
  • Triphala

Benefits – This Parushakadi Gana mitigates Vata, disorders of urine, is good for the heat, relieves severe thirst and bestows taste.

22 & 23 Priyangvadi &  Ambasthadi Gana

प्रियङ्गुसमङ्गाधातकीपुन्नागनागपुष्पचन्दनकुचन्दनमोचरसरसाञ्जनकुम्भीकस्रोतोजपद्मकेसरयोजनवल्ल्यो दीर्घमूला चेति ||४५||
पद्मकेशराणि चेति ||४६||
गणौ प्रियङ्ग्वम्बष्ठादी पक्वातीसारनाशनौ |
सन्धानीयौ हितौ पित्ते व्रणानां चापि रोपणौ ||४७||

Priyangvadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Priyangu,
  • Samanga,
  • Dhataki,
  • Punnaga,
  • Nagapushpa (Nagakesara),
  • Chandana,
  • Kuchandana,
  • Mocharasa,
  • Rasanjana (Darvija),
  • Kumbhaka,
  • Srotoja (SrotoAnjana),
  • Padmakesara,
  • Yojanhvalli (Manjistha) and
  • Dirghamula (Duralabha)

Ambasthadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Ambastha,  
  • Dhataki Kusuma,
  • Katvanga, 
  • Madhuka,
  • Bilva peshika,
  • Savara Rodhra,
  • Palasha,
  • Nandi vriksha and
  • Padmakesara

Benefits – These two  Priyangavadi and  Ambasthadi Gana cure  chronic  diarrhoea, unite fractures, suitable in diseases of Pitta origin and even heal ulcers.

24. Nyagrodhadi Gana

न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थप्लक्षमधुककपीतनककुभाम्रकोशाम्रचोरकपत्रजम्बूद्वयप्रियाल- मधूकरोहिणीवञ्जुलकदम्बबदरीतिन्दुकीसल्लकीरोध्रसावररोध्रभल्लातकपलाशा नन्दीवृक्षश्चेति ||४८||
न्यग्रोधादिर्गणो व्रण्यः सङ्ग्राही भग्नसाधकः |
रक्तपित्तहरो दाहमेदोघ्नो योनिदोषहृत् ||४९||

Nyagrodhadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Nyagrodha,
  • Udumbara,
  • Ashvattha,
  • Plaksa,
  • Madhuka,
  • Kapitana,
  • Kakubha,
  • Amra,
  • Koshamra,
  • Chorakapatra (laksa vrksa) and
  • Jambu,
  • Priyala,
  • Madhuka,
  • Rohini (katphala),
  • Vanjula (vetasa),
  • Kadamba,
  • Badari,
  • Tinduki,
  • Shallaki,
  • Rodhra,
  • Savararodhra,
  • Bhallataka,
  • Palasha and
  • Nandi vriksha.

Benefits – This Nyagrodhadi gana is good for ulcers, constipation, helps healing of fractures, cures bleeding diseases, burning sensation, obesity and disorders of vagina. 

25. Guduchyadi Gana

 गुडूचीनिम्बकुस्तुम्बुरुचन्दनानि पद्मकं चेति ||५०||
एष सर्वज्वरान् हन्ति गुडूच्यादिस्तु दीपनः |
हृल्लासारोचकवमीपिपासादाहनाशनः ||५१||

Guduchyadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

Benefits – This Guducyadi Gana cures all types of fevers, stimulates digestive fire, and cures nausea, anorexia, vomiting, severe thirst and burning sensation.
Read – Burning Sensation – Ayurvedic Understanding And Treatment

26. Utpaladi Gana

उत्पलरक्तोत्पलकुमुदसौगन्धिककुवलयपुण्डरीकाणि मधुकं चेति ||५२||
उत्पलादिरयं दाहपित्तरक्तविनाशनः |
पिपासाविषहृद्रोगच्छर्दिमूर्च्छाहरो गणः ||५३||

Utpaladi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Utpala, 
  • Raktotphala,
  • Kumuda,
  • Saugandhika,
  • Kuvalaya,
  • Pundarika and
  • Madhuka

Benefits – This Utpaladi gana cures burning sensation, bleeding diseases, severe thirst, poison, and heart disease, vomiting and fainting.

27. Mustadi Gana

मुस्ताहरिद्रादारुहरिद्राहरीतक्यामलकबिभीतककुष्ठहैमवतीवचापाठाकटुरोहिणीशार्ङ्गष्टातिविषाद्राविडीभल्लातकानि चित्रकश्चेति ||५४||
एष मुस्तादिको नाम्ना गणः श्लेष्मनिषूदनः |
योनिदोषहरः स्तन्यशोधनः पाचनस्तथा ||५५||

Mustadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Musta,
  • Haridra,
  • Darukarida,
  • Haritaki,
  • Amalaka,
  • Vibhitaka,
  • Kustha,
  • Haimavati,
  • Vacha,
  • Patha,
  • Katurohini,
  • Sharngeshta,
  • Ativisha,
  • Dravidi (ela),
  • Bhallataka and
  • Chitraka

Benefits – This Mustadi gana Mitigates kapha, Diseases of the Vagina, purifies breast milk and is digestive.

