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Sushruta Samhita Chapter 43 Vamanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 43 “Vamanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya” – Knowledge of preparing emetic recipes.

Vamanadravya Vikalpa Vijnaniya – Knowledge of preparing emetic recipes

अथातो वमनद्रव्यविकल्पविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

We will now expound the chapter by name Vamanadravya  vikalpa vijnaniya – knowledge of preparing recipes from emetic drugs; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Read – Lord Dhanwantari ‘The God of Ayurveda’

Madana Phaladi Kalpa

Emetic recipes from Madanaphala etc:-

वमनद्रव्याणां फलादीनां मदनफलानि श्रेष्ठतमानि भवन्ति |
अथ मदनपुष्पाणामातपपरिशुष्काणां चूर्णप्रकुञ्जं प्रत्यक्पुष्पासदापुष्पीनिम्बकषायाणामन्यतमेनालोड्य मधुसैन्धवयुक्तां पुष्पचूर्णमात्रां पाययित्वा वामयेत् |
मदनशलाटुचूर्णान्येवं वा बकुलरम्यकोपयुक्तानि मधुलवणयुक्तान्यभिप्रतप्तानि; मदनशलाटुचूर्णसिद्धां वा तिलतण्डुलयवागूम् |
निर्वृत्तानां वा नातिहरितपाण्डूनां कुशमूढावबद्धमृद्गोमयप्रलिप्तानां यवबु(तु)षमुद्गमाषशाल्यादिधान्यराशावष्टरात्रोषितक्लिन्नभिन्नानां फलानां फलपिप्पलीरुद्धृत्यातपे शोषयेत्, तासां दधिमधुपललविमृदितपरिशुष्काणां सुभाजनस्थानामन्तर्नखमुष्टिमुष्णे यष्टीमधुककषाये कोविदारादीनामन्यतमे वा कषाये प्रमृद्य रात्रिपर्युषितं मधुसैन्धवयुक्तमाशीर्भिरभिमन्त्रितमुदङ्मुखः प्राङ्मुखमातुरं पाययेदनेन मन्त्रेणाभिमन्त्र्य-

ऋषयः सौषधीग्रामा भूतसङ्घाश्च पान्तु ते |
रसायनमिवर्षीणां देवानाममृतं यथा |
सुधेवोत्तमनागानां भैषज्यमिदमस्तु ते |
विशेषेण श्लेष्मज्वरप्रतिश्यायान्तर्विद्रधिषु; अप्रवर्तमाने वा दोषे पिप्पलीवचागौरसर्षपकल्कोन्मिश्रैः सलवणैरुष्णाम्बुभिः पुनः पुनः प्रवर्तयेदासम्यग्वान्तलक्षणादिति |
मदनफलमज्जचूर्णं वा तत्क्वाथपरिभावितं मदनफलकषायेण; मदनफलमज्जसिद्धस्य वा पयसः सन्तानिकां क्षौद्रयुक्तां, मदनफलमज्जसिद्धं वा पयः, मदनफलमज्जसिद्धेन वा पयसा यवागूम्, अधोभागासृक्पित्तहृद्दाहयोः; मदनफलमज्जसिद्धस्य वा पयसो दधिभावमुपगतस्य दध्युत्तरं दधि वा कफप्रसेकच्छर्दिमूर्च्छातमकेषु; मदनफलमज्जरसं स्नेहं वा भल्लातकस्नेहवदादाय फाणितीभूतं लेहयेत्, आतपपरिशुष्कं वा तमेव जीवन्तीकषायेण, पित्ते कफस्थानगते; मदनफलमज्जक्वाथं वा पिप्पल्यादिप्रतीवापं, तच्चूर्णं वा निम्बरूपिकाकषाययोरन्यतरेण सन्तर्पणकफजव्याधिहरं, मदनफलमज्जचूर्णं वा मधूककाश्मर्यद्राक्षाकषायेण |
मदनफलविधानमुक्तम् ||३||

Madana phala (Randia dumetorum Lam) is the best among all emetic and fruits producing emesis.

