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HomeLifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for February 25 to March 2, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for February 25 to March 2, 2024

Your weekly horoscope for February 25 to March 2, 2024, is a mixed bag: It starts out on a dramatic note, brings a sobering reality check, and closes with a hint of reassurance.

It all kicks off on February 27 when Mars in Aquarius forms a tough square with Jupiter in Taurus. While Mars is the planet of action and anger, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, amplifying the energy of any planet with which it connects in the sky. The result? A whole bunch of drama and intensity. It’s easy to act impulsively and overcommit, leaving yourself depleted in the process. Think twice before engaging in heated conversations because people will be more reactive today than usual.

Cooler Piscean energy takes over the skies on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn meet up in the sign. The connection between the sun and Mercury brings clarity—particularly through a spiritual practice, your intuition, or even symbolism in your dreams. Whereas, the involvement of Saturn asks you to make a responsible choice or even a sacrifice. Your relationship with maturity, responsibility, and authority will be tested. It’s not the easiest or most fun-loving energy, but it can be grounding and stabilizing.

Your relationship with maturity, responsibility, and authority will be tested.

You could feel hopeful about the decisions you’ve made on February 29 when Mercury in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus. News you receive today is worth celebrating, and this is a wonderful day to seek and give support in your friendships and close relationships. As the week wraps up, something else may be illuminated under the sun’s rays, while it, too, mingles with Jupiter, and you feel confident in how you’d like to move forward.

To see exactly what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for February 25 to March 2, 2024 (and be sure to read the horoscope for your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full February 2024 horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope to get a broader picture. 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from February 25 to March 2, 2024

  • Monday, February 26: Moon enters Libra
  • Tuesday, February 27: Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus
  • Wednesday, February 28: Sun in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Pisces
  • Wednesday, February 28: Mercury in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces
  • Wednesday, February 28: Sun in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces
  • Wednesday, February 28: Moon enters Scorpio
  • Thursday, February 29: Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus
  • Thursday, February 29: Venus in Aquarius sextile north node in Aries
  • Friday, March 1: Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus
  • Saturday, March 2: Moon enters Sagittarius


aries horoscope slide

Watch out for overspending, Aries, when Mars in Aquarius rams into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. You might feel inspired to invest in one of your goals for the future, perhaps by buying that new website template or hiring a personal assistant… but are you getting ahead of yourself?

Carve out extra time for rest on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn all meet up in Pisces; this connection can open your eyes to someone or something in your life that’s no good for you. Allow yourself to feel whatever big emotions arise as you close out a cycle and create space for new opportunities to take root.

When the sun in Pisces mingles with Jupiter in Taurus on March 1, you could receive helpful insight or another kind of spiritual download straight from your intuition, ancestors, or the universe writ large. Ideas flow during meditation or spiritual practices today and can lead to a stronger sense of emotional security.


taurus horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for February 25 comes with a dose of jealous energy, Taurus. You’ll want to brace for haters on February 27 when Mars in Aquarius clashes with Jupiter in your sign. People may project their fears and insecurities onto you, especially in your professional relationships. On the bright side, you could also experience a burst of energy that allows you to make progress on a personal goal.

On February 28, you could find yourself diving into a new creative project as the sun, Mercury, and Saturn all join together in Pisces. You might start volunteering for a cause close to your heart or have some promising but serious conversations about committing to one of your dreams—like, say, recording music and sharing it on social media.

You can receive recognition and lucky news on March 1 when the sun in Pisces syncs with Jupiter in your sign. Others may be ready to invest in your ideas, or you could feel seen and validated in your friendships and other collaborative connections.


gemini horoscope

Do your best not to believe every limiting thought that pops into your mind, Gemini, when Mars in Aquarius slams into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. Some of your inner fears and insecurities might cloud your mind today. It’s also possible you’ve overcommitted, leaving yourself running around and feeling exhausted. Engaging in grounding exercises can help to disrupt any unwelcome thought patterns.

You could take on more responsibility—either at work or in your personal life—on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn link up at the same point in the sky. This might look like accepting a promotion (but perhaps it requires longer working hours), or stepping up to help a family member or friend who’s going through a rough patch.

Recognition is on its way on March 1 when the sun in Pisces merges with Jupiter in Taurus. You could learn some exciting news about something at work that has been developing behind the scenes; maybe your boss is crafting a new role just for you!


cancer horoscope

You’re torn between going after the future you desire and managing your current financial situation, Cancer, when Mars in Aquarius clashes with Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. It’s easy for a scarcity mindset to get the best of you today… or perhaps you finally feel ready to make an important investment in your future.

Your conversations take on a serious tone on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn all link up in Pisces. You’re making commitments and signing contracts. You might also experience an eye-opening realization regarding some of the hard work that lies ahead before you can set your plans into motion.

Some support and answers arrive a few days later on March 1 when the sun in Pisces mingles with Jupiter in Taurus. This energy is great for sharing your thoughts with others and brainstorming solutions together. You might also be doing something with friends or a lover that pushes you outside of your comfort zone—but makes you feel alive.


leo horoscope

Your close relationships experience a little turbulence, Leo, when Mars in Aquarius bumps into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. Perhaps you’re investing too much of your time or energy into your work versus your romantic life… or vice versa?

