In The Library of Lost Dollhouses, Elise Hooper crafts a captivating narrative that spans a century, connecting the present with the past through the discovery of exquisite miniature worlds. Tildy Barrows, a dedicated librarian in San Francisco, finds her life disrupted by the threat of her library’s closure and the unexpected discovery of two hidden dollhouses. These aren’t just toys; they hold clues to the library’s founder, Belva Curtis LeFarge, and a legacy of remarkable and strong women whose stories have been largely forgotten. In this book review, I’ll give you my take on this intriguing work of historical fiction that is set for release April 2025, but also the themes that the author used.
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Hooper masterfully interweaves multiple timelines, transporting the reader to Belle Époque Paris, where we meet women pursuing their artistic passions; to the English countryside, where WWI veterans grapple with the trauma of war; and to Walt Disney’s studio, a hub of creativity in the 1950s. Through Tildy’s investigation, these seemingly disparate threads begin to connect, revealing a tapestry of ambition, resilience, and hidden connections. The dollhouses themselves become powerful symbols, representing not only the meticulous craftsmanship of their creators but also the carefully constructed lives of the women they represent.
The Featured Themes Elise Hooper Focused on
Hidden Histories and Overlooked Women:
A central theme is the recovery and celebration of women’s stories that have been forgotten or sidelined by history. The dollhouses act as a catalyst for uncovering these narratives.
Secrets and Family Legacies:
The book explores the impact of secrets across generations and how they shape family legacies. Tildy’s investigation into the dollhouses reveals hidden connections and surprising familial revelations.
Art and Creativity:
The story delves into the world of art and the creative process, particularly for women in different historical periods. The dollhouses themselves are works of art while the narrative highlights the artistic pursuits of women in Belle Époque Paris and beyond that beautifully enhance this novel.
Personal Discovery and Self-Growth:
Tildy’s journey is not just about uncovering historical secrets; it’s also about her own personal growth and self-discovery. As she unravels the mysteries of the past, she finds herself opening up to new possibilities in her own life.
The Power of Objects and Memory:
The dollhouses serve as powerful objects that hold memories and connect the past to the present. They symbolize the importance of preserving history and the lasting impact of the past on the present. This is an important lesson that gives readers even more to think about.
The Interconnectedness of Time:
The novel spans a century, highlighting the interconnectedness of different time periods and how events in the past can have profound effects on the present.
These themes are interwoven throughout the narrative, creating a rich and compelling story that explores the intersection of history, mystery, and personal growth.
The Library of Lost Dollhouses by Elise Hooper is more than just a historical mystery; it’s a celebration of overlooked women, a declaration to the power of history, and a heartwarming story of personal growth. Readers who enjoy historical fiction with resilient female characters and a touch of intrigue will find themselves thoroughly engrossed in this charming novel. Check this book out!
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Thanks to HarperCollin for this #gifted book for this review.