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HomeLifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for April 14 to twenty, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for April 14 to twenty, 2024

Your weekly horoscope for April 14 to 20, 2024, features a rare planetary meetup that hasn’t happened since May 1941! But before that, part of your solar eclipse story is reactivated on April 15 when Mercury in Aries meets with Chiron in Aries. These two celestial bodies are meeting at the very spot in the sky where last week’s solar eclipse in Aries took place, inviting you to reflect on your triggers, pain, and healing journey. Conversations are more raw and vulnerable under these skies.

Also on April 15, the first quarter moon in Cancer marks the end of the spring eclipse season. This moon phase encourages us to take action based on any ideas or seeds we planted during last week’s eclipse. Today, you’re problem-solving and ready to move forward in a confident way based on your intuitive nudges.

Your relationships receive a dose of destiny when love-planet Venus, in Aries, aligns with the north node (a point in the sky connected to fate and the future), also in Aries, on April 17. Contracts and connections feel extra karmic today.

The cosmic weather shifts from go-getter Aries to slow-and-steady Taurus on April 19 when the sun enters Taurus, kicking off Taurus season. The next few weeks ask you to tend to the soil and nurture the seeds you planted during Aries season through consistent effort and dedication. You’re also feeling inspired to take risks when energetic Mars in Pisces meets with Jupiter, planet of luck, and Uranus, planet of change, in Taurus on the same day.

You’re entering uncharted territory on April 20 when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus for the first time since 1941.

And, drumroll please: You’re entering uncharted territory on April 20 when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus for the first time since 1941. With a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, we can see medical advancements, technological breakthroughs, and scientific discoveries. On a personal level, we also have the chance to break free from old ways of being and renegotiate our relationships and desires in bold new ways.

To get a closer look at what these big cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for April 14 to 20, 2024 (and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full April 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope to get a broader picture. 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from April 14 to 20, 2024

  • Monday, April 15: Mercury in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries
  • Monday, April 15: First quarter moon in Cancer
  • Monday, April 15: Moon enters Leo
  • Wednesday, April 17: Venus in Aries conjunct north node in Aries
  • Thursday, April 18: Moon enters Virgo
  • Friday, April 19: Venus in Aries conjunct Mercury in Aries
  • Friday, April 19: Sun enters Taurus
  • Friday, April 19: Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus
  • Friday, April 19: Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus
  • Saturday, April 20: Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus
  • Saturday, April 20: Moon enters Libra

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for April 14 to 20, 2024


aries horoscope slide

Blessings are on their way to you, Aries, when Venus and the north node, both in your sign, meet at the same point in the sky on April 17. A fated meeting might take place, or news you’ve been waiting for could land in your inbox. Now is the time to go after your desires full force—the universe is conspiring in your favor.

Your focus shifts to the practical—supporting yourself, investing in yourself, and building your sense of confidence—when the sun enters Taurus on April 19. Finances become a more important topic for a few weeks; maybe you’re negotiating a new contract. This is also an aligned time for you to stand out among the crowd and your colleagues.

A financial breakthrough or surprise could take place on April 20 when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus. Maybe you splurge on a big purchase or land a new job or opportunity. In any case, you’re open to redefining what security means for you.


taurus horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for April 14 has you ready to share your inner thoughts with the world, Taurus. Under the first quarter moon in Cancer on April 15, you’re feeling inspired to take action based on your gut feelings. You or someone else might share some secrets today, or maybe you’re brainstorming something big behind the scenes.

You’re the main character starting April 19 when the sun enters your sign. Over the next few weeks, your charisma and charm can help you get what you want. VIPs are eager to support you—and you could make some serious progress on a personal goal.

A shock and surprise unfolds the following day, on April 20, when Jupiter and Uranus meet in your sign for the first time since May 1941! This can look like a lucky breakthrough, a surprise proposal, or a sudden rush of enthusiasm to reinvent yourself or share something bold with the world. Taking risks will bring rewards today.


gemini horoscope

Gear up for the invitation of a lifetime, Gemini, when Venus and the north node meet in Aries on April 17. This energy is celebratory in nature and could look like attending a fancy soiree, landing an epic brand partnership, or meeting someone who inspires you to chase after your dreams.

You’re in a more introspective and sensitive mood starting April 19 when the sun enters Taurus. Your season is around the corner, but before it arrives comes a time for letting go of any behaviors (or people) you don’t want to bring with you into your next year.

A powerful dream may shake you to your core when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. This could look like a visit from a loved one who has passed or even some sort of divine intervention or message. Today, you can embrace change of a monumental level and shatter old patterns and ways of operating once and for all.


cancer horoscope

You’re heading in a new direction, Cancer, thanks to the first quarter moon in your sign on April 15. Eclipse season likely brought sweeping change and impacted your sign more intensely than other zodiac signs. Today, you’re ready to put your needs and desires first, and take a bold step toward embodying a more authentic lifestyle.

Luck is on your side starting on April 19 when the sun enters Taurus. The next few weeks put your attention on your relationships with friends and groups in which you feel a strong sense of belonging. A bonus: A friend-of-a-friend or someone of importance might show up in your sphere who is able to help accelerate some of your hopes for the future.

You’re considering an unexpected vision for your future when Jupiter and Uranus meet on April 20. Maybe an old dream feels stale and you’re tempted to move in a new, innovative direction. You could also have a brush with fame today or receive an opportunity to attend an event that feels expansive and inspiring.


leo horoscope

You’re sharing something sweet with the world, Leo, when Venus and the north node, both in Aries, meet on April 17. This is a beautiful day to launch something, pitch an idea to a friend, or discuss the future in a romantic relationship. It’s also possible good news makes its way to you in some written form.

