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HomeLifestyleTeddy at Night time, All Day

Teddy at Night time, All Day


Teddy At Night is your musical companion through the highs and lows, tailoring himself after the quasi-mythical image of Billy Joel’s ‘Piano Man’ but with a beat and groove that’s truly his own, Teddy infuses smooth R&B vibes into light-hearted funky electro-pop sounds that manage to evoke images of neon-lit streets, late-night adventures, and the electric hum of anticipation. This indie musician from Nashville is poised to conquer your heart as a personal friend.

With over a decade of experience touring internationally, Teddy brings a worldly vibe and cool confidence to everything he does that rests on stage-tested bravado and proficiency. Recently he’s released a string of singles and he’s gearing up for a brand new tour across 10 U.S. cities, culminating in a Nashville gig to launch his debut album.


So, buckle up, music lovers. Teddy At Night is about to take you on a ride:


What can you tell us about your upcoming tour and the locations you will be performing at?


I honestly can’t believe I get to talk about this. This is the first Teddy at Night tour ever, and we’re taking it to 10 cities. Cincinnati, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Birmingham, Memphis, New York, Columbus, and ending it all with a dangerous album release show in Nashville. We’re also bringing 2 incredible bands with us, Moony and Golden Blue. Some fancy nights ahead.


You’ve been touring for over ten years already, let’s talk a bit about your experiences. Can you share with us some memorable moments from your time on tour? In particular, can you tell us about the most extraordinary location you have performed at thus far?


It’s been quite the decade. I’ve been fortunate enough to play packed arenas all over the world. But nothing is better than a packed sweaty club. I got to play the Sydney Opera House sold out twice in one day. It was quite unforgettable. Stepping out from the drums and up to the mic has been mega-freeing. I’ve never felt more alive on stage.


After almost ten years of touring, are there any venues or locations that make you think “I would love to perform there”?


Red rocks must happen! It’s also a dream to play a small club that I grew up going to in Anaheim California called Chain Reaction.


Touring can be quite draining, how do you ‘unwind’ or ‘return to baseline’ after all is said and done?


Good question… I’m not sure my mind ever recovers or unwinds. And not necessarily in a bad way. When I’m on the road, I miss my family, and when I’m home I miss the road. It’s wild to process. I wish I could experience everything all at once all the time. Nothing beats when my family is out on the road with me. The dream is to get TAN to a point where we create an environment that opens up to that again. But also Mezcal helps return to a baseline haha.


Let’s talk a bit about your upcoming album. What parts of Teddy At Night go into it? What will you be exploring?


The album is called “Good In The End” and its main goal was to explore and process my spiritual and social journey over the past 10 years. I grew up in a religious home and didn’t know that there was much else out there. fast forward through over a decade of traveling the world playing music, you’re put in so many positions where that are hard to digest. False spotlights with people thinking you have your shit figured out when you don’t. It’s a mind fuck. These songs naturally ended up being my way of processing the outgrowing of friendships, relationships, and false ideals I spent so long chasing. 


How soon can we expect this album to hit streaming services?


The album comes out May 17th, but we are releasing a few singles before. 


Can you tell us about your plans for work following the tour? Are you planning to return to the studio or do you have any upcoming projects in mind? We would love to know more about what is next for you in terms of your career and creative pursuits.


Back to work. We’re already working on the next record! We’ll be adding some more dates on the West Coast as well. A homecoming of sorts. These songs already feel dangerous live, so we’ll be doing that until we die. 






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