Emetic formulation of Madana flowers –

  • Flowers (fruit according to Dalhana) of Madana, should be dried well in sunlight and powdered.
  • One prakuncha (40 gms) of this powder should be mixed with the decoction of either Patyakpushpa (apamarga), Sadapushpi (arka), Nimba or any other drug, added with Honey and Saindhava.
  • This combination should be given to the patient to drink and made to vomit.

Emetic formulation of Madana Salatu –

  • Powder of unripe fruit of Madana, may be used similarly with the decoction of Bakula or Ramyaka, added with honey and Saindhava salt and made warm may be given to drink.
  • Alternatively, Yavagu (thick gruel) prepared from sesame and Tandula added with powder of unripe fruit of Madanaphala may be given to drink.

Madanaphala which is neither very green nor very yellow in color, (in other words which are in the stage of ripening) should be collected. They should be placed inside a pouch of Kusa grass (tied with threads and made as a bundle) smeared with mud or cow dung, slightly dried and then kept hidden for eight days in a heap of Yavabusa (Barley husk), Green gram, Black gram, Rice, Paddy and such other corns.

Afterwards, the fruits which will have become moist and opened should be squeezed slightly. Their seeds should be collected separately and dried in sunlight. Next these should be grinded with curd, honey, paste of sesame and dried. Next, one fistful (one pala-40 gm) of this, is put in a good vessel, kept soaked for one night in the hot decoction of Yastimadhu, Kovidara or any such drug. Next morning this should be added with honey and saindhava (rock salt). The patient is made to sit facing east and physician should sit facing north. The patient is made to drink this recipe sanctified by the following benedictory hymns.
May Brahma, Daksha, Asvini, Rudra, Indra, Bhu, Chandra, Arka, Anala, Anila, Rishis, groups of drugs and living beings protect you, may this medicine be to you just as Rasayana (elixirs) to the Sages, Amrita (Nectar) to the Gods, and Sudha (Nectar) to the noble Nagas.

  • In diseases such as fever caused by aggravated Slesma (Kapha), nasal catarrh and internal abscess especially, or when the Doshas are not moving out, this recipe mixed with the paste of Pippali, Vacha, Gaurasarshapa, Lavana and warm water should be administered again and again and vomiting induced till symptoms of satisfactory vomiting appear.
  • Powder of marrow of Madanaphala, soaked in the decoction of Madanaphala itself, may be administered. The cream of milk boiled with marrow of Madanaphala, mixed honey may be given; or milk cooked with the marrow of Madanaphala; or Yavagu (thick gruel) prepared with the marrow may be administered in bleeding disease of downward route and burning sensation in the region of the heart.
  • Milk boiled with marrow of Madanaphala is curdled, then the fluid of that curd or curd itself may be used in more secretion of kapha, vomiting, fainting and bronchial asthma.
  • Juice or oil is obtained from the narrow in the same way as oil is obtained from Bhallataka, fruit, then it is allowed to become thick and then licked; or it is dried well in sunlight and consumed along with the decoction of Jivanti; these should be used when pitta has become localized in the seats of Kapha
  • Decoction of marrow of madanaphala added with powder of drugs of Pippalyadi gana or the powder of the marrow along with decoction of Nimba, Rupika or any other drug administered in diseases caused by over nutrition and aggravation of Kapha, cures these diseases. Or powder of marrow along with the decoction of Madhuka, Kashmarya and Draksha, may be administered.