28. Triphala Gana

हरीतक्यामलकबिभीतकानीति त्रिफला ||५६||
त्रिफला कफपित्तघ्नी मेहकुष्ठविनाशनी |
चक्षुष्या दीपनी चैव विषमज्वरनाशनी ||५७||

Triphala gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Harikati,
  • Amalaka and
  • Vibhitaka

Together, these three are called Triphala. 
Benefits – This Triphala (all three together) mitigates Kapha and Pitta, cures diabetes, leprosy (and other skin diseases) is good for the eyes (kindles digestion and cures irregular / intermittent fevers).
Read – Triphaladi Churnam Uses, Dose, Ingredients, Side Effects

29. Trikatu gana

पिप्पलीमरिचशृङ्गवेराणीति त्रिकटुकम् ||५८||
त्र्यूषणं कफमेदोघ्नं मेहकुष्ठत्वगामयान् |
निहन्याद्दीपनं गुल्मपीनसाग्न्यल्पतामपि ||५९||

Trikatu gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Pippali,
  • Maricha and
  • Shringavera (shunthi)

Together, these three form Trikatukam.
Benefits – Tryushana (Trikatuka) mitigates Kapha, fat, cures, diabetes, leprosy, and diseases of the skin, kindles hunger, cures abdominal tumours, rhinitis and weak digestive fire.
Read – Trikatu Churna Benefits, Dose, Remedies, Side Effects

30. Amalakyadi gana

आमलकीहरीतकीपिप्पल्यश्चित्रकश्चेति ||६०||
आमलक्यादिरित्येष गणः सर्वज्वरापहः |
चक्षुष्यो दीपनो वृष्यः कफारोचकनाशनः ||६१||

Amalakyadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Amalaki,
  • Harikati, 
  • Pippali and
  • Chitraka

Benefits – This Amalakyadi  gana cures all types of fevers good for vision, kindles hunger, is aphrodisiac, mitigates  Kapha and anorexia. 
Read – Triphala with Trikatu – Why and How?

31. Trapvadi  Gana

त्रपुसीसताम्ररजतसुवर्णकृष्णलोहानि लोहमलश्चेति ||६२||
गणस्त्रप्वादिरित्येष गरक्रिमिहरः परः |
पिपासाविषहृद्रोगपाण्डुमेहहरस्तथा ||६३||

Trapvadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Trapu,
  • Sisa,
  • Tamra,
  • Rajata,
  • Krishna Loha,
  • Suvarna and
  • Lohamala

Benefits – This Trapvadi gana is best to remove artificial poison. Worm infection and cure severe thirst, poison, heart disease, anaemia and diabetes.

32. Lakshadi Gana

लाक्षारेवतकुटजाश्वमारकट्फलहरिद्राद्वयनिम्बसप्तच्छदमालत्यस्त्रायमाणा चेति ||६४||
कषायतिक्तमधुरः कफपित्तार्तिनाशनः |
कुष्ठक्रिमिहरश्चैव दुष्टव्रणविशोधनः ||६५||

Laksadi gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Laksha,
  • Arevata,
  • Kutaja,
  • Ashvamara,
  • Katphala,
  • Two Haridra,
  • Nimba,
  • Saptacchada,
  • Malati and
  • Trayamana.

Benefits – This Laksadi gana is astringent, bitter and sweet in taste, relieves the diseases of Kapha and Pitta, cures leprosy (and some other skin diseases), worm infestation and purifies bad (septic) ulcers.

Pancha Panchamula Gana

पञ्च पञ्चमूलान्यत ऊर्ध्वं वक्ष्यामः |
Further we will enumerate Panchapanchamula viz:-

33.  Kaniya / Hrisva / Laghu Panchamula

तत्र त्रिकण्टकबृहतीद्वयपृथक्पर्ण्यो विदारिगन्धा चेति कनीयः ||६६||
कषायतिक्तमधुरं कनीयः पञ्चमूलकम् |
वातघ्नं पित्तशमनं बृंहणं बलवर्धनम् ||६७||

Kaniya Laghu Pancamula – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Trikantaka,
  • Two Brihati,
  • Prithakparni and
  • Vidarigadha

Benefits – This is astringent, bitter and sweet in taste, mitigates Vata and Pitta, makes one stout and bestows strength.
Read – Common Terms Used In Ayurveda Herbal Pharmaceutics

34. Mahat / Brihat Panchamula

बिल्वाग्निमन्थटिण्टुकपाटलाः काश्मरी चेति महत् ||६८||
सतिक्तं कफवातघ्नं पाके लघ्वग्निदीपनम् |
मधुरानुरसं चैव पञ्चमूलं महत् स्मृतम् ||६९||

Mahat Panchamula – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

Benefits – This Mahat Panchamula is better in primary taste and sweet in secondary taste, mitigates kapha and Vata, is light (easily digestible) and kindles digestive fire.


