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HomeLifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for April 7 to 13, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for April 7 to 13, 2024

Eclipse season forges ahead in your weekly horoscope for April 7 to 13, 2024. The week begins with the moon entering Aries on April 7 and building toward the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 (which will be visible across a wide swath of the United States). This lunation brings a new, fated beginning regarding your sense of self, confidence, and identity. You might step into a new role, shake up your style, or charge fearlessly after a new ambition or desire under this eclipse.

The solar eclipse will also reactivate themes that surfaced under last year’s solar eclipse in Aries on April 20, 2023. Think about what you were initiating or focusing your energy on around that time, as this marks a second chapter in that storyline.

There will be some tension in the sky when Mars and Saturn, the two most notoriously challenging planets, link up in Pisces on April 10. Mars is a planet of action, anger, courage, and drive; whereas, Saturn is a planet of restriction, responsibility, commitment, and karma. When they join together, it creates a sort of stop-and-go energy: Mars wants to push forward, and Saturn demands you take your time. This can infuse the day with a somber, serious energy and potentially trigger temporary setbacks or delays before you’re able to make much progress on anything.

At this halfway point of the retrograde, Mercury is said to “sit in the heart of the sun,” which gives it some temporary strength, leading to a moment of clarity and illumination.

ICYMI: Mercury is currently retrograde in Aries, too, which has been causing crossed wires and tech issues since April 1. But some relief arrives when the sun and Mercury meet at the same point in the sky, forming a cazimi on April 11. At this halfway point of the retrograde, Mercury is said to “sit in the heart of the sun,” which gives it some temporary strength, leading to a moment of clarity and illumination. This is a powerful day to communicate your thoughts and feelings with the important people in your life.

To get a closer look at what these astrological shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for April 7 to 13, 2024 (and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full April 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope to get a broader picture. 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from April 7 to 13, 2024

  • Sunday, April 7: Moon enters Aries
  • Monday, April 8: New moon solar eclipse in Aries
  • Monday, April 8: Sun in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries
  • Tuesday, April 9: Moon enters Taurus
  • Wednesday, April 10: Mars in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces
  • Thursday, April 11: Moon enters Gemini
  • Thursday, April 11: Sun in Aries conjunct Mercury in Aries
  • Saturday, April 13: Moon enters Cancer

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for April 7 to 13, 2024


aries horoscope slide

This is one of the biggest weeks of the year for you, Aries, thanks to the solar eclipse in your sign on April 8. You’re ready to step out into the world and show a new side of yourself. This can mark a major shift in your identity; perhaps you’re debuting a new tattoo sleeve or stepping into (or leaving) a role or relationship. In any case, fated changes that happen this week could have a major effect on the course of your life.

Watch out for overdoing it when Mars and Saturn, both in Pisces, team up on April 10. Playing the martyr can be satisfying from time to time, but today, it could get the best of you. Committing to boundaries around your personal time may be necessary.

You’re communicating clearly and effectively when the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, unite in the sky on April 11. If exes have re-entered your life, you’re ready to tell them how you really feel! Leaning into self-expression today is key for success.


taurus horoscope

Take your time processing any big feelings that may arise under the April 8 solar eclipse, Taurus. You’re most likely dealing with some sort of ending—whether of a relationship, a bad (if comfortable) habit, a friendship, or something else entirely. Change is uncomfortable (especially for you), but trust that whatever is being eclipsed out of your life is creating space for new possibilities to blossom.

You’re getting serious about your ambitions when Mars and Saturn, both in Pisces, link up in the sky on April 10. Commitment is on your mind as you decide to spend your energy volunteering for a cause that feels meaningful to you or connecting with people who share similar interests and values. You may also need to set boundaries within some of your friendships and express any grievances you’ve avoided addressing.

Your dreams are offering up important clues and messages about the next steps on your path when the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, meet on April 11. This is one of the best days of the year to listen to your gut and take action based on your intuitive impulses. You might also be ready to make an important shift in your daily routine.


gemini horoscope

New friendships could enter your life, Gemini, under the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. You may also meet a mentor, investor, or someone who can help shape some of your dreams (whether that’s through funding or collaboration). This is a fated time to network and speak your desires aloud—the universe is listening.

Work might feel especially challenging when Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces join together on April 10. Maybe you’re accepting a promotion that requires you to pour more of your energy into work, or perhaps you’re ready to cut ties with a toxic work environment or set boundaries between your personal and professional lives.

Uplifting news makes its way to you when the sun in Aries and Mercury in Aries meet at the same point in the sky on April 11. One of your ideas or dreams might pick up steam and start to take off. Conversations with friends today can also reveal once-hidden information or motives, or otherwise change the course of your friendship.


cancer horoscope

You may be stepping into an important role, Cancer, thanks to the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. Maybe you’re ready to make the move from mentee to mentor or take on new duties in your personal or professional life. Either way, this week feels life-changing as your current priorities begin to shift in monumental ways.

Boundaries are your best friend when Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces link up on April 10. Don’t be afraid to tell someone no or assert your beliefs and stand up for yourself. You may also find a new level of discipline within yourself to commit to learning something new. Another thing to note: If you’re traveling around this time, expect some hiccups and delays.

You’re ready to share something meaningful with a wider audience when the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, unite on April 11. You might have reconsidered your life path, calling, or career over the past few weeks—and now, you’re feeling confident in what you’d like to pursue and how you’d like to move forward.


leo horoscope

Your voice is your superpower, Leo, under the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. This eclipse delivers a fated change of perspective, and you may feel called to share your new beliefs and feelings with a larger audience. You could also receive new opportunities to share your expertise through speaking, broadcasting, or publishing.