You could get serious about your finances on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn connect in the sign of Pisces. You might be paying down some debt, paying your taxes, or setting new financial goals and boundaries with a partner.

Someone may be ready to contribute to your growth or goals on March 1 when the sun in Pisces syncs up with Jupiter in Taurus. You’re feeling grateful toward others in your sphere and validated and appreciated for all your hard work.


virgo horoscope

Don’t overdo it, Virgo, when Mars in Aquarius squares off with Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. This cosmic energy could have you hopping from appointment to appointment with meetings in between, leaving you overworked and overwhelmed. Assert your boundaries, and say no if someone is trying to add to your plate today.

The foundations of your close one-on-one relationships—whether business, romantic, or platonic—will be tested on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn unite in Pisces, your opposite sign. This energy asks you to have the conversations you’ve been avoiding; you’ll either decide to take the next serious step together or part ways.

Luckily, a rush of optimism fills your day on March 1 when the sun in Pisces merges with Jupiter in Taurus. An important person in your life could leave you feeling inspired about the future, and you’re able to make key decisions with speed and clarity.


libra horoscope

You may feel creatively inspired, Libra, when Mars in Aquarius bumps into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. You’re ready to go all-in on a personal project, hobby, or even a romantic relationship. This is a wonderful day to do something for the joy of it—like dancing, painting, or photography. If you’re dating or coupled up, sparks may fly!

Come February 28, the energy becomes more somber as the sun, Mercury, and Saturn join together in Pisces. You’re making a sacrifice or commitment that can feel weighty. Today, let your responsible side guide and inform your decisions.

You’re feeling more at peace and in flow on March 1 when the sun in Pisces aligns with Jupiter in Taurus. This is a wonderful day to make progress on your to-do list and make amends—with yourself or others.


scorpio horoscope

Your personal life is full of drama, Scorpio, when Mars in Aquarius rams into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. This could mean fights or disagreements with family members or roommates, or other kinds of distress at home.

You’re committing to your joy on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn all sync up in Pisces. You might be getting back into a hobby or activity from your youth or setting up a routine schedule to finally tackle that personal goal. If you’re dating or coupled up, you’re also deciding who is worthy of your precious time and energy.

Luck is on your side on March 1 when the sun in Pisces teams up with Jupiter in Taurus. This is a day made for your self-expression—so put yourself and your work out there. You’re especially magnetic, and others are more likely than usual to act in your favor.


sagittarius horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for February 25 kicks off with busy, busy energy, Sagittarius, as Mars in Aquarius bumps into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. If you’re in school or working on a project that requires writing or speaking, you can make a lot of progress. Your daily routine might also leave you feeling stretched thin, but ultimately, you’re engaging in activities that light you up.

You could find yourself making a big decision in your personal life on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn link up in Pisces. You might discuss making a move or setting new boundaries, or you could learn serious information regarding an ongoing family situation. Lead with your responsible nature and discernment today, and know that having these conversations can bring you to a more grounded state.

You’re feeling confident in where you’re headed when the sun in Pisces connects with Jupiter in Taurus on March 1. You have a greater sense of certainty in your everyday routine, and you also feel more comfortable asking for support if you’re overburdened.


capricorn horoscope

You may be experiencing a clash of personal values and beliefs in a romantic connection, Capricorn, when Mars in Aquarius forms its tough square with Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. If you’ve been pouring too much into a romantic or creative relationship, you may also reach a breaking point. On the bright side, this transit brings very productive energy for making progress on a passion project.

You can’t avoid setting boundaries on February 28 when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn align in Pisces. Today’s the day to have uncomfortable conversations. You might also be signing a new contract or ending a collaborative project that’s run its course.

New discussions about exciting opportunities could begin on March 1 when the sun in Pisces pairs up with Jupiter in Taurus. This is also an aligned day to take up space and share your art or gifts with the world—some VIPs might just take notice.


aquarius horoscope

You’re taking action based on your beliefs and principles, Aquarius, when Mars, in your sign, rams into Jupiter in Taurus on February 27. Standing up for yourself feels more necessary than it typically does, and you can experience both personal and professional growth when you find the courage to do so.

You’re ready to get serious about your finances when the sun, Mercury, and Saturn come together in Pisces on February 28. You might be accepting a work opportunity that requires more daily responsibility and effort, or perhaps a contract comes to an end, or you’re choosing to move on from a project that no longer feels fulfilling.

A new financial opportunity could present itself on March 1 when the sun in Pisces connects with Jupiter in Taurus. This can bring more emotional security, as well as confidence in your own talents and abilities.


pisces horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for February 25 could have you more capable of listening to your gut, Pisces. Your intuition can serve as an especially helpful guide on February 27, as Mars in Aquarius clashes with Jupiter in Taurus—but limiting beliefs or intrusive thoughts may also fill your mind. Notice where the latter may be getting in the way of the former.

As the sun, Mercury, and Saturn all conjoin in your sign on February 28, you may feel ready to make an important promise or commitment to yourself that you’ve been putting off. You’re energized to do the daily work required to reach that goal.

Exciting opportunities or invitations could land in your inbox or DMs on March 1 when the sun in Pisces mingles with Jupiter in Taurus. Your only task on this day? Trust that your magnetism will help you attract the right people and situations into your life.



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