अनयोर्दशमूलमुच्यते ||७०||
गणः श्वासहरो ह्येष कफपित्तानिलापहः |
आमस्य पाचनश्चैव सर्वज्वरविनाशनः ||७१||

The two Panchamula together form Dashamula.

Benefits – This Dasamula gana cures dyspnoea, mitigates  Kapha, Pitta and Vata, cooks the undigested food and cures all types of fever.

35 & 36 Vali Panchamula & Kantaki Panchamula

विदारीसारिवारजनीगुडूच्योऽजशृङ्गी चेति वल्लीसञ्ज्ञः ||७२||
करमर्दीत्रिकण्टकसैरीयकशतावरीगृध्रनख्य इति कण्टकसञ्ज्ञः ||७३||
रक्तपित्तहरौ ह्येतौ शोफत्रयविनाशनौ |
सर्वमेहहरौ चैव शुक्रदोषविनाशनौ ||७४||

Vallipanchamula gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Vidari,
  • Sariva,
  • Rajani,
  • Guduchi and
  • Ajashringi

Kantaka Panchamula gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Karamarda,
  • Trikantaka,
  • Saireyaka,
  • Syatavari and
  • Gridhranakhi (Himsra)

Benefits – Both these cure bleeding diseases, all the three types of swelling, all types of diabetes and diseases of semen.

36. Trina panchamula

कुशकाशनलदर्भकाण्डेक्षुका इति तृणसञ्ज्ञकः ||७५||
मूत्रदोषविकारं च रक्तपित्तं तथैव च |
अन्त्यः प्रयुक्तः क्षीरेण शीघ्रमेव विनाशयेत् ||७६||

Trna Pancamula gana – This group comprises of the below mentioned drugs –

  • Kusha,
  • Kasa,
  • Nala,
  • Darbha and
  • Kandekshuka

Benefits – This Trana Pancamula, the Last one, cures quickly, diseases of urine and bleeding diseases, when administered along with milk.

एषां वातहरावाद्यावन्त्यः पित्तविनाशनः |
पञ्चकौ श्लेष्मशमनावितरौ परिकीर्तितौ ||७७||

Among these five Panchamulas, the first two (laghu and mahat) mitigate Vata, the last mitigates pitta and the remaining two i.e. valli and kantaka mitigate Kapha.
Read – Dashamula Kashayam With Castor Oil For Low Back Pain

त्रिवृतादिकमन्यत्रोपदेक्ष्यामः ||७८||
We will describe Trivrtadi Gana elsewhere.

समासेन गणा ह्येते प्रोक्तास्तेषां तु विस्तरम् |
चिकित्सितेषु वक्ष्यामि, … |७९|
So far Ganas (groups of drugs) were enumerated in brief; the details of these will be described in Chikitsitasthana.

Forms of using the above-mentioned groups of drugs

… ज्ञात्वा दोषबलाबलम् ||७९||
एभिर्लेपान् कषायांश्च तैलं सर्पींषि पानकान् |
प्रविभज्य यथान्यायं कुर्वीत मतिमान् भिषक् ||८०||

After considering the strength and weakness of the Doshas, these drug groups may be used by the wise physician in the form of paste, decoction, oil, ghee, syrup etc. as found suitable (to the patient and disease).

Preservation and methods of using the ganas of drugs mentioned above

धूमवर्षानिलक्लेदैः सर्वर्तुष्वनभिद्रुते |
ग्राहयित्वा गृहे न्यस्येद्विधिनौषधसङ्ग्रहम् ||८१||
समीक्ष्य दोषभेदांश्च भिन्नान् मिश्रान् भिन्नान् प्रयोजयेत् |
पृथङ्मिश्रान् समस्तान्वा गणं वा व्यस्तसंहतम् ||८२||

After collecting these drugs, they should be preserved in the house, without being spoiled by smoke, rain, air and moisture, through all the seasons, thereby maintaining a good store of drugs.

Considering the kinds of combination of Doshas, the drugs may be used either separately or in combination; either one or all together of any group or group divided  into parts.

इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने द्रव्यसङ्ग्रहणीयो नामाष्टत्रिंशोऽध्यायः ||३८||
Thus ends the Thirty-eight chapter by name Dravyasangrahaniya in Sutra Sthana or Susrutha Samhita.



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