Bills could be on your mind on April 10 when Mars in Pisces meets with Saturn in Pisces. You’ve either reached a breaking point when it comes to accruing debt, or maybe you’ve finally made the last payment of a monthly installment plan. In any case, it’s time to get serious about your finances and act maturely and strategically.

Exciting news and ideas flood your mind when the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, meet on April 11. As a result, you could feel more encouraged and hopeful about the future. People are enchanted by what you have to say today—so speak up!


virgo horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for April 7 ushers in a new era for your finances, Virgo. The solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 might deliver a fated contract or opportunity. Emotionally, you’re clearing out the clutter and making peace with the past. This can stir up big feelings, so take time to process, and nurture your nervous system as necessary.

You’re either all-in or on your way out when Mars and Saturn, both in Pisces, team up on April 10: You could feel ready to express relationship issues or leave any relationship that feels taxing. It’s also possible an important person in your life is going through some sort of transformation and requires more of your support during this time.

If checks and payments have been lost in the mail or delayed, you’re finally ready to head to the bank when the sun and Mercury meet in Aries on April 11. By the same token, today’s cosmic energy could deliver a solution for any lingering financial issues.


libra horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for April 7 brings the end of an era, Libra. You’re undergoing undeniable changes in your closest partnerships thanks to the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8: People who enter and exit your life in the coming weeks feel karmic. Know that as one relationship ends, it creates space for a new one to form or deepen.

Your daily grind and routine just got more intense with Mars and Saturn joining together in Pisces on April 10. It’s hard to ignore the responsibilities on your plate, and both your personal and professional lives might feel a little more than overwhelming at the moment. Advocating for the help you need might be more necessary than normal.

Important discussions may be underway on April 11 when the sun and Mercury unite in Aries. You might be talking about next steps with a romantic partner or renegotiating terms with a business partner. Either way, you’re ready to communicate with clarity.


scorpio horoscope

Say goodbye to your old routine, Scorpio. You may be stepping into a new role or promotion that requires much more daily effort and responsibility than before under the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. This is also a powerful time to eliminate bad habits from your everyday life and embrace the kinds of rituals that support your mental well-being instead.

You’re committing to your craft when Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces link up on April 10. You might be ready to turn an activity you previously did for fun into something serious. Maybe you’re going from weekly Zumba classes to performing onstage or signing up to become an instructor. There’s also a more serious tone when it comes to your romantic relationships; discussing the future in a practical way may be necessary.

If you’ve felt like you’ve been juggling way too much, you could finally land on a solution once the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, team up on April 11. Today, you can ask for help and express your needs clearly. You can also feel more in flow when it comes to your daily responsibilities.


sagittarius horoscope

Your life may feel full and worth celebrating, Sagittarius, under the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. You’re hitting a milestone—perhaps publishing your novel or expanding your family—and there is no shortage of exciting developments. Your job is to follow your heart’s calling and prioritize what brings you the most joy.

You’re making serious decisions in your personal life when Mars and Saturn team up in Pisces on April 10. This could look like setting firm boundaries with family members or even a lover, or breaking free from people in your past who’ve been holding you back.

Here come your exes when the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, sync up on April 11. Old relationships or relationship issues could resurface to be addressed. You may also be recommitting to a creative project or hobby from your past that feels newly fulfilling.


capricorn horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for April 7 could have you packing your bags, Capricorn. You may be gearing up for a big move or perhaps redesigning your living space under the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. Your comfort and security are top priorities. Major shifts in your family dynamics may also unfold as you navigate a new normal in your personal relationships.

You can communicate with precision and maturity when Mars and Saturn team up in Pisces on April 10. This is the day to set boundaries firmly and clearly, even if it makes others uncomfortable. News that feels heavy or even disappointing might arrive, but just trust that any “no” you receive is paving the way for a more aligned “yes.”

You’re able to understand your past with new perspective when the sun and Mercury meet in Aries on April 11. This is a major day for releasing old beliefs, as well as breaking cycles and patterns that run in your family. You don’t have to be chained to old behaviors that limit your potential any longer.


aquarius horoscope

New contracts and opportunities are on the horizon, Aquarius. The solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 encourages you to voice your thoughts and feelings because in the process, others will recognize your authenticity and be drawn to your ideas. Negotiations can feel fated around this time, and you may also be switching up your daily routine in a welcomed way.

You’re ready to make a new financial commitment when Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces team up on April 10. Maybe you put something on layaway, or you’re taking on a new monthly expense. This is also an important time to limit any frivolous spending and use your discernment when it comes to swiping your credit card.

When the sun and Mercury meet up in Aries on April 11, you may begin to change your mindset or how you speak to yourself. You’re also feeling more confident when it comes to speaking up for yourself and putting yourself first in the process.


pisces horoscope

The way you support yourself is shifting, Pisces. You might feel ready to leave a job that’s gotten too comfortable or accept a promotion under the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8. You could also make an investment that feels somehow life-changing or feel a newfound rush of confidence when it comes to your own skills and talents.

Commitment is on your mind when Mars and Saturn, both in Pisces, team up on April 10. You’re ready to go after a personal goal, commit to a new exercise routine, or advocate for your personal needs in your relationships. This energy channels the wisdom, maturity, and dedication necessary to bring some of your dreams to life.

Money is on its way to you once the sun and Mercury, both in Aries, unite in the sky on April 11. If conversations around a promotion or raise have been delayed, they may begin to pick up. An old coworker could also reach out about a new job opportunity, and this is an aligned time to get serious about crafting new financial goals for yourself.



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