The public eye is focused on you once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. The next few weeks make your aura even more irresistible, and people of importance are recognizing your unique gifts and talents. This spells out a bold period for you when it comes to sharing a new side of yourself with the world.

Unexpected and potentially life-changing developments can unfold when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. Maybe you decide to move across the country or accept a big job… or maybe you wind up on stage! There is no shortage of shock and possibility.


virgo horoscope

Your financial world gets a glow-up, Virgo, when Venus in Aries meets with the north node in Aries on April 17. Today’s the day that the contract you’ve been waiting for comes through, or you pay off the final balance on your credit card and feel back on track with your finances. You’re also more open to exploring your intimate side, and a close relationship with a lover or BFF can grow deeper or more profound.

The paths that lie ahead of you feel full of promise once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. You feel curious and eager to learn by trying and experiencing something new. This is the best time of the year to check something off your bucket list. Escaping your comfort zone can leave you feeling inspired and full of ideas you’d like to pursue.

Surprising admissions or conversations take place when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. There is no way of predicting how your mind will operate on this day. You might feel ready to share something that shocks others—or someone unexpected could confide in you.


libra horoscope

An important relationship is forming in your life, Libra, and you’re ready to map out what lies ahead under the first quarter moon in Cancer on April 15. Whether it’s an existing connection or a relationship with someone new, you’re figuring out a new way to navigate a relationship dynamic and your shared visions for the future.

It’s time to get serious about your finances once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. The next few weeks bring your attention to paying off debt and getting on track with your budget. Emotionally, you’re also focused on the give and take in your relationships. Who shows up for you in the same way you show up for them? If there are relationships that feel unbalanced, it may be time to address those power dynamics.

A personal moment might leave you feeling forever changed once Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. This could look like a big release from an obligation that’s run its course, a personal breakthrough, or even swift and unexpected financial changes.


scorpio horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for April 14 has you coming to terms with a new daily routine, Scorpio. Last week’s eclipse likely illuminated a need for you to take on a new responsibility or project in your daily life, and under the first quarter moon in Cancer on April 15, you’re feeling more adjusted and finding a new normal.

Love is in the air starting April 19 when the sun enters Taurus, moving through your seventh astrological house of one-on-one partnerships. You’re ready to invest more of your energy into the relationships that matter most in your life. It’s also possible a loved one is going through something personal and asks for you to show up and support them.

You could be either getting engaged or calling it quits with a lover when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. In any case, your status quo for love is about to be disrupted. That might also look like meeting someone special out of the blue or taking a major next step with a partner after a period of stagnancy. It’s time to take risks in the name of love!


sagittarius horoscope

You’re feeling full of gratitude, Sagittarius, when Venus in Aries mingles with the north node in Aries on April 17. You may have multiple reasons to celebrate, from learning about an exciting opportunity to experiencing a wave of romance to making progress on a creative project. Fate and destiny step in and remind you that the universe always has your back when you center your joy and pleasure.

It becomes apparent on April 19, when the sun enters Taurus, that it’s going to require a lot of dedication for you to achieve your big goals and plans. Small and consistent effort can feel unfulfilling at first, but you know deep-down that making tiny changes to your everyday routine can help you craft a lifestyle that supports your goals.

As for that bad habit you’ve been trying to kick? Consider it gone once Jupiter and Uranus meet on April 20. This is the day to commit to a new lifestyle and leave behind the behaviors that have been holding you back from achieving your potential.


capricorn horoscope

Your personal life is full of bliss, Capricorn, when Venus and the north node, both in Aries, meet up on April 15. You might make a fated decision about where you live or experience a new level of harmony within a family relationship. You might also find yourself reminiscing about the past, taking the next step with a partner, or sharing something with a loved one that you previously kept private.

It’s your job to have fun over the next few weeks once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. This is your cosmic cue to recommit to hobbies that light you up and prioritize what your inner teen thought was cool AF. Your romantic life can also pick up: If you’re single, this is an aligned time to put yourself out there and start swiping.

If you’ve been struggling with writer’s block or a lack of creativity, that’s all about to shift once Jupiter and Uranus meet on April 20. Your big break is right around the corner, and you’re either receiving some once-in-a-lifetime news or an opportunity that feels out of this world, or you’ve landed on a creative vision that you can’t ignore.


aquarius horoscope

Your self-expression will set you free, Aquarius, when Venus and the north node, both in Aries, meet at the same point in the sky on April 17. Speaking your mind, especially in your closest relationships, will only bring you deeper into alignment and help you feel reassured of your path ahead. You could also learn some news that feels fated in some way or land a contract that involves your creative and confident side.

Home and hearth are top of mind for you once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. The next few weeks put you in a nesting mood—this is a great time to declutter, reorganize, and redefine what physical comfort and security mean for you.

A personal breakthrough could shake the foundation of your life when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. Emotional, sudden changes in your personal life can lead to rapid growth and release of the past. This could look like a sudden move, a shift in a family dynamic, or the adoption of a new career path.


pisces horoscope

Your savings account is growing, Pisces, thanks to Venus in Aries and the north node in Aries meeting on April 17. New work opportunities that feel fated could enter into your realm of possibility. People are recognizing your worth and skills—use this to your advantage when it comes to negotiating. You might make a purchase or investment in your own future, or others may be deeply investing in you.

Speaking your mind becomes more important over the next few weeks, once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. You’re curious and eager to learn from others… and can even get into a heated debate or two. This can also be a busier time for your social schedule, but you’re likely bouncing between gatherings of friends you adore.

Your (metaphorical) million-dollar idea arrives when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20. Maybe you hear from someone surprising, learn about an unexpected contract, or land on a solution that’s long evaded you. This is an aligned time for you to share your thoughts and feelings with others because you never know who is ready to back you.



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