Thus, was described the recipes of Madanaphala.
Read – Vamana Therapy – Right Method, Side Effects, Management

Jimutaka Kalpa

Recipes of Madanaphala

जीमूतककुसुमचूर्णं पूर्ववदेव क्षीरेण, निर्वृत्तेषु क्षीरयवागूं, रोमशेषु सन्तानिकां, अरोमशेषु दध्युत्तरं, हरितपाण्डुषु दधि, तत्कषायसंसृष्टां वा सुरां कफारोचककासश्वासपाण्डुरोगयक्ष्मसु; पर्यागतेषु मदनफलमज्जवदुपयोगः ||४||

  • Power of the flowers of Jimutaka may be used in the same manner as described previously (in madana kalpa) along with milk.
  • From, the just born fruits of Jimutaka, Ksira Yavagu (thick gruel prepared with milk) may be prepared and used.
  • Fruit with minute hairs (very young fruit) may be used along with cream of milk.
  • Fruit without hairs more developed may be used with cream of curds.
  • Fruits which are greenish-white (ripening) may be used with curd; decoction or Sura (beer) of the fruit may be used in aggravation of kapha, loss of taste, cough, dyspnoea, anemia and consumption. Ripe fruit may be used in the same manner as that of marrow of Madanaphala.
    Read – Charaka Kalpa Sthana 1st Chapter Madanakalpam

Anya Dravya Kalpa

Recipes of other drugs

Kutaja Phala and Kritavedhana

तद्वदेव कुटजफलविधानम् ||५||
कृतवेधनानामप्येष एव कल्पः ||६||

Preparing recipes from Kutaja phala (Holerrhena antidysenterica Wall) and Kritavedhana (Luffa acutangula (Linn) Roxb) are also similar (to those of Jimutaka).


इक्ष्वाकुकुसुमचूर्णं वा पूर्ववत्, एवं क्षीरेण,
कासश्वासच्छर्दिकफरोगेषूपयोगः ||७||

Powder of flowers of Ikshvaku (Lagenaria vulgaris Ser) may be prepared in the same manner along with milk. This is useful in cough, dyspnoea, vomiting, and diseases produced by Kapha.


धामार्गवस्यापि मदनफलमज्जवदुपयोगः;
विशेषतस्तु गरगुल्मोदरकासश्वासश्लेष्मामयेषु वायौ च कफस्थानगते ||८||

Use of Dhamargava (Kritavedhana) is similar to those of marrow of madana phala. These are especially useful in artificial poison, abdominal tumor, enlargement of the abdomen, cough, dyspnoea and diseases produced by Kapha and Vata localized in the seats of kapha.

कृतवेधनफलपिप्पलीनां वमनद्रव्यकषायपरिपीतानां बहुशश्चूर्णमुत्पलादिषु दत्तमाघ्रातं वामयति, तत्त्वनवबद्धदोषेषु यवागूमाकण्ठात्पीतवत्सु च विदध्यात् |
वमनविरेचनशिरोविरोचनद्रव्याण्येवं वा प्रधानतमानि भवन्ति ||९||

Powder of Phala Pippali (seeds) of Kritavedhana, well soaked in the decoction of emetic drugs may be sprinkled on flowers of Utpala etc.; and given to the patient to inhale. This produces vomiting. This method should be adopted when the doshas are not adhering (inside the seat of Kapha), the patient being made to drink Yavaga (thick gruel) to his full capacity. Used in this manner, drugs producing vomiting, purgation to the head becomes more efficient.
Read – Vamanopaga Gana: Emesis Aiding Herbs: Review, Benefits, Formulations

Different forms of using emetic drugs

वमनद्रव्ययोगाणां दिगियं सम्प्रकीर्तिता |
तान् विभज्य यथाव्याधि कालशक्तिविनिश्चयात् ||१०||
कषायैः स्वरसैः कल्कैश्चूर्णैरपि च बुद्धिमान् |
पेयलेह्याद्यभोज्येषु वमनान्युपकल्पयेत् ||११||

Some verses here: –
The description, so far of recipes of emetic drugs is just a pointer; the intelligent physician may make use of these after considering the time (season) and strength, as found suitable to each disease, in the form of either decoction, fresh juice, paste, powder, thin gruel, confection or mixed with food menu to produce vomiting.

 इति श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने वमनद्रव्यविकल्पविज्ञानीयो नाम त्रिचत्वारिंशत्तमोऽध्यायः ॥४३॥
 Thus ends the forty third chapter by name Vamana dravya Vikalpa in Sutra Sthana of Sushrutha Samhita.



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