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HomeVehiclesTen tell-tale indicators that your exhaust could possibly be damaged

Ten tell-tale indicators that your exhaust could possibly be damaged

It’s a vital part of your car and one of the hardest working components too. And yet a car’s exhaust system spends its lifetime out of sight underneath your vehicle, at the mercy of the elements and constantly in danger of being damaged.

A modern car exhaust system is much more than a simply chimney that takes gases from the engine to the outside world. As well as removing fumes and gases

The importance of an exhaust system cannot be overstated – it takes harmful fumes and gases away from the car’s cabin, it keeps engine noise down and it helps to get the best performance from your vehicle. We simply can’t do without exhausts.

But as they get older, the chance of something failing increases. And if the system does fail you, it will need fixing as soon as possible. You want a good system in working order to get the best from your car and anyway, the annual MOT test checks for noise readings, emissions levels and the likelihood of the system becoming detached from the car, so it could end up returning you an expensive ‘fail’.

Know the signs

Exhaust blowing? Here’s what to look and listen out for:

1. Rattle or vibration

If the exhaust pipe has come loose and is touching another part of the car’s underside, the chances are you’ll feel a vibration going through the vehicle.

2. Rumbling sound

One of the first signs that there could be something wrong with the pipe is a deep, low-down rumble. That could signify a hole is developing.

3. Roaring noise

Often means the silencer is damaged. It’s sited away from the engine and further down the pipe and therefore at the mercy of dirt, water and acid from the road – a corrosion cocktail.

4. Hissing noise

Almost certainly there is a leak somewhere, possibly through a crack in the exhaust manifold (the part that collects the gases and sends them into one pipe) or in the pipework itself.

5. Muffled burbling

This could be cause by something that has broken off or come loose and that is now blocking the exhaust system.

6. Loud noise by the engine

Un-silenced engines are noisy and, if you’re getting much more volume from the front of the car, it could mean a cracked manifold or worn gasket (a seal between engine parts).

7. Loud exhaust at the car’s rear

The silencer is more likely to be found at the tailpipe end of the exhaust so, if it has become damaged or loose, you’ll hear unwanted noise from the back.

8. Catalytic converter

It’s an important part of the exhaust system as it converts harmful gases associated with exhaust into more acceptable fumes. They can be noisy when broken. They’re also a target for thieves so if your exhaust suddenly sounds louder, check to see if it’s missing.

9. Poor performance

An exhaust system is a part of the car’s entire engine make-up that you just can’t do without. If it’s worn out, loose or leaking, you will probably notice a difference in your car’s performance.

10. Decreased fuel economy

Just as with performance, if your exhaust is faulty, it will affect the fuel efficiency of your engine which could mean greater use of petrol or diesel just to